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Mutation Testing

November 11, 2019

Mutation Testing

Have you ever wanted to testing super powers? Well mutations could be your ticket!

In this talk we'll be looking at how to check your unit tests rock or suck. We'll be using mutation testing to test your test. A must know for anyone who comes into contact with unit tests.


November 11, 2019


  1. About me 2 • Consulting Engineer for Armakuni • I

    help “Return creativity & joy to the world of software engineering” • Quite tall • Favourite animal is the capybara
  2. Todo list • 7 • TDD • Demo: When the

    test doesn’t fail • When it’s useful • Demo: Infection
  3. Rules: Standard Set 1 Set 2 Roll 1 Roll 2

    Roll 1 Roll 2 Pins 1 1 1 1 Score 1 2 3 4 20
  4. Rules: Spare Set 1 Set 2 Roll 1 Roll 2

    Roll 1 Roll 2 Pins 5 5 1 1 Score 5 10 12 13 21
  5. Rules: Strike Set 1 Set 2 Roll 1 Roll 2

    Roll 1 Roll 2 Pins 10 1 1 Score 10 12 14 22
  6. Step by Step Build AST Introduce Bug Do Tests Fail?

    Introduce Bug Do Tests Fail? Introduce Bug Do Tests Fail? 27
  7. Todo list • 29 ✓ TDD ✓ Demo: When the

    test doesn’t fail • When it’s useful • Demo: Infection
  8. Other Use Cases • 35 • Open Source Projects •

    New languages • Improving your heuristic toolkit
  9. Todo list • 36 ✓ TDD ✓ Demo: When the

    test doesn’t fail ✓ When it’s useful • Demo: Infection