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Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Helping Teams Thrive...

Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Helping Teams Thrive When They're Permanently Out-of-Office

Tips for individuals and remote teams as a remote manager, a less-experienced developer, and getting your whole company on board.

Allison McMillan

February 14, 2016

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  1. Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Helping Teams Thrive When

    They’re Permanently Out-of- Office Allison McMillan @allie_p Kevin Hopkins @devneck
  2. ❖ 55% of respondents reported being more productive ❖ 80%

    said they would stay with an employer longer ❖ Telecommuting grew by almost 80% between 2005-2012
  3. ❖ Start Working Remotely ❖ How to be Successful at

    Remote Work ❖ Everyday Tools @allie_p @devneck
  4. We can never hear our remotes during the product wide

    meeting... Sometimes I feel left out because I don’t overhear stuff in the office... I love having meetings without having to find meeting space! Meetings can be tough because it’s hard to hear what’s going on...
  5. New Developer Manager Company ❖ Know Your Tools ❖ Get

    Comfortable Asking Questions ❖ Know When to Ask ❖ Create a support group ❖ Set expectations clearly ❖ Foster relationships amongst the team ❖ Do 1-1’s regularly ❖ Keep involved with your team ❖ Include Everyone in Meetings ❖ Get Some Quality A/V Equipment ❖ Celebrate with Everyone! ❖ Lunch is a Powerful Thing ❖ Share Information Inclusively
  6. Busy teammates means sometimes I’m blocked I want to ask

    for help but don’t want to interrupt someone in the zone I want the flexibility to be in office when I want to be but somewhere else when I don’t
  7. New Developer Manager Company ❖ Ask questions ❖ Don’t be

    afraid ❖ Timebox communications ❖ Think about timezones ❖ Don’t be first ❖ Foster communication ❖ Think about Why ❖ Minimize check-ins
  8. My team does a good job about respecting my off

    hours Getting to know people from a variety of backgrounds and lifestyles has shaped my perspective I feel really connected to my team on a very regular basis. Not having a commute allows me to have a better attitude at the beginning and end of the work day
  9. New Developer Manager Company ❖ Setup Regular Pairing Time ❖

    Ask Questions ❖ Solve Problems ❖ Proactive Effort to Connect ❖ You Bring Value! ❖ Set Boundaries - Fight being ‘Always On’ ❖ Get Your Teams Talking ❖ Welcome Newcomers ❖ Leverage Team Dynamics ❖ Share with Non- Remotes ❖ Setup Proper Channels for Info ❖ Onboarding is Critical ❖ Discuss Culture Regularly
  10. @damienbyrne @piisalie @joshpuetz @tpitale @barrettclark Thank you for the pics!

    Thanks! @aquaranto @hanchang @elliottcarlson @davidstamm @allie_p @devneck
  11. Additional Resources ❖ https://github.com/lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job ❖ http://zachholman.com/posts/remote-first/ ❖ Slack ❖ appear.in

    ❖ Screenhero ❖ http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/02/the-hidden-cost-of-a- flexible-job/385170