The shift towards cloud computing is accelerating as more and more applications are blending with cloud services at deeper levels. The traditional boundaries between applications and cloud are shifting from virtual machines to containers and functions. The integration boundaries are also shifting, moving away from pure database and message broker access to a more blended approach where the mechanical parts of the application are running within the cloud. This new architecture commoditizes the full software stack but the business logic, allowing developers to offload more application logic and management responsibilities to cloud services. However, this can hinder flexibility and limit portability if not done through open APIs and standards. In this talk, we will explore the evolution of cloud-native principles from compute abstraction to integration abstractions for all languages. We will discuss how this evolution allows for migrating, porting, and reusing not only applications, but also patterns, anti-patterns, skills, and experiences. We will also examine the challenges and opportunities of this transformation, including the shift towards application-first cloud services, the role of open-source projects, and the future of cloud-native development. Join us to learn how to take advantage of the latest cloud-native technologies and practices to build scalable, flexible, and portable applications.