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Aurora Storyboard Scene 16 - Training

Aurora Storyboard Scene 16 - Training

Aurora grapples with her newly acquired Power of the Light, under the training of her clumsy father - who was also the last person to have it. Before this, she and her brother, Walter, did everything together with the expectation that he would be the one to receive the power. However, in the turn of events, he became jealous, leaving Aurora feeling truly alone at the top. Can she move past this to focus on her skills?

Bianca Alejos

May 14, 2024

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  1. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 1 Duration 00

    16 Action Notes The sun dimly shines beneath the spinning dark coils. -The caribou eat in a herd, one has his head up and chewing. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 1/195
  2. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 2 Duration 00

    16 Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 2/195
  3. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 3 Duration 00

    15 Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 3/195
  4. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 4 Duration 00

    16 Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 4/195
  5. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 5 Duration 00

    17 Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 5/195
  6. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 6 Duration 00

    15 Action Notes -A caribou in the foreground pops her head up, and takes a beat. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 6/195
  7. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 7 Duration 00

    09 Dialog "Bleeeh!!" Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 8/195
  8. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 8 Duration 00

    09 Dialog "Bleeeh!!" Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 10/195
  9. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 9 Duration 00

    09 Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 12/195
  10. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 10 Duration 00

    09 Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 13/195
  11. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 11 Duration 00

    09 Action Notes The caribou lowers her head again to reveal a stray lightball ascending into the sky Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 14/195
  12. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 12 Duration 00

    09 Action Notes The caribou Exits left The lightball completes its arc, hovers in the air. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 15/195
  13. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 13 Duration 00

    09 Action Notes The light ball begins careening toward the camera. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 16/195
  14. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 14 Duration 00

    09 Action Notes The light ball continues to fall. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 17/195
  15. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 15 Duration 00

    09 Action Notes The light ball spins toward the caribou in the foreground. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 19/195
  16. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 16 Duration 00

    15 Action Notes The light ball hits the unsuspecting caribou's butt. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 21/195
  17. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 17 Duration 00

    20 Dialog "BRREEEEGGHHHH!!" Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 22/195
  18. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 18 Duration 00

    21 Action Notes Caribou clamor around Alex and Aurora, who repeatedly throws her arms into a frustrated circular motion. Aura ORANGE. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 24/195
  19. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 19 Duration 00

    22 Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 26/195
  20. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 20 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Aurora repeatedly throws her arms into a frustrated circular motion. Aura ORANGE. Her hands are in fists, her hot breath puffing in the cold air. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 27/195
  21. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 21 Duration 01

    10 Action Notes Her gaze continually drifts toward an eager crowd watching. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 29/195
  22. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 22 Duration 01

    00 Dialog Kids muttering I don't think that's going to work Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 31/195
  23. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 23 Duration 00

    12 Dialog Kids muttering He's not even doing it right Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 33/195
  24. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 24 Duration 00

    14 Action Notes The wild Caribou hops past the child imitating Aurora. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 35/195
  25. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 25 Duration 00

    15 Action Notes The wild Caribou stops behind the child imitating Aurora. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 37/195
  26. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 26 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes The wild Caribou raises his hind legs. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 38/195
  27. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 27 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes The wild Caribou kicks the child imitating Aurora. The other background kids are startled. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 39/195
  28. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 28 Duration 01

    20 Action Notes The wild Caribou runs away, the kid just lies in the snow as the other kids laugh. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 40/195
  29. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 29 Duration 00

    11 Notes Cut back to close up of Aurora and Alex. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 42/195
  30. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 30 Duration 01

    00 Dialog ALEX Okay, um, Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 43/195
  31. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 31 Duration 01

    00 Dialog ALEX take your hands and make Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 45/195
  32. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 32 Duration 01

    18 Dialog ALEX Like an oval. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 47/195
  33. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 33 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes She tries to apply those directions. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 49/195
  34. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 34 Duration 01

    00 Dialog ALEX (CONT'D) Well, not quite like that. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 50/195
  35. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 35 Duration 01

    00 Dialog ALEX (CONT'D) More circular Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 52/195
  36. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 36 Duration 01

    00 Dialog ALEX (CONT'D) but still keep it an oval. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 54/195
  37. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 37 Duration 01

    03 Action Notes She tries to apply those directions. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 56/195
  38. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 38 Duration 01

    00 Dialog ALEX Oh! And try to use your wrists. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 57/195
  39. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 39 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes She tries to apply those directions as ALEX exits out of frame again. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 59/195
  40. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 40 Duration 01

    00 Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 61/195
  41. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 41 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Aurora bends her wrists. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 62/195
  42. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 42 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes AURORA is startled when light shoots from her wrists Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 63/195
  43. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 43 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes The light shoots out. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 64/195
  44. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 44 Duration 01

    00 Notes Cut to Close Up of the light traveling. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 65/195
  45. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 45 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes The same wild caribou from earlier sprints past Aurora and Alex. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 66/195
  46. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 46 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes The light strikes the caribou and it screams. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 68/195
  47. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 47 Duration 01

    00 Notes Medium shot of AURORA and ALEX's shocked reactions Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 69/195
  48. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 48 Duration 01

    00 Notes Cut to Far shot of the Wild Caribou turning around to face the camera with anger. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 70/195
  49. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 49 Duration 01

    00 Notes Cut to Close Up of ALEX's face of fear. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 71/195
  50. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 50 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Caribou angrilly stampedes toward ALEX and AURORA Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 72/195
  51. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 51 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes ALEX panicks and tries to use his powers but it doesn't work. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 74/195
  52. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 52 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Caribou runs into frame as Aurora takes one more step. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 76/195
  53. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 53 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Alex swiftly scoops Aurora into his arm as caribou approaches. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 77/195
  54. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 54 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Alex jumps away from the camera and out of the path of the charging caribou Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 78/195
  55. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 55 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Alex sets Aurora down gently as the caribou stops Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 79/195
  56. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 56 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Aurora sighs as she hugs Alex's torso Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 80/195
  57. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 57 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Alex stands tall and proud, blows air from his nose Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 82/195
  58. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 58 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Something grabs Alex's attention Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 84/195
  59. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 59 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Alex turns suspiciously. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 85/195
  60. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 60 Duration 01

    00 Notes Close up on back hooves of the wild caribou. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 86/195
  61. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 61 Duration 01

    00 Notes Cut to abstract objects to imply ALEX getting kicked in the butt. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 87/195
  62. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 62 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Aurora gasps The Wild Caribou exits in the background as ALEX lie on his stomach on the ground, delirious with his feet in the air, AURORA covers her Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 88/195
  63. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 63 Duration 01

    00 Dialog AURORA I-I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 90/195
  64. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 64 Duration 01

    00 Dialog Alex making old man groaning noises Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 92/195
  65. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 65 Duration 01

    00 Dialog ALEX (still groaning) Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 94/195
  66. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 66 Duration 00

    11 Dialog ALEX Let's reset, okay? Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 96/195
  67. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 67 Duration 01

    02 Dialog Crowd whispers Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 98/195
  68. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 68 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Crowd watches Aurora and whispers. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 100/195
  69. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 69 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Walter watches Aurora train below, the crowd bustling around him. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 102/195
  70. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 70 Duration 01

    00 Dialog Two kids: 'scuse me! Hurry up! 'Scuse me! Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 104/195
  71. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 71 Duration 01

    00 Dialog Two kids: 'scuse me! Right there, over there! 'Scuse me! WHOA! Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 106/195
  72. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 72 Duration 02

    00 Dialog Kid 1: Perfect spot! Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 108/195
  73. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 73 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Walter disappears into the crowd, unnoticed. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 110/195
  74. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 74 Duration 01

    00 Dialog Just behind them, Aurora sees Walter gloomily stroll through town, unnoticed. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 112/195
  75. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 75 Duration 00

    15 Action Notes Aurora pushes away from Alex, moving closer to camera, as her aura turns from yellow to blue. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 114/195
  76. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 76 Duration 00

    15 Dialog Aurora's heart aches, aura BLUE. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 115/195
  77. Scene 1 Duration 01 08 16 Panel 77 Duration 01

    00 Action Notes Aurora exits frame, Alex motions to get up in shock. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 117/195
  78. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 1 Duration 01 00

    Action Notes Aurora puts distance between her and Alex, perhaps attempting to run to Walter, though futile. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 118/195
  79. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 2 Duration 00 14

    Dialog ALEX Aurora? Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 120/195
  80. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 3 Duration 00 14

    Dialog ALEX Aurora? Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 122/195
  81. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 4 Duration 01 00

    Action Notes Aurora looks at her hands and the blue aura emanating from them. She flips her hands. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 124/195
  82. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 5 Duration 01 00

    Action Notes Aurora looks at her hands and the blue aura emanating from them. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 126/195
  83. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 6 Duration 01 11

    Action Notes Aurora is borderline to tears as she studies her blue aura. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 128/195
  84. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 7 Duration 01 00

    Dialog AURORA This is hopeless... Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 130/195
  85. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 8 Duration 00 14

    Dialog ALEX I’m still getting the hang of this whole teaching thing Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 132/195
  86. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 9 Duration 00 14

    Dialog ALEX but I can have Miron grab some books and-- Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 134/195
  87. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 10 Duration 00 12

    Action Notes Aurora looks at her hands and the blue aura emanating from them. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 136/195
  88. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 11 Duration 00 12

    Dialog AURORA No, Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 138/195
  89. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 12 Duration 00 14

    Notes Cut back to far shot of Aurora at the bottom of the hill, in full view of the crowd above. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 140/195
  90. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 13 Duration 00 14

    Dialog AURORA I'm hopeless Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 141/195
  91. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 14 Duration 01 03

    Action Notes Aurora takes a pause to pout, drops her arms. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 143/195
  92. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 15 Duration 00 21

    Action Notes ALEX's eyes tremble Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 144/195
  93. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 16 Duration 01 07

    Action Notes There is a breath of silence Alex is stunned. The darkness coils around the sun. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 146/195
  94. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 17 Duration 01 00

    Action Notes Aurora wipes her nose on her sleeve. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 148/195
  95. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 18 Duration 01 00

    Dialog AURORA Walter... Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 150/195
  96. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 19 Duration 00 08

    Action Notes ALEX's eyes tremble Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 152/195
  97. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 20 Duration 01 01

    Dialog AURORA ...could do this in his sleep. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 154/195
  98. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 21 Duration 01 01

    Action Notes ALEX looks to the crowd where Walter was, knowingly. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 156/195
  99. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 22 Duration 00 11

    Action Notes ALEX looks back to Aurora seriously. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 157/195
  100. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 23 Duration 01 03

    Dialog ALEX But... Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 158/195
  101. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 24 Duration 01 00

    Dialog ALEX he doesn’t have the powers. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 159/195
  102. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 25 Duration 01 00

    Action Notes Aurora winces. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 161/195
  103. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 26 Duration 00 14

    Action Notes Aurora takes a pause to pout in acceptance, her lip quivers. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 162/195
  104. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 27 Duration 00 14

    Dialog ALEX And hey, Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 164/195
  105. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 28 Duration 01 00

    Dialog ALEX I don’t have mine either, Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 166/195
  106. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 29 Duration 01 00

    Dialog ALEX so I’m learning too. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 168/195
  107. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 30 Duration 01 00

    Dialog ALEX And I have a lot to learn. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 170/195
  108. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 31 Duration 01 00

    Dialog ALEX You’ve seen what my teaching did for Walter's art. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 172/195
  109. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 32 Duration 01 00

    Action Notes Aurora chuckles and rolls her eyes, blushing. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 174/195
  110. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 33 Duration 01 00

    Action Notes Alex smiles, relieved to see joy. He stands. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 176/195
  111. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 34 Duration 01 00

    Dialog ALEX (CONT'D) But I'm sure we'll get there. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 178/195
  112. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 35 Duration 01 00

    Action Notes Alex settles his hand in offer to Aurora. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 180/195
  113. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 36 Duration 01 00

    Action Notes Aurora takes Alex's hand. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 181/195
  114. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 37 Duration 01 00

    Dialog ALEX It's just going to take patience. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 182/195
  115. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 38 Duration 01 00

    Dialog ALEX And the occasional caribou kick. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 184/195
  116. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 39 Duration 01 00

    Dialog ALEX Right, buddy? Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 186/195
  117. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 40 Duration 01 00

    Action Notes Alex pats the caribou's butt a couple times. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 188/195
  118. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 41 Duration 01 00

    Action Notes Caribou is shocked and angry, spits out grass. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 190/195
  119. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 42 Duration 01 00

    Action Notes Alex is shocked, "Uh oh", as he retracts his hand. Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 192/195
  120. Scene 1_A Duration 38 22 Panel 43 Duration 01 12

    Dialog ALEX OW! Rough Aurora SB SC16 BiAlejos Page 194/195