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PHP 7.1 - Iterable and Void

PHP 7.1 - Iterable and Void

This was a quick opening flash talk given at DallasPHP in August 2016 about the new Iterable and Void types in PHP 7.1.

Bob Majdak Jr

August 09, 2016

More Decks by Bob Majdak Jr

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  1. iterable (it-ah-ah-bul) This is a multi-type type which includes any

    objects which implement the Traversable interface, as well as arrays. It means the function can accept or return a value which will work with the looping constructs.
  2. // objects implementing Iterator are iterable. class Pile implements Iterator

    { public function Current() { /* ... */ } public function Key() { /* ... */ } public function Next() { /* ... */ } public function Rewind() { /* ... */ } public function Valid() { /* ... */ } }
  3. // process iterables. function CanHasIter(Iterable $Stuff): Void { if(is_array($Stuff)) echo

    'by array', PHP_EOL; else printf('by %s%s', get_class($Stuff), PHP_EOL); echo '> '; foreach($Stuff as $Thing) echo $Thing, ' '; echo PHP_EOL; return; }
  4. $Stuff = [ 'omg','wtf','bbq' ]; $Pile = (new Pile)->SetData($Stuff); //

    give it a direct array. CanHasIter([1, 2, 3]); // give it an array variable. CanHasIter($Stuff); // give it an iterable object. CanHasIter($Pile); // give it an iterable object. CanHasIter($Pile->StartsWithVowel()); // give it a generator. CanHasIter(ImAnGenerator()); // give it a string. (intentional error) CanHasIter('omfg');
  5. C:\~\Desktop\PHP71> php Code\Iterable.php by array > 1 2 3 by

    array > omg wtf bbq by Pile > omg wtf bbq by Pile > omg by Generator > 1 2 3 Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to CanHasIter() must be iterable, string given
  6. void (voyyyyy-duh) This is a restrictive type which declares "this

    function returns nothing." aka "i does things, not give things" It means so much nothing that even `return NULL` is not valid. Function must EOB or end with a flat with `return;` Can only be used as a return type, not an argument type.
  7. C:\~\Desktop\PHP71> php Code\Void.php Fatal error: A void function must not

    return a value (did you mean "return;" instead of "return null;"?)