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WordCamp Phoenix 2013 - Intro to Responsive Design

Brad Parbs
January 18, 2013

WordCamp Phoenix 2013 - Intro to Responsive Design

Brad Parbs

January 18, 2013


  1. Brad Parbs C ore contributor for 3.5 C o-founder of

    Snow Day Created theWPclass.com Have plugins on WP.org Open Source & Startup Fanatic WC: MKE Organizer Saturday, January 19, 13
  2. Who are you? * Run a WordPress Site * Created

    a Business Site Saturday, January 19, 13
  3. Who are you? * Run a WordPress Site * Created

    a Business Site * Know nothing about WP Saturday, January 19, 13
  4. Who are you? * Run a WordPress Site * Created

    a Business Site * Know nothing about WP * PHP Guru or CSS Master Saturday, January 19, 13
  5. Who are you? * Run a WordPress Site * Created

    a Business Site * Know nothing about WP * PHP Guru or CSS Master * John Stamos I love WordPress! Saturday, January 19, 13
  6. Who are you? * Run a WordPress Site * Created

    a Business Site * Know nothing about WP * PHP Guru or CSS Master * John Stamos I love WordPress! Someone who needs to use responsive design! Saturday, January 19, 13
  7. Why do we need Responsive Design? Over 1.2 billion mobile

    web users In the USA, 25% only use a mobile device Saturday, January 19, 13
  8. Well, that’s nice. But I don’t care about stats. Responsive

    design is the future. Saturday, January 19, 13
  9. “Building a website with tables is like building a website

    in Excel. Using a spreadsheet. It’s dumb. Really dumb.” -Bill C osby (not really) Saturday, January 19, 13
  10. So what actually makes up RWD? 1. Fluid/Flexible Grid System

    2. Responsive/Adaptive media Saturday, January 19, 13
  11. So what actually makes up RWD? 1. Fluid/Flexible Grid System

    2. Responsive/Adaptive media 3. Media Queries! Saturday, January 19, 13
  12. flexible grid system Breaks the site content in blocks that

    can be moved around. Sized using ‘ems’ or percentages NOT pixel widths. Saturday, January 19, 13
  13. flexible grid system Breaks the site content in blocks that

    can be moved around. Sized using ‘ems’ or percentages NOT pixel widths. pxtoem.com Figure out your widths: Saturday, January 19, 13
  14. adaptive media Images and Videos that resize themselves wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-fluid-images/ WP

    Fluid Images Responsive Video Embeds wordpress.org/extend/plugins/responsive-video-embeds/ FitVids for WordPress wordpress.org/extend/plugins/fitvids-for-wordpress/ Saturday, January 19, 13
  15. media queries CSS that gets applied for specific cases C

    an target device widths, rotation, etc Reformat sites and move things around Saturday, January 19, 13
  16. L et’s get SASSy @mixin respond($media) { @if $media ==

    handhelds { @media only screen and (max-width: $break-small) { @content; } } @else if $media == tablet { @media only screen and (min-width: $break-small + 1) and (max-width: $break-large - 1) { @content; } } @else if $media == desktop { @media only screen and (min-width: $break-large) { @content; } } } Saturday, January 19, 13
  17. L et’s get SASSy @mixin respond($media) { @if $media ==

    handhelds { @media only screen and (max-width: $break-small) { @content; } } @else if $media == tablet { @media only screen and (min-width: $break-small + 1) and (max-width: $break-large - 1) { @content; } } @else if $media == desktop { @media only screen and (min-width: $break-large) { @content; } } } @include respond(handhelds) { // do some awesome SASS styles here } Saturday, January 19, 13
  18. how the #%&! do I test on all of these?

    Saturday, January 19, 13
  19. how the #%&! do I test on all of these?

    Saturday, January 19, 13
  20. Some things to think about... * L ook at stats,

    optimize for those devices first * Simplify your site for all devices, desktop, and mobile * Don’t be afraid to go test at the AT&T store Saturday, January 19, 13
  21. Struggling with integrating this? Ask for help on WordPress.org Talk

    to people here! L ook how other themes do it Google! Saturday, January 19, 13
  22. More useful plugins! wordpress.org/extend/plugins/responsive-select-menu/ Responsive Select Menu WP Orbit Slider

    wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-orbit-slider/ Meteor Slides wordpress.org/extend/plugins/meteor-slides/ Saturday, January 19, 13
  23. So, let’s recap. Responsive web design is the way to

    go Your site can work anywhere & everywhere Saturday, January 19, 13
  24. So, let’s recap. Media queries rock! Responsive web design is

    the way to go Your site can work anywhere & everywhere Saturday, January 19, 13
  25. So, let’s recap. Media queries rock! L ots of cool

    plugins out there to help Responsive web design is the way to go Your site can work anywhere & everywhere Saturday, January 19, 13
  26. So, let’s recap. Media queries rock! L ots of cool

    plugins out there to help Responsive web design is the way to go Your site can work anywhere & everywhere John Stamos loves WordPress Saturday, January 19, 13