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An Ensemble of Programming Languages: How to Bu...

June 22, 2016

An Ensemble of Programming Languages: How to Build a Platform for Collaboration

The era of "general-purpose programming languages" is nearing its end. The cost of building a programming language and integrating it with other languages has fallen significantly, but our approach to building programming languages has not changed substantially in decades. The consequence is an enormous financial cost paid, in terms of real dollars as well as in hours of programmer effort. The solution is not yet another "better" general-purpose language but rather a platform that prioritizes a collaborating assortment of specialized languages that together perform well in a specific context: an ensemble of programming languages.

Presented in Portland, OR at Open Source Bridge 2016.


June 22, 2016

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  1. An Ensemble of Programming Languages: How to Build a Platform

    for Collaboration Open Source Bridge 2016 Brian Shirai @brixen
  2. Uber/Facebook/Google, companies where the person using the service is the

    product, parallel the petroleum industry in three crucial aspects...
  3. Facebook - who you talk to Google - what you

    look at Uber - where you go
  4. There is no universe where U/F/G coexist with meaningful human

    dignity and freedom, which require privacy and ownership of oneself
  5. 3. Support for programming models: OO / functional, pre-compiled /

    managed, type systems, inspectability, parsing
  6. Uber/Facebook/Google, companies where the person using the service is the

    product, parallel the petroleum industry in three crucial aspects... Horribly destructive to humanity Not inevitable Capable of being displaced
  7. References • Reinventing Organizations, Frederic Laloux • The View From

    Flyover Country, Sarah Kendzior • Who Really Matters, Art Kleiner • Culture & Empire: Digital Revolution, Pieter Hintjens • The Psychopath Code, Pieter Hintjens • Reliable and Secure Distributed Programming, Christian Cachin, Rachid Guerraoui, Luis Rodrigues
  8. Credits • https://nsa.gov1.info/dni/prism.html • http://faculty.buffalostate.edu/smithrd/ExxonPix/cleanup.jpg • http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/140319173929-exxon-oil-06-horizontal-large- gallery.jpg • http://images.marinetechnologynews.com/images/mtblog/w800h500/c-oil-spill-on-sea-

    otters-2-700464.jpg • http://media.salon.com/2015/02/Foul-Water-Oil-Fire-1280x9601.jpg • http://www.tbo.com/storyimage/TB/20160201/ARTICLE/160209908/EP/1/1/EP-160209908.jpg • http://actions.priceofoil.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/bus-nigeria-action.jpg • http://redwingrichmond.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/roughnecks.png • http://static.skepticalscience.com/graphics/Temperature_Composite_1024.jpg • http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/130314204911-01-iraq-war-horizontal-large-gallery.jpg • http://coralreefs.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/XL-Catlin-Seaview-Survey-American- Samoa-6-1024x512.jpg • http://coralreefs.org • http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger2/4893/4289/1600/coral-22.jpg • http://d.fastcompany.net/multisite_files/coexist/imagecache/1280/poster/2013/05/1682141- poster-1280-floodmap.jpg • http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/f6971d504a6d894cb7944de3d383c26c5c6bb869/ c=0-0-533-401&r=x404&c=534x401/local/-/media/2016/03/14/USATODAY/USATODAY/ 635935532705590816-635933919773060036-20160312-Flooding-046.JPG • http://www.ucsusa.org/sites/default/files/styles/herospace/public/images/2014/08/vehicles-air- pollution.jpg?itok=doz3eBeZ • https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/ba/Centralised-decentralised-distributed.png • http://perspectives.3ds.com/wp-content/uploads/a-brief-history-of-electric-vehicles1-1024x658.png • https://static01.nyt.com/images/2011/06/26/sunday-review/JP-CAR2/JP-CAR2-popup.jpg