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A Map for Monitoring PostgreSQL | PgDay San Fra...

Citus Data
January 21, 2020

A Map for Monitoring PostgreSQL | PgDay San Francisco 2020 | Lukas Fittl

Understanding how your Postgres database works can be difficult. In this talk we’ll take a look at what can be measured to gain better insights into performance, reliability, and other essential functions of the database.

We’ll take a look at some of the advancements in Postgres monitoring over the years, such as being able to see the 95th percentile of the performance of particular queries, watching details of index creation, or tracking details of auto vacuum performance.

Lastly, we’ll also talk about what can not be measured using the standard Postgres statistics system, and how you may still get important details in such cases.

Citus Data

January 21, 2020

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  1. 1. Install postgresql contrib package (if not installed) 2. Enable

    in postgresql.conf shared_preload_libraries = ‘pg_stat_statements’ 3. Restart your database 4. Create the extension CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements; Enabling pg_stat_statements
  2. SELECT * FROM pg_stat_statements; userid | 10 dbid | 1397527

    query | SELECT * FROM x WHERE calls | 5 total_time | 15.249 rows | 0 shared_blks_hit | 451 shared_blks_read | 41 shared_blks_dirtied | 26 shared_blks_written | 0 local_blks_hit | 0 pg_stat_statements
  3. queryid | 1720234670 query | SELECT * FROM x WHERE

    y = ? calls | 567 total_time | 56063.6489 Avg Runtime = 98.87 ms
  4. queryid | 1720234670 query | SELECT * FROM x WHERE

    y = ? calls | 567 total_time | 56063.6489 min_time | 0.0949 max_time | 902.545 mean_time | 98.877687654321 stddev_time | 203.19222186271 Mean Runtime = 98.87 ms 95th Percentile = 505.45 ms Max Runtime = 902.54 ms
  5. LOG: duration: 4079.697 ms execute <unnamed>: SELECT * FROM x

    WHERE y = $1 LIMIT $2 DETAIL: parameters: $1 = 'long string', $2 = ‘1' Slow Queries log_min_duration_statement = 1000 ms
  6. Important Questions For Indices Should I add an index? Do

    I need to REINDEX? Should I remove an index?
  7. Should I add an index? Measuring Sequential Scans - Per

    Table pg_stat_all_tables seq_scan: # of Sequential Scans seq_tup_read: # of rows read by # Sequential Scans
  8. SELECT relname, seq_scan + idx_scan, 100 * idx_scan / (seq_scan

    + idx_scan) FROM pg_stat_user_tables ORDER BY n_live_tup DESC Index Hit Rate Target: >= 95% on large, active tables
  9. Should I add an index? Doesn't know about what indices

    get used / what plan is being executed. Doesn’t have enough details to EXPLAIN a query, because text is normalized. For a Specific Query? Can I use pg_stat_statements?
  10. # SELECT index_relid::regclass, phase, blocks_done, blocks_total FROM pg_stat_progress_create_index; index_relid |

    phase | blocks_done | blocks_total ------------------+--------------------------------+-------------+-------------- index_tab_pkey | building index: scanning table | 27719 | 44248 (1 row) pg_stat_progress_create_index Measure CREATE INDEX Progress Postgres 12+
  11. Do I need to REINDEX? # SELECT relname, pg_table_size(oid) as

    index_size, 100-pgstatindex(relname).avg_leaf_density AS leaf_density FROM pg_class; relname | index_size | leaf_density -----------------------------------------------+------------+------------- test_inventory_id_idx | 376832 | 89.75 test_pkey | 376832 | 89.75 test_rental_date_inventory_id_customer_id_idx | 524288 | 89.27 Density of ~90% = Optimal for B-Tree pgstatindex(relname).avg_leaf_density
  12. Do I need to REINDEX? # SELECT relname, pg_table_size(oid) as

    index_size, 100-pgstatindex(relname).avg_leaf_density AS leaf_density FROM pg_class; relname | index_size | leaf_density -----------------------------------------------+------------+------------- test_inventory_id_idx | 376832 | 89.75 test_pkey | 376832 | 89.75 test_rental_date_inventory_id_customer_id_idx | 524288 | 89.27 relname | index_size | leaf_density -----------------------------------------------+------------+------------- test_inventory_id_idx | 745472 | 45.52 test_pkey | 737280 | 46.02 test_rental_date_inventory_id_customer_id_idx | 925696 | 51.04 UPDATE 50% of Rows in Table: Index Size Doubled, 50% Bloated
  13. Should I remove an index? Measuring Index Scans - Per

    Index pg_stat_all_indices idx_scan: # of Index Scans
  14. relname | n_live_tup | scans | index_hit_rate ---------------------------------+------------+------------+---------------- query_fingerprints |

    347746140 | 513262821 | 99 queries | 346575911 | 22379253 | 99 schema_table_events | 100746488 | 1459 | 99 queries_schema_tables | 62194571 | 7754 | 99 log_lines | 46629937 | 2 | 0 issue_states | 31861134 | 3 | 0 schema_columns | 31849719 | 6688381553 | 99 query_overview_stats | 26029247 | 13831 | 99 schema_index_stats_2d_20170329 | 18274023 | 1592 | 99 schema_index_stats_2d_20170328 | 18164132 | 6917 | 99 snapshot_benchmarks | 13094945 | 2315069 | 99 schema_index_stats_60d_20170329 | 9818030 | 69 | 20 schema_index_stats_60d_20170328 | 9749146 | 110 | 30 schema_index_stats_60d_20170323 | 9709723 | 103 | 40 schema_index_stats_60d_20170327 | 9702565 | 103 | 33 schema_index_stats_60d_20170324 | 9672853 | 64 | 48 schema_index_stats_60d_20170322 | 9651125 | 141 | 46 schema_index_stats_60d_20170325 | 9647832 | 23 | 69 schema_index_stats_60d_20170326 | 9636532 | 39 | 53 schema_index_stats_60d_20170303 | 9538898 | 174 | 63 schema_index_stats_60d_20170321 | 9522712 | 170 | 49 schema_index_stats_60d_20170309 | 9492844 | 126 | 57 schema_index_stats_60d_20170304 | 9491850 | 64 | 82 schema_index_stats_60d_20170320 | 9486945 | 104 | 56 schema_index_stats_60d_20170319 | 9466378 | 47 | 74 Should I remove an index?
  15. QUERY PLAN ————— Aggregate (cost=12.53..12.54 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.046..0.046 rows=1

    loops=1) -> Index Only Scan using categories_pkey on categories (cost=0.00..12.49 rows=16 width=0) (actual time=0.018..0.038 rows=16 loops=1) Heap Fetches: 16 Total runtime: 0.108 ms (4 rows)
  16. application: pganalyze controller: graphql action: graphql line: /app/graphql/organization_type.rb … graphql:

    getOrganizationDetails.logVolume24h request_id: 44bd562e-0f53-453f-831f-498e61ab6db5
  17. pg_stat_activity pid: process ID backend_type: “client backend” vs internal processes

    state: idle/active/idle in transaction state_change: time of state change query: current/last running query backend_start: process start time xact_start: TX start time query_start: query start time wait_event: what backend is waiting for (e.g. Lock, I/O, etc) …
  18. Temporary Files Written (Per Query) log_temp_files = 0 Jan 20

    09:18:58pm PST 28847 LOG: temporary file: path "base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp28847.9", size 50658332 Jan 20 09:18:58pm PST 28847 STATEMENT: WITH servers AS ( SELECT …
  19. shared_blks_hit | 2447215 shared_blks_read | 55335 hit_rate = shared_blks_hit /

    (shared_blks_hit + shared_blks_read) 97.78% Cache Hit Rate Cache Hit Ratio % (Per Query)
  20. SELECT sum(heap_blks_hit) / nullif(sum(heap_blks_hit + heap_blks_read),0) FROM pg_statio_user_tables Cache Hit

    Ratio % (Per Table/Index) SELECT sum(idx_blks_hit) / nullif(sum(idx_blks_hit + idx_blks_read),0) FROM pg_statio_user_indexes
  21. Locks Held/Waited On pg_locks pid: process ID (JOIN to pg_stat_activity.pid!)

    locktype: type of object being locked mode: locking type (e.g. AccessExclusive) granted: Lock Granted vs Being Waited For …
  22. Locks Held/Waited On log_lock_waits = on LOG: process 123 still

    waiting for ShareLock on transaction 12345678 after 1000.606 ms STATEMENT: SELECT table WHERE id = 1 FOR UPDATE; CONTEXT: while updating tuple (1,3) in relation “table” DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 456. Wait queue: 123.
  23. Long Held Locks in Transactions Rails Counter Cache & Timestamps

    BEGIN SELECT 1 AS one FROM "post_votes" WHERE (…) LIMIT 1 SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 INSERT INTO "notifications" (…) VALUES (…) RETURNING "id" SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 UPDATE "users" SET "updated_at" = ? WHERE "users"."id" = ? INSERT INTO "post_votes" (…) VALUES (…) RETURNING "id" UPDATE "posts" SET "votes" = COALESCE("votes", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = ? UPDATE "posts" SET "credible_post_votes_count" = … WHERE "posts"."id" = ? UPDATE "users" SET "updated_at" = ? WHERE "users"."id" = ? UPDATE "posts" SET "updated_at" = ? WHERE "posts"."id" = ? COMMIT
  24. 16688 LOG: checkpoint starting: xlog xlog = WAL exceeded max_wal_size,

    checkpoint has to happen quickly time = checkpoint_timeout reached, checkpoint impact spread over time
  25. Checkpoint Statistics pg_stat_bgwriter checkpoints_timed: # of scheduled checkpoints checkpoints_req: #

    of requested checkpoints 1. Time Between Checkpoints 2. % of Timed Checkpoints
  26. Tune checkpoint_completion_target To Control I/O Impact of Timed Checkpoints (Often

    0.9 is a good value, but depends on I/O Subsystem & Workload)
  27. autovacuum => SELECT pid, query FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE query LIKE

    'autovacuum: %'; 10469 | autovacuum: VACUUM ANALYZE public.schema_columns 12848 | autovacuum: VACUUM public.replication_follower_stats 28626 | autovacuum: VACUUM public.schema_index_stats | (to prevent wraparound) (3 rows) pg_stat_activity
  28. autovacuum pg_stat_progress_vacuum relid: OID of the table phase: current VACUUM

    phase heap_blks_total: Heap Blocks Total heap_blks_scanned: Heap Blocks Scanned heap_blks_vacuumed: Heap Blocks Vacuumed …
  29. Reduce autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay To Increase VACUUM Speed 80 MB/s 8 MB/s

    (20ms) (2ms) PG 12+ Older PG Default OS / Disk Reads
  30. Index Optimization Query Workload I/O Workload VACUUM Tuning Query Tags

    Lock Contention Background Writer Checkpoints Connection Pooling Buffer Cache Hit Ratio work_mem Tuning