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Real World WebRTC

Real World WebRTC

Given at dot.js in Paris, 2015

Eric Schoffstall

March 02, 2016

More Decks by Eric Schoffstall

Other Decks in Programming


  1. P2P

  2. PeerConnection - Offer var pc = new PeerConnection(); pc.addStream(stream); pc.createOffer(function(offer)

    { var sdp = new SessionDescription(offer); pc.setLocalDescription(sdp, function() { // TODO: send to other user }); });
  3. PeerConnection - Answer var pc = new PeerConnection(); pc.addStream(stream); var

    offer = new SessionDescription(msg); pc.setRemoteDescription(offer, function() { pc.createAnswer(function(answer) { var sdp = new SessionDescription(answer); pc.setLocalDescription(sdp, function() { // TODO: send to other user }); }); });
  4. DataChannel TCP UDP SCTP Reliability reliable unreliable configurable Delivery ordered

    unordered configurable Transmission byte-oriented message-oriented message-oriented Flow Control yes no yes
  5. iOS