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Eric Klusman - The BI software market - LA DW/B...

Data Science LA
February 09, 2015

Eric Klusman - The BI software market - LA DW/BI/Analytics Meetup - Febr 2015

Data Science LA

February 09, 2015

More Decks by Data Science LA


  1. What  is  Business  Intelligence   Platform  Software?   •  Software

     for  descriptive  and  diagnostic   reporting  and  dashboards,  ad-­‐hoc  querying,   data  visualization,  and  slice-­‐and-­‐dice  (OLAP)   analysis   •  $15  billion  market    
  2. Gartner  BI  Categories   Information  Delivery   Analysis   Integration

      Reporting   Interactive  visualization   BI  infrastructure  and   administration   Dashboards   Search-­‐based  data   discovery   Metadata  management   Ad-­‐hoc  querying   Geospatial  and  location   intelligence   Business  user  data  mash   up  and  modeling   MS  Office  integration   Embedded  advanced   analytics   Development  tools   Mobile  BI   Online  analytical   processing  (OLAP)   Embeddable  analytics   Collaboration   Support  for  big  data   sources  
  3. Trends  –  Data  Discovery   •  Data  discovery  software  (Tableau,

     Qlik,  Tibco   Spotfire,  others),  purchased  by  business   departments  for  BI  self-­‐service   •  Established  leaders  respond  by  adding  data   discovery  capabilities  to  IT-­‐centric  products   •  Now,  the  race  to  fill  the  gap  in  “governed  data   discovery”  
  4. Trends  –  Open  Source  Software   •  Analytics  /  modeling

      –  R  (www.r-­‐project.org)  -­‐  ggplot2  for  a  programmatic  implementation  of   Wilkinson’s  Grammar  of  Graphics   –  Weka  (www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka)   –  KNIME  (www.knime.org)   –  RapidMiner  (www.rapidminer.com)   •  Business  Intelligence  platforms   –  Pentaho  (www.pentaho.com)   –  Jaspersoft  (www.jaspersoft.com)  (Tibco)  
  5. References   •  Magic  Quadrant  for  Business  Intelligence  and  Analytics

     Platforms,   Gartner  Group,   http://www.gartner.com/technology/reprints.do? id=1-­‐1QLGACN&ct=140210&st=sb   •  Wikipedia,  various  articles,  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page   •  The  various  vendor  Web  sites   •  The  Grammar  of  Graphics.    Leland  Wilkinson.    2nd  ed.,  2005.    Springer.   http://www.springer.com/statistics/computational+statistics/book/ 978-­‐0-­‐387-­‐24544-­‐7