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Storyboard Willowcrest

Diego De Rose
April 22, 2024

Storyboard Willowcrest

Diego De Rose

April 22, 2024


  1. Escena 1 Duración 04:00 Panel 2 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Lightning

    flashes WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 2/106
  2. Escena 1 Duración 04:00 Panel 3 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Lightning

    flashes WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 3/106
  3. Escena 2 Duración 02:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Well, well, well, WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 5/106
  4. Escena 2 Duración 02:00 Panel 2 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    it looks like another uneventful evening. Just the way I like it, don?tyou? WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 6/106
  5. Escena 3 Duración 02:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue You:

    I don?t know. I kind of miss people. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 7/106
  6. Escena 3 Duración 02:00 Panel 2 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    You are the ghost of the manor. You are not supposed to ?miss people?. It?s your job to keep them away. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 8/106
  7. Escena 4 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue You:

    Who said? WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 9/106
  8. Escena 5 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    As Lady Willowcrest?s long time butler I believe I knew her best and she didn?t lightly suffer the company of others. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 10/106
  9. Escena 6 Duración 03:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:(sniff)

    She believed most people to be profound bores and I don?t blame her. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 11/106
  10. Escena 6 Duración 03:00 Panel 2 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Not one of them ever shared a smidgen of commonality in her interests. All they cared about was her vast fortune. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 12/106
  11. Escena 6 Duración 03:00 Panel 3 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Nothing but a bunch of ?Soapy-eyed gigglemugs?. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 13/106
  12. Escena 7 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue You:

    What?s a gigglemug? Godfrey: It doesn?t matter. My point is that it's our duty to protect this house and it?s secrets. You: Oh, you mean her treasure! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 14/106
  13. Escena 8 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Yes of course! We are the guardians of what remains of our Lady?s wealth, and we must take that responsibility very seriously. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 15/106
  14. Escena 9 Duración 02:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    In any case, I dare say the reputation of this house alone WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 16/106
  15. Escena 9 Duración 02:00 Panel 2 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    should deter any common gutter-snipe from darkening the Lady?s doorstep. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 17/106
  16. Escena 10 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue (Sound

    of door being opened) Godfrey: Wait? do you hear that? You: Oh no! Is it a gutter-snipe?! Godfrey: Quite right! Well my disembodied companion, it looks like we have a job to do after all! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 18/106
  17. Escena 14 Duración 07:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    Hello.. Is anybody home?? Skylar: Margaret, that question would have made sense 50 years ago, but the people who lived here have been dead for a long time. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 22/106
  18. Escena 14 Duración 07:00 Panel 2 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    But you know about the rumors right? Skylar: Yes of course, but who believes in ghost stories? WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 23/106
  19. Escena 14 Duración 07:00 Panel 3 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Who believes in ghosts indeed!... These ne'er-do-wells are in for quite a shock! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 24/106
  20. Escena 14 Duración 07:00 Panel 4 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    I know they are a scientific impossibility Skylar, but there are loads of eyewitness accounts! Skylar: (shaking head) Baby sis, your innocence is adorable. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 25/106
  21. Escena 14 Duración 07:00 Panel 5 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    (To user) Go ahead house ghost, give them a spooky groan! You: Ooooooaaaaaah! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 26/106
  22. Escena 14 Duración 07:00 Panel 6 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Oh, come on now! You?re a frightening phantasm, act like it. Make it really scary! You: Boooooaaaaah! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 27/106
  23. Escena 14 Duración 07:00 Panel 7 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    (shaking) Did you hear that Skylar? I think it was a ghost! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 28/106
  24. Escena 15 Duración 03:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    Okay...okay, just calm down! It was probably just the wind or something. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 29/106
  25. Escena 15 Duración 03:00 Panel 2 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    Let's not lose our focus. Just start searching! We know that old Lady Willowcrest?s treasure is in here somewhere. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 30/106
  26. Escena 15 Duración 03:00 Panel 3 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    Let?s get it and get out before the dust in this place destroys my skin. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 31/106
  27. Escena 16 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    But Skylar, we don?t even know where to look! Skylar: Well start looking around! Maybe there?s some clues or something. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 32/106
  28. Escena 17 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    I knew it! They are after our Lady?s treasure! Quick, give them an evil laugh! You: OK, but I feel kind of silly. Godfrey: Just do it, and make it really wicked this time! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 33/106
  29. Escena 18 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue You:

    Muahahahahahaha! Skylar: (to Margaret) What?s so funny? Margaret: (Shaking even more) That wasn?t m m m me! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 34/106
  30. Escena 19 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    I said stop your laughing and come over here, I found a door. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 35/106
  31. Escena 20 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    (to user) Give them each a ghostly touch! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 36/106
  32. Escena 21 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue (When

    the user taps onto the two classmates, they each react. Skylar says ?I knew I should have worn my sweater? but it just didn?t go with my outfit.? WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 37/106
  33. Escena 22 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret

    says ?Oh, that?s chilly! I wonder if the significant drop in temperature signifies a supernatural presence... ?) WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 38/106
  34. Escena 24 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue (Margaret

    then runs over and joins Skylar as she crosses into the library.) WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 40/106
  35. Escena 25 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    Skylar, we should we should probably go home WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 41/106
  36. Escena 26 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    ...Wow, look WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 42/106
  37. Escena 27 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    all the books! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 43/106
  38. Escena 28 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    Now this is scary! Reminds me of homework. Godfrey: Oh no, they?ve entered the library! Have these criminals no decency? We must not let them sully these tomes with their bombacious buffoonery! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 44/106
  39. Escena 29 Duración 02:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue You:

    Are you just making up words now? Godfrey: Listen to me. We must scare like we?ve never scared before! We must be strategic! We must be ruthless! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 45/106
  40. Escena 29 Duración 02:00 Panel 2 Duración 01:00 Dialogue You:

    I don?t know. I?m starting to feel badly. We are really scaring the nice one. Godfrey: Nonsense! Quick light the candles! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 46/106
  41. Escena 30 Duración 17:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue (The

    user is prompted to tap on the candles) WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 47/106
  42. Escena 30 Duración 17:00 Panel 2 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    OK, that is a little weird! Margaret: Spontaneous combustion! Definitely not normal! (Skylar is a little scared now) WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 48/106
  43. Escena 30 Duración 17:00 Panel 3 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    Margaret? you?re the good student... Isn't there a smart person?s explanation for something like this? Margaret: I?m scared beyond the ability for rational thought! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 49/106
  44. Escena 30 Duración 17:00 Panel 4 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Now, knock over that vase! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 50/106
  45. Escena 30 Duración 17:00 Panel 6 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    (Really scared now) And come up with an explanation for that as well! Godfrey: We really got em now! Now the books! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 52/106
  46. Escena 30 Duración 17:00 Panel 8 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    I?m forced to accept my original hypothesis... Ghosts! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 54/106
  47. Escena 30 Duración 17:00 Panel 9 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Now let?s really give it to them! You: Wait, I think they?ve had enough. We should just let them go. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 55/106
  48. Escena 30 Duración 17:00 Panel 10 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Surely you must be joking! I?m having far too much fun! Take this! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 56/106
  49. Escena 30 Duración 17:00 Panel 11 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Drop that chandelier for me will you? (User is prompted to tap the chandelier) WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 57/106
  50. Escena 30 Duración 17:00 Panel 14 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Perfect! Now take a deep breath and blow these papers off of the desk! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 60/106
  51. Escena 30 Duración 17:00 Panel 17 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    (suddenly not scared) Eew! Wait... what?s this? (Points to the piece of paper) It?s a letter from Lady Willowcrest! It talks about a hidden entrance to her music room! Oh, oh...It says it?s behind that bookshelf right over there! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 63/106
  52. Escena 31 Duración 05:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Oh look at what you did! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 64/106
  53. Escena 31 Duración 05:00 Panel 2 Duración 01:00 Dialogue You:

    You told me to do that! (Skylar rushes over and pulls out a book, and the bookshelf opens revealing a doorway) WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 65/106
  54. Escena 31 Duración 05:00 Panel 3 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    Skylar, I think we should just leave! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 66/106
  55. Escena 31 Duración 05:00 Panel 4 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    Margaret, I?ve told you this before, you have to stop being such a wimp or you?ll never get anywhere.If you leave now, I?ll be all alone by myself. You wouldn?t want that for me, would you? Margaret: Well? of course not, Skylar... WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 67/106
  56. Escena 31 Duración 05:00 Panel 5 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    (sarcastic) Creepy much? WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 68/106
  57. Escena 35 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    No! Not the music room! We must stop them! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 72/106
  58. Escena 36 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    (Searching) It?s got to be around here somewhere... WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 73/106
  59. Escena 37 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    Skylar, this room is beautiful, don't you think? Skylar: (Still searching) Who cares about a stupid old music room?! You?re the band nerd not me! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 74/106
  60. Escena 38 Duración 01:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Quick, you know that scary tune you like to play on the organ? You: I thought you liked my music. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 75/106
  61. Escena 39 Duración 02:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    I do like it. I like it because it chills me to my bones? if I had any. Anyway, play it now! (User is prompted to tap on the organ. It plays a freaky tune) WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 76/106
  62. Escena 40 Duración 03:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    Skylar, let?s leave these spirits in peace! Skylar: Look, the faster we find the treasure, the faster we can get out of here! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 78/106
  63. Escena 40 Duración 03:00 Panel 2 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    They will not find the treasure! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 79/106
  64. Escena 40 Duración 03:00 Panel 3 Duración 01:00 Dialogue (Godfrey

    starts knocking over shelves and tables) WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 80/106
  65. Escena 41 Duración 04:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Now play the drums! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 81/106
  66. Escena 41 Duración 04:00 Panel 2 Duración 01:00 Dialogue (User

    is prompted to tap on the drums) WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 82/106
  67. Escena 41 Duración 04:00 Panel 3 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    Ok... you might have been right about it not being safe here! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 83/106
  68. Escena 41 Duración 04:00 Panel 4 Duración 01:00 Dialogue You:

    No Godfrey, not that shelf! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 84/106
  69. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 1 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    Ha! The treasure door! Godfrey: I guess I went a little too far. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 85/106
  70. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 2 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    (runs up to door) Lady Willowcrest you old bag, I've got your treasure! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 86/106
  71. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 3 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    Rocks?! Just stupid rocks! What kind of treasure is this? WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 87/106
  72. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 4 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    (Noticing the stones) Wait Skylar, these aren?t just rocks! They are geodes, amethysts and quartz! Lady Willowcrest was a rock collector! Skylar: Amethysts huh? Are they worth anything? Margaret: Well? no, but look at them, aren?t they beautiful? WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 88/106
  73. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 5 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    Beautiful?! Oh my god, Margaret they are just rocks! I can?t believe we went through all of that for a bunch of stupid stones! Margaret: I think they are amazing. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 89/106
  74. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 6 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    Skylar, are you ok? Skylar: (sniffles) It?s just that nothing ever works out for me! I thought I might get a chance to do something really cool, and get some rich stuff, but all I found were rocks! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 90/106
  75. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 7 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    (sighing) I can?t abide the sight of tears? never could? Oh very well. House ghost, knock over that music box for me will you? User: Haven?t they had enough? Godfrey: This time is different, trust me old friend! Knock it! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 91/106
  76. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 8 Duración 01:00 Dialogue (The

    user is prompted to tap on a music box. When he does the box falls to the floor and opens. A sweet lilting tune begins to play. Also a bright sapphire falls to the floor right in front of Skylar.) WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 92/106
  77. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 9 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    (stops crying) What?s this?! Oh my gosh! It?s the treasure! (Holds sapphire up to Margaret) Tell me it?s real! Margaret: Yeah I think it is! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 93/106
  78. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 10 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Skylar:

    Yeeeeeah! (Skylar kisses the gem and skips out of the room) I win! I win! I win! Have fun with your rocks Margs I?ll see you back at home! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 94/106
  79. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 11 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    (sigh) Well, I?m glad she?s happy. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 95/106
  80. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 12 Duración 01:00 Dialogue (Godfrey

    materialises in front of Margaret.) WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 96/106
  81. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 13 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret:

    Aaaah! What? I mean, who are you?! Godfrey: Hello Margaret, I?m Godfrey, Lady Willowcrest?s butler. I?m afraid I owe you an apology. Margaret: Were you the one scaring us half to death? WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 97/106
  82. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 14 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Well, I did have a little help. You: Hello! Sorry about that. (Margaret tentatively looks up at the user and gives a week wave back) WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 98/106
  83. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 15 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Do you really like the Lady?s collection? I mean, do you really see the beauty? Margaret: Oh my yes! I?ve always been interested in geology. It doesn?t make it any easier for me to make friends though. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 99/106
  84. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 16 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Godfrey:

    Well, in order to make up for the mistreatment of you, I would like to offer you the Willowcrest treasure. I think she would have wanted someone who shared her interests to have it. Margaret: Oh thank you Godfrey! I really do think these stones are amazing! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 100/106
  85. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 17 Duración 01:00 Dialogue You:

    If you like those, you?ll love the jewels! WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 101/106
  86. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 18 Duración 01:00 Dialogue (Multiple

    diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires fall out of the same room and onto the existing pile of stones. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 102/106
  87. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 19 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Margaret

    looks up at the user in amazement. WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 103/106
  88. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 20 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Lightning

    flashes and the manor and all of it?s characters disappear.) WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 104/106
  89. Escena 42 Duración 22:00 Panel 21 Duración 01:00 Dialogue Lightning

    flashes and the manor and all of it?s characters disappear.) WILLOWCREST WONDERSCOPE Página 105/106