In order to descend down the multiset order starting from a multiset M, one can replace any element of M with any number of lesser elements of X, any number of timesa. (খ͍͞ཁૉزͭ͋ͬͯΑΓେ͖͍ཁૉ 1 ͭΑΓখ͍͞) aจதͰݴٴ͕ແ͍͕ Dershowitz-Manna Ordering ͩͱࢥΘΕΔ ͜ͷنଇʹै͑ྫ͑ {[0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2]} < {[0, 0, 0, 3]} ͕Γཱͭɻ 2017/04/29 VeriFast Termination Checking 30 / 42