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Resolve Nested ObservableObject issues in Obser...

November 01, 2023

Resolve Nested ObservableObject issues in Observation



November 01, 2023

More Decks by elmetal

Other Decks in Programming


  1. final class Parent: ObservableObject { @Published var child: Child init(child:

    Child) { self.child = child } } final class Child: ObservableObject { @Published var age: Int init(age: Int) { self.age = age } func haveBirthday() { age += 1 } } /FTUFE0CTFSWBCMF0CKFDU 3FQSPEVDFUIFJTTVFPG0CTFSWBCMF0CKFDU
  2. /FTUFE0CTFSWBCMF0CKFDU 3FQSPEVDFUIFJTTVFPG0CTFSWBCMF0CKFDU final class Parent: ObservableObject { @Published var child:

    Child init(child: Child) { self.child = child } } final class Child: ObservableObject { @Published var age: Int init(age: Int) { self.age = age } func haveBirthday() { age += 1 } } struct BirthdayView: View { @StateObject var parent = Parent(child: Child(age: 1)) var body: some View { Text("child is \(parent.child.age) years old") Button("Have Birthday", action: { parent.child.haveBirthday() }) } }
  3. final class Parent: ObservableObject { @Published var child: Child private

    var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>() init(child: Child) { self.child = child child.objectWillChange.sink { [weak self] in self?.objectWillChange.send() } .store(in: &cancellables) } } final class Child: ObservableObject { @Published var age: Int init(age: Int) { self.age = age } func haveBirthday() { age += 1 } } /FTUFE0CTFSWBCMF0CKFDU 'JYUIFJTTVFPG0CTFSWBCMF0CKFDU
  4. final class Parent: ObservableObject { @Published var child: Child private

    var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>() init(child: Child) { self.child = child child.objectWillChange.sink { [weak self] in self?.objectWillChange.send() } .store(in: &cancellables) } } final class Child: ObservableObject { @Published var age: Int init(age: Int) { self.age = age } func haveBirthday() { age += 1 } } struct BirthdayView: View { @StateObject var parent = Parent(child: Child(age: 1)) var body: some View { Text("child is \(parent.child.age) years old") Button("Have Birthday", action: { parent.child.haveBirthday() }) } } /FTUFE0CTFSWBCMF0CKFDU 'JYUIFJTTVFPG0CTFSWBCMF0CKFDU
  5. @Observable final class Parent { var child: Child init(child: Child)

    { self.child = child } } @Observable final class Child { var age: Int init(age: Int) { self.age = age } func haveBirthday() { age += 1 } } /FTUFE!0CTFSWBCMF 8JMMUIFJTTVFCFSFQSPEVDFE
  6. 5IFJTTVFJTSFTPMWFE @Observable final class Parent { var child: Child init(child:

    Child) { self.child = child } } @Observable final class Child { var age: Int init(age: Int) { self.age = age } func haveBirthday() { age += 1 } } struct BirthdayView: View { @State var parent = Parent(child: Child(age: 1)) var body: some View { Text("child is \(parent.child.age) years old") Button("Have Birthday", action: { parent.child.haveBirthday() }) } } /FTUFE!0CTFSWBCMF
  7. *OMJOF!0CTFSWBCMF.BDSP final class Child { @ObservationTracked var age: Int init(age:

    Int) { self.age = age } func haveBirthday() { age += 1 } @ObservationIgnored private let _$observationRegistrar = Observation.ObservationRegistrar() internal nonisolated func access<Member>( keyPath: KeyPath<Child , Member> ) { _$observationRegistrar.access(self, keyPath: keyPath) } internal nonisolated func withMutation<Member, MutationResult>( keyPath: KeyPath<Child , Member>, _ mutation: () throws -> MutationResult ) rethrows -> MutationResult { try _$observationRegistrar.withMutation(of: self, keyPath: keyPath, mutation) } } extension Child: Observation.Observable { }
  8. *OMJOF!0CTFSWBUJPO5SBDLFE.BDSP final class Child { var age: Int{ @storageRestrictions(initializes: _age)

    init(initialValue) { _age = initialValue } get { access(keyPath: \.age) return _age } set { withMutation(keyPath: \.age) { _age = newValue } } } … }