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Devfest.MN 2017: Android Zombies - How to Not G...

February 04, 2017

Devfest.MN 2017: Android Zombies - How to Not Get Bit

Android process death and how to gracefully recover from it is not often discussed and information about it is often hard to find. I talked about process death, what it does to our application state, how we can cause it in order to test our apps, and common resolution strategies we can take to ensure our users have a seamless experience when it inevitably happens.


February 04, 2017

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  1. • Native Android developer for 2 years • Work at

    WWT - Asynchrony Labs • Found programming via spurned love of pure mathematics • Professionally released 4 production apps • Like to race bikes in small circles very fast About Me
  2. • What is a “Zombie Android App”? • How are

    zombie applications created? • Symptoms of being bit • How to easily test our apps to ensure they do not turn undead. • How do we avoid being bit? What Will We Cover?
  3. • Def: An android application or process that has been

    terminated by the operating system, but is reanimated in its last known state. Oftentimes it has no knowledge that it was destroyed and is a shell of its former self. What Is an Android Zombie?
  4. How are Android Zombies Created? • System closes app due

    to low memory • Application crashes and is recreated on previous activity
  5. • Application crashes on fresh launch from launcher icon or

    recent apps list • On fresh launch, application lands on a screen with partially populated data • Crash and crash again and again and again… • Application crashes immediately on first user interaction • Application saves junk data and is completely unuseable until user clears data from settings. Symptoms of Being Bit
  6. • Global Data Models ◦ Static Singletons ◦ Items stored

    in application instance ◦ Injectable memory data models • Retained Fragments • Static Member Variables in Activities and Fragments • Activities and Fragments assume and rely on previous in memory state How to Know Danger Is Nearby
  7. Open a Resource Intensive App PROS • Most realistic CONS

    • Non Deterministic - Hard to ensure application is killed • Many new devices have ample memory • Android Community and operating system is getting much better at managing resources
  8. 1. Background our app and open another resource intensive app

    2. Use a developer utility to force low memory conditions How Do We Test Our App?
  9. Use a Utility to Force Low Memory PROS • Simulated

    Realism • Somewhat repeatable results CONS • Non Deterministic - Hard to ensure application is killed • Flagship devices are often good enough at reclaiming memory that applications are not destroyed
  10. 1. Background our app and open another resource intensive app

    2. Use a developer utility to force low memory conditions 3. The Samsung font style trick How Do We Test Our App?
  11. Samsung Font Style Trick PROS • Deterministic - Shuts Down

    All Applications CONS • Slow Process • Only Works on Samsung Devices • Kills all applications • “Choco Cooky”, “Cool Jazz”, and “Rosemary”
  12. 1. Background app and open another resource intensive app 2.

    Use a developer utility to force low memory conditions 3. The Samsung font style trick 4. Use Developer options to set background process limit to “No Background Processes” How Do We Test Our App?
  13. Background Process Limit PROS • Deterministic - shuts down all

    applications • Works on all devices CONS • “I accidently left it on and spent 3 hours debugging” • Destroys all background processes; not just your app
  14. 1. Background app and open another resource intensive app 2.

    Use a developer utility to force low memory conditions 3. The Samsung font style trick 4. Use Developer options to set background process limit to “No Background Processes” 5. Use a utility to targetedly terminate target application How Do We Test Our App?
  15. Utility to Terminate Target Application PROS • Deterministic • Works

    on all devices • Targetedly terminates apps on demand • Faster process CONS • Most likely made by an evil nefarious developer
  16. A Grab Bag of Anti Zombie Strategies 1. Recover from

    process death seamlessly and take user to last known state via disk persistence
  17. Recover Seamlessly Via Disk Persistence Goal: All application state is

    persisted and accessed from on disk. Application recreation happens seamlessly and user never notices the process was killed. Special Considerations: Requires state and models to be saved on disk. On some apps requirements may prohibit this type of solution.
  18. Recover Seamlessly Via Disk Persistence Option 1a Leverage Intents, Saved

    Instance State, and Bundles to save all models PROS • Android persists data for you • Also sets up gracefully handling configuration change CONS • Parcelable generation and maintenance • Ui performance impact on transitions • TransactionTooLargeException limits amount of data that can be passed
  19. Recover Seamlessly Via Disk Persistence Option 1b Leverage Intents, Saved

    Instance State, and Bundles to save enough to fetch required data PROS • Android persists data for you • Also sets up gracefully handling configuration change • Mitigates risk of TransactionTooLargeExceptions CONS • Networking on fresh start limits good offline experience
  20. Recover Seamlessly Via Disk Persistence Option 2 Leverage SQLite Databases

    PROS • Robust • Can persist much more data than via intents and bundles • Local caching of server objects • Can leverage SD card storage • Robust Upgrade pathways as models change CONS • Can be prohibitively expensive for first iterations • Upgrade pathways and testing
  21. Recover Seamlessly Via Disk Persistence Option 3 Flat Json Files

    Written to Internal Storage PROS • Robust • Can persist much more data than via intents and bundles • Local caching of server objects • Can leverage SD card storage • Allows for quick iteration early on until data models gel CONS • Possibility of writing corrupted models • Performance hit • Upgrade pathways are limited
  22. A Grab Bag of Anti Zombie Strategies 1. Recover from

    process death seamlessly and take user to last known state via disk persistence 2. Sense a fresh application start and navigate user to a safe place
  23. Escape To a Safe Place Goal: Sense a fresh application

    start by checking in memory flag (Static instance, Member Variable of Application Class, etc), and navigate user to a fresh start such as splash screen, landing page, dashboard, timeline, etc. Special Considerations: In many instances this is the experience they probably expect when launching an app via the launcher. This risks degrading UX for users on budget devices that are resource starved.
  24. A Grab Bag of Anti Zombie Strategies 1. Recover from

    process death seamlessly and take user to last known state via disk persistence 2. Sense a fresh application start and navigate user to a safe place 3. A Hybrid approach: Escape to a safe place and triage from there
  25. Once Safe Stage an Attack Goal: Save session based data

    on disk, otherwise persist just enough to restore to the current state from the server. On fresh application start escape to a safe place. Then triage, load data, and navigate user back into app. Special Considerations: Can be much less work that full recovery via disk persistence, but offers benefit of a near seamless re-entry. If something terrible happens user has a clean slate within the app.
  26. A Grab Bag of Anti Zombie Strategies 1. Recover from

    process death seamlessly and take user to last known state via disk persistence 2. Sense a fresh application start and navigate user to a safe place 3. A Hybrid approach: Escape to a safe place and triage from there 4. Anything else that makes sense for your specific use case and users