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Big City Greens - Unguarded Sample

Eric Brown
June 02, 2024

Big City Greens - Unguarded Sample

Eric Brown

June 02, 2024


  1. Scene 073 Panel 3 Dialog VIPER FANG he can be

    a fresh malleable mind to expand our ranks!
  2. Scene 076 Panel 1 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the first time

    I picked up master remy, I knew...
  3. Scene 076 Panel 2 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the first time

    I picked up master remy, I knew...
  4. Scene 076 Panel 3 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the first time

    I picked up master remy, I knew...
  5. Scene 076 Panel 4 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the first time

    I picked up master remy, I knew...
  6. Scene 076 Panel 5 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the first time

    I picked up master remy, I knew...
  7. Scene 077 Panel 1 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) he was the

    most pure and innocent being i had ever seen.
  8. Scene 077 Panel 2 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) he was the

    most pure and innocent being i had ever seen.
  9. Scene 077 Panel 3 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) he was the

    most pure and innocent being i had ever seen.
  10. Scene 077 Panel 4 Dialog BABY REMY BAH BA BAH

    Action Notes -cycle panel 3 and 4 as needed
  11. Scene 077 Panel 5 Dialog BABY REMY BAH BA BAH

    Action Notes -cycle panel 3 and 4 as needed
  12. Scene 078 Panel 1 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment

    of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
  13. Scene 078 Panel 2 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment

    of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
  14. Scene 078 Panel 3 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment

    of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
  15. Scene 078 Panel 4 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment

    of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
  16. Scene 078 Panel 5 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment

    of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
  17. Scene 078 Panel 6 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment

    of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
  18. Scene 078 Panel 7 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment

    of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
  19. Scene 078 Panel 8 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment

    of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
  20. Scene 078 Panel 9 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment

    of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
  21. Scene 078 Panel 10 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment

    of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
  22. Scene 078 Panel 11 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment

    of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
  23. Scene 078 Panel 12 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment

    of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
  24. Scene 083 Panel 1 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I feel it

    in my heart this baby must follow a different path
  25. Scene 083 Panel 2 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I feel it

    in my heart this baby must follow a different path
  26. Scene 083 Panel 3 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I feel it

    in my heart this baby must follow a different path
  27. Scene 085 Panel 1 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I have always

    followed the ways of The Order,,,
  28. Scene 085 Panel 2 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I have always

    followed the ways of The Order,,,
  29. Scene 085 Panel 3 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I have always

    followed the ways of The Order,,,
  30. Scene 087 Panel 2 Dialog VIPER FANG Tiger fang! the

    master will be most displeased with your betrayal!
  31. Scene 106 Panel 3 Dialog VIPER FANG c'mon tiger fang,

    you'd really throw everything away--
  32. Scene 110 Panel 4 Action Notes -SHING sound as if

    the stuffed animals were knives
  33. Scene 114 Panel 5 Dialog VIPER FANG face it tiger

    fang... Action Notes -cycle panels 5 and 6 as needed
  34. Scene 114 Panel 6 Dialog VIPER FANG face it tiger

    fang... Action Notes -cycle panels 5 and 6 as needed