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Big City Greens - Unguarded Sample
Eric Brown
June 02, 2024
Big City Greens - Unguarded Sample
Eric Brown
June 02, 2024
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Big City Greens Ep 412 "Unguarded" Storyboards by Eric Brown
Scene 072 Panel 1 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ the babies cries--
Scene 072 Panel 2 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ --will alert his
Scene 073 Panel 1 Dialog VIPER FANG no matter,
Scene 073 Panel 2 Dialog VIPER FANG take the baby
as well!
Scene 073 Panel 3 Dialog VIPER FANG he can be
a fresh malleable mind to expand our ranks!
Scene 074 Panel 1 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ take...
Scene 074 Panel 2 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ ...the baby...?
Scene 075 Panel 1
Scene 075 Panel 2
Scene 075 Panel 3
Scene 076 Panel 1 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the first time
I picked up master remy, I knew...
Scene 076 Panel 2 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the first time
I picked up master remy, I knew...
Scene 076 Panel 3 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the first time
I picked up master remy, I knew...
Scene 076 Panel 4 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the first time
I picked up master remy, I knew...
Scene 076 Panel 5 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the first time
I picked up master remy, I knew...
Scene 076 Panel 6 Dialog BABY REMY haahhh
Scene 077 Panel 1 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) he was the
most pure and innocent being i had ever seen.
Scene 077 Panel 2 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) he was the
most pure and innocent being i had ever seen.
Scene 077 Panel 3 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) he was the
most pure and innocent being i had ever seen.
Scene 077 Panel 4 Dialog BABY REMY BAH BA BAH
Action Notes -cycle panel 3 and 4 as needed
Scene 077 Panel 5 Dialog BABY REMY BAH BA BAH
Action Notes -cycle panel 3 and 4 as needed
Scene 078 Panel 1 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment
of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
Scene 078 Panel 2 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment
of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
Scene 078 Panel 3 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment
of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
Scene 078 Panel 4 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment
of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
Scene 078 Panel 5 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment
of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
Scene 078 Panel 6 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment
of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
Scene 078 Panel 7 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment
of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
Scene 078 Panel 8 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment
of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
Scene 078 Panel 9 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment
of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
Scene 078 Panel 10 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment
of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
Scene 078 Panel 11 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment
of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
Scene 078 Panel 12 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment
of all things good. Action Notes -pupil shine FX
Scene 078 Panel 13 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment
of all things good.
Scene 078 Panel 14 Dialog VASQUEZ (v.o.) the true embodiment
of all things good.
Scene 079 Panel 1 Dialog VIPER FANG c'mon men, to
the extraction point!
Scene 079 Panel 2 Dialog VIPER FANG c'mon men, to
the extraction point!
Scene 079 Panel 3 Dialog VIPER FANG huh?
Scene 079 Panel 4 Dialog VIPER FANG huh?
Scene 079 Panel 5 Dialog VIPER FANG c'mon tiger fang,
Scene 079 Panel 6 Dialog VIPER FANG whats the hold
Scene 080 Panel 1 Dialog YOUNG VASZQUEZ I...
Scene 080 Panel 2 Dialog YOUNG VASZQUEZ Don't think we
should take him!
Scene 081 Panel 1 Dialog VIPER FANG WHAT? Why not?!
the baby will love the order!
Scene 081 Panel 2 Dialog VIPER FANG And if it
Scene 081 Panel 3 Dialog VIPER FANG --we'll throw it
in the dungeon until it does!!!
Scene 081 Panel 4 Dialog VIPER FANG --we'll throw it
in the dungeon until it does!!!
Scene 081 Panel 5 Dialog VIPER FANG --we'll throw it
in the dungeon until it does!!!
Scene 081 Panel 6 Dialog VIPER FANG --we'll throw it
in the dungeon until it does!!!
Scene 081 Panel 7 Dialog VIPER FANG wha- what are
you doing!!
Scene 081 Panel 8 Dialog VIPER FANG wha- what are
you doing!!
Scene 082 Panel 1 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I cant explain
it but..
Scene 082 Panel 2 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I cant explain
it but..
Scene 082 Panel 3 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I cant explain
it but..
Scene 082 Panel 4 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I cant explain
it but..
Scene 082 Panel 5 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I cant explain
it but..
Scene 083 Panel 1 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I feel it
in my heart this baby must follow a different path
Scene 083 Panel 2 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I feel it
in my heart this baby must follow a different path
Scene 083 Panel 3 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I feel it
in my heart this baby must follow a different path
Scene 083 Panel 4 Dialog BABY REMY (giggles)
Scene 083 Panel 5 Dialog BABY REMY a blah bah
Scene 083 Panel 6 Dialog BABY REMY a blah bah
Scene 083 Panel 7 Dialog BABY REMY (blows raspberries) Action
Notes -cycle panels 7 and 8 as needed
Scene 083 Panel 8 Dialog BABY REMY (blows raspberries) Action
Notes -cycle panels 7 and 8 as needed
Scene 084 Panel 1 Dialog VIPER FANG But Tiger fang,
the scroll!
Scene 084 Panel 2 Dialog VIPER FANG But Tiger fang,
the scroll!
Scene 084 Panel 3 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ forget the scroll.
Scene 085 Panel 1 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I have always
followed the ways of The Order,,,
Scene 085 Panel 2 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I have always
followed the ways of The Order,,,
Scene 085 Panel 3 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I have always
followed the ways of The Order,,,
Scene 085 Panel 4 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ but this time
I must do things MY way.
Scene 085 Panel 5 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ but this time
I must do things MY way.
Scene 085 Panel 6
Scene 085 Panel 7
Scene 085 Panel 8
Scene 085 Panel 9
Scene 085 Panel 10
Scene 085 Panel 11
Scene 085 Panel 12
Scene 086 Panel 1 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I cannot let
Scene 086 Panel 2 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ --take the infant.
Scene 087 Panel 1 Dialog VIPER FANG (GASP)
Scene 087 Panel 2 Dialog VIPER FANG Tiger fang! the
master will be most displeased with your betrayal!
Scene 088 Panel 1 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ So be it.
Scene 088 Panel 2 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I renounce the
Scene 088 Panel 3 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ I renounce the
Scene 089 Panel 1 Dialog VIPER FANG (whistles)
Scene 089 Panel 2 Dialog VIPER FANG (whistles)
Scene 089 Panel 3 Dialog VIPER FANG (whistles)
Scene 089 Panel 4 Dialog VIPER FANG (whistles)
Scene 089 Panel 5 Dialog VIPER FANG (whistles)
Scene 089 Panel 6 Dialog VIPER FANG well boys..
Scene 089 Panel 7 Dialog VIPER FANG well boys..
Scene 089 Panel 8 Dialog VIPER FANG well boys..
Scene 089 Panel 9 Dialog VIPER FANG looks like the
objective's changed..
Scene 090 Panel 1
Scene 090 Panel 2 Action Notes -slow pan
Scene 090 Panel 3
Scene 091 Panel 1 Action Notes -sunglasses reflection FX -sweat
drop FX
Scene 091 Panel 2 Action Notes -sunglasses reflection FX -sweat
drop FX
Scene 091 Panel 3 Action Notes -sunglasses reflection FX -sweat
drop FX
Scene 091 Panel 4 Action Notes -sunglasses reflection FX -sweat
drop FX
Scene 091 Panel 5 Action Notes -sunglasses reflection FX -sweat
drop FX
Scene 091 Panel 6 Action Notes -sunglasses reflection FX -sweat
drop FX
Scene 092 Panel 1
Scene 092 Panel 2 Dialog VIPERFANG ELIMINATE TIGER FANG!! Action
Notes -settle into pose
Scene 092 Panel 6 Dialog VIPERFANG ELIMINATE TIGER FANG!! Action
Notes -smear sword swing
Scene 093 Panel 1
Scene 093 Panel 2
Scene 093 Panel 3
Scene 093 Panel 4
Scene 093 Panel 5
Scene 093 Panel 6
Scene 093 Panel 7
Scene 093 Panel 8
Scene 093 Panel 9
Scene 093 Panel 10
Scene 093 Panel 11
Scene 093 Panel 12
Scene 094 Panel 1 Dialog VIPER FANG YAH!!
Scene 094 Panel 2 Dialog VIPER FANG YAH!!
Scene 094 Panel 3 Dialog VIPER FANG YAH!!
Scene 095 Panel 1
Scene 095 Panel 2
Scene 095 Panel 3
Scene 095 Panel 4
Scene 095 Panel 5
Scene 095 Panel 6
Scene 095 Panel 7
Scene 096 Panel 1
Scene 097 Panel 1
Scene 097 Panel 2
Scene 097 Panel 3
Scene 097 Panel 4
Scene 097 Panel 5
Scene 097 Panel 6 Dialog VIPERFANG GRRR
Scene 097 Panel 7 Dialog VIPERFANG GRRR
Scene 097 Panel 8 Dialog VIPERFANG GRRR
Scene 097 Panel 9 Dialog VIPERFANG GRRR Action Notes -SHING
as claws open
Scene 097 Panel 10 Action Notes -SHING as claws open
-SHINE FX over claws
Scene 098 Panel 1
Scene 098 Panel 2
Scene 098 Panel 3
Scene 098 Panel 4
Scene 098 Panel 5
Scene 098 Panel 6
Scene 099 Panel 1
Scene 099 Panel 2
Scene 099 Panel 3
Scene 099 Panel 4
Scene 099 Panel 5
Scene 099 Panel 6
Scene 099 Panel 7
Scene 099 Panel 8
Scene 100 Panel 1
Scene 100 Panel 2
Scene 100 Panel 3
Scene 100 Panel 4
Scene 100 Panel 5
Scene 100 Panel 6
Scene 100 Panel 7
Scene 100 Panel 8
Scene 100 Panel 9
Scene 100 Panel 10
Scene 100 Panel 11
Scene 100 Panel 12
Scene 100 Panel 13
Scene 101 Panel 1
Scene 101 Panel 2
Scene 101 Panel 3
Scene 101 Panel 4
Scene 101 Panel 5
Scene 101 Panel 6
Scene 101 Panel 7
Scene 101 Panel 8
Scene 101 Panel 9
Scene 102 Panel 1
Scene 102 Panel 2
Scene 102 Panel 3
Scene 102 Panel 4
Scene 102 Panel 5
Scene 102 Panel 6
Scene 102 Panel 7
Scene 102 Panel 8
Scene 102 Panel 9
Scene 102 Panel 10
Scene 102 Panel 11
Scene 103 Panel 1 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 2 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 3 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 4 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 5 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 6 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 7 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 8 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 9 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 10 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 11 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 12 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 13 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 14 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 15 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 16 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 103 Panel 17 Dialog REMY (laughing) Action Notes -note
remy has gums, not teeth
Scene 104 Panel 1
Scene 104 Panel 2
Scene 104 Panel 3
Scene 104 Panel 4
Scene 104 Panel 5
Scene 105 Panel 1
Scene 105 Panel 2
Scene 105 Panel 3
Scene 105 Panel 4
Scene 105 Panel 5
Scene 105 Panel 6
Scene 105 Panel 7
Scene 105 Panel 8
Scene 105 Panel 9
Scene 105 Panel 10
Scene 105 Panel 11
Scene 105 Panel 12
Scene 105 Panel 13
Scene 105 Panel 14
Scene 105 Panel 15
Scene 105 Panel 16
Scene 105 Panel 17
Scene 105 Panel 18
Scene 105 Panel 19
Scene 105 Panel 20
Scene 106 Panel 1 Dialog VIPER FANG gah
Scene 106 Panel 2 Dialog VIPER FANG gah
Scene 106 Panel 3 Dialog VIPER FANG c'mon tiger fang,
you'd really throw everything away--
Scene 106 Panel 4 Dialog VIPER FANG --for this stinky
Scene 106 Panel 5
Scene 106 Panel 6
Scene 106 Panel 7
Scene 106 Panel 8
Scene 106 Panel 9
Scene 107 Panel 1
Scene 107 Panel 2
Scene 107 Panel 3
Scene 107 Panel 4
Scene 108 Panel 1 Dialog RUSSEL What's goin on in
Scene 108 Panel 2 Dialog RUSSEL What's goin on in
Scene 109 Panel 1
Scene 109 Panel 2
Scene 109 Panel 3
Scene 109 Panel 4
Scene 110 Panel 1
Scene 110 Panel 2
Scene 110 Panel 3
Scene 110 Panel 4 Action Notes -SHING sound as if
the stuffed animals were knives
Scene 111 Panel 1 Dialog RUSSEL Uh oh!
Scene 111 Panel 2
Scene 111 Panel 3
Scene 111 Panel 4
Scene 111 Panel 5
Scene 111 Panel 6
Scene 111 Panel 7
Scene 111 Panel 8
Scene 111 Panel 9
Scene 111 Panel 10
Scene 111 Panel 11 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ GET BACK!
Scene 111 Panel 12 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ GET BACK!
Scene 111 Panel 13 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ GET BACK!
Scene 111 Panel 14 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ GET BACK!
Scene 111 Panel 15 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ GET BACK!
Scene 111 Panel 16 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ GET BACK!
Scene 111 Panel 17
Scene 111 Panel 18
Scene 111 Panel 19
Scene 111 Panel 20
Scene 111 Panel 21 Dialog RASHIDA THEY HAVE REMY!
Scene 111 Panel 22 Dialog RASHIDA THEY HAVE REMY!
Scene 111 Panel 23 Dialog RASHIDA THEY HAVE REMY!
Scene 112 Panel 1 Dialog FANG GOO GOO GA GA
Scene 112 Panel 2 Dialog FANG GOO GOO GA GA
Scene 112 Panel 3 Dialog FANG GOO GOO GA GA
Scene 112 Panel 4 Dialog FANG GOO GOO GA GA
Scene 112 Panel 5 Dialog FANG GOO GOO GA GA
Scene 112 Panel 6 Dialog FANG HUAH!!
Scene 112 Panel 7 Dialog FANG HUAH!!
Scene 112 Panel 8
Scene 112 Panel 9
Scene 112 Panel 10
Scene 112 Panel 11 Dialog FANG 2 NONONO
Scene 112 Panel 12 Dialog FANG 2 NONONO
Scene 112 Panel 13 Dialog FANG 2 NONONO
Scene 112 Panel 14 Dialog FANG 2 NONONO
Scene 112 Panel 15 Dialog FANG 2 OMF!
Scene 112 Panel 16 Action Notes -SPIN FX
Scene 112 Panel 17 Action Notes -SPIN FX
Scene 112 Panel 18
Scene 112 Panel 19
Scene 112 Panel 20
Scene 112 Panel 21
Scene 112 Panel 22
Scene 112 Panel 23
Scene 112 Panel 24
Scene 112 Panel 25
Scene 112 Panel 26
Scene 112 Panel 27
Scene 112 Panel 28 Dialog REMY haah
Scene 113 Panel 1
Scene 113 Panel 2
Scene 113 Panel 3
Scene 113 Panel 4 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ here you go
little guy..
Scene 113 Panel 5 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ here you go
little guy..
Scene 113 Panel 6 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ here you go
little guy..
Scene 113 Panel 7 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ ACK!
Scene 113 Panel 8 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ ACK!
Scene 113 Panel 9 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ ACK!
Scene 113 Panel 10 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ ACK!
Scene 114 Panel 1 Dialog VIPER FANG face it tiger
Scene 114 Panel 2 Dialog VIPER FANG face it tiger
Scene 114 Panel 3 Dialog VIPER FANG face it tiger
Scene 114 Panel 4 Dialog VIPER FANG face it tiger
Scene 114 Panel 5 Dialog VIPER FANG face it tiger
fang... Action Notes -cycle panels 5 and 6 as needed
Scene 114 Panel 6 Dialog VIPER FANG face it tiger
fang... Action Notes -cycle panels 5 and 6 as needed
Scene 115 Panel 1 Dialog BABY REMY eeehhhh---
Scene 115 Panel 4 Dialog VIPER FANG the kid...
Scene 115 Panel 5 Dialog VIPER FANG the kid...
Scene 115 Panel 6 Dialog VIPER FANG is ours!
Scene 115 Panel 7 Dialog VIPER FANG hssssss
Scene 115 Panel 8 Dialog VIPER FANG hssssss
Scene 116 Panel 1 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ actually...
Scene 116 Panel 2 Dialog YOUNG VASQUEZ he's not!
Scene 117 Panel 1
Scene 117 Panel 2
Scene 117 Panel 3
Scene 117 Panel 4
Scene 117 Panel 5
Scene 118 Panel 1
Scene 118 Panel 2
Scene 118 Panel 3
Scene 118 Panel 4
Scene 118 Panel 5
Scene 118 Panel 6
Scene 118 Panel 7
Scene 119 Panel 1
Scene 119 Panel 2 Action Notes -ANTIC
Scene 119 Panel 3
Scene 119 Panel 4
Scene 119 Panel 5
Scene 119 Panel 6 Dialog VIPER FANG AHHHH!!
Scene 119 Panel 7 Dialog VIPER FANG AHHHH!!
Scene 120 Panel 1
Scene 120 Panel 2
Scene 120 Panel 3
Scene 120 Panel 4
Scene 120 Panel 5
Scene 120 Panel 6
Scene 121 Panel 1
Scene 121 Panel 2
Scene 121 Panel 3
Scene 121 Panel 4 Dialog VIPER FANG GAH!
Scene 121 Panel 5 Dialog VIPER FANG GAH!
Scene 122 Panel 1
Scene 122 Panel 2
Scene 122 Panel 3
Scene 122 Panel 4
Scene 122 Panel 5
Scene 122 Panel 6
Scene 122 Panel 7
Scene 122 Panel 8
Scene 122 Panel 9
Scene 122 Panel 10
Scene 122 Panel 11
Scene 123 Panel 1
Scene 123 Panel 2
Scene 123 Panel 3
Scene 123 Panel 4
Scene 123 Panel 5 Dialog VIPER FANG OMF
Scene 123 Panel 6
Scene 123 Panel 7 Dialog VIPER FANG THIS ISNT OVAH!!
Scene 123 Panel 8 Dialog VIPER FANG THIS ISNT OVAH!!
Scene 123 Panel 9 Dialog VIPER FANG THIS ISNT OVAH!!
Scene 123 Panel 10 Dialog VIPER FANG THIS ISNT OVAH!!
Scene 123 Panel 11 Dialog VIPER FANG THIS ISNT OVAH!!
Scene 124 Panel 1
Scene 124 Panel 2
Scene 124 Panel 3