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Firebase App Distribution with Bitrise #FJUG #F...

October 24, 2019

Firebase App Distribution with Bitrise #FJUG #FirebaseSummit #BetterTogether/Firebase App Distribution with Bitrise

2019/10/24開催のFirebase Summit 2019 報告会( https://firebase-community.connpass.com/event/150011/ )にて発表した資料です。
Firebase Summit 2019で発表されたFirebase App Distributionについて概要を説明しました。


October 24, 2019

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  1. 1SPpMF struct Profile { let name = "Kazuya Ueoka" let

    twitter = "@fromkk" let github = "fromkk" let qiita = "fromkk" let company = "Timers Inc." } •
  2. ࡶཱྀߦه 4QBJO w εϖΠϯϚυϦʔυʹग़ൃࡶཱྀߦ هpSFCBTFTVNNJU w εϖΠϯೋ೔໨ࡶཱྀߦه w εϖΠϯ೔໨ࡶཱྀߦه w

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  5. 'JSFCBTF5PPMTΛར༻͢Δ৔߹ firebase login ϩάΠϯΛ͓ͯ͘͠ firebase appdistribution:distribute /path/to/Type/Type.ipa --app 1:22hoobarhoobarcd2 --release-notes

    "ςετ഑৴" --groups "։ൃऀ" i getting app details... i uploading distribution... ✔ uploaded distribution successfully i adding release notes... ✔ added release notes successfully i adding testers/groups... ✔ added testers/groups successfully ΞϓϦΛ഑෍͢Δ
  6. υΩϡϝϯτ firebase appdistribution:distribute --help Usage: appdistribution:distribute [options] <distribution-file> upload a

    distribution Options: --app <app_id> the app id of your Firebase app --release-notes <string> release notes to include with this distribution --release-notes-file <file> path to file with release notes to include with this distribution --testers <string> a comma separated list of tester emails to distribute to --testers-file <file> path to file with a comma separated list of tester emails to distribute to --groups <string> a comma separated list of group aliases to distribute to --groups-file <file> path to file with a comma separated list of group aliases to distribute to -h, --help output usage information
  7. 'BTUpMFʹ௥ه lane :deploy do |options| commit_message = `git log --format=%B

    -n 1 HEAD`.strip ipa_path = options[:ipa_path] app_id = options[:app_id] || “1:228 ~ϝϞͨ͠ΞϓϦID~ cd2" groups = options[:groups] || "։ൃऀ" firebase_cli_path = options[:firebase_cli_path] || "/usr/ local/lib/node_modules/firebase-tools/lib/bin/firebase.js" firebase_app_distribution( app: app_id, groups: groups, release_notes: commit_message, ipa_path: ipa_path, firebase_cli_path: firebase_cli_path ) end IUUQTpSFCBTFHPPHMFDPNEPDTBQQEJTUSJCVUJPOJPTEJTUSJCVUFGBTUMBOF
  8. 13

  9. • αʔόʔαΠυΤϯδχΞ (PHP, Golang, AWS) • AndroidΤϯδχΞ (Kotlin) • iOSΤϯδχΞ

    (Swift) TimersͰ͸ݱࡏΤϯδχΞશ৬छ࠾༻தʂ ৄ͘͠͸”Timers”Ͱݕࡧ