Leveraging generics to create flexible, type-safe, highly reusable code
Write better Flutter code faster with generics. Explore how generics enhance type safety, boost reusability, and streamline your Flutter development process.
can be used as arguments for a generic type. ❑Specify type constraints using the `extends` keyword ❑Restricts the usability of the generic class to ensure it operates on a set of types with common functionality ❑Aids in creating more specific and descriptive APIs by communicating the intended use of the generic type.
that have a single type parameter, e.g. T,S,U ❑ E for the element type in a collection ❑ K and V for the key and value types in an associative collection ❑R for a type used as the return type
write a single piece of code that can work with many different data types. ❑ Enhanced Type Safety: Generics help to prevent errors by ensuring that the data types used in your code are compatible. This can lead to more robust and reliable code. ❑ Better Performance: The Dart compiler can generate more efficient code for generic functions and classes. 9
Allows for defining generic classes and functions that work with any type Reduces code duplication by providing a single implementation that can operate on different data types Enhances code maintainability and reduces errors by centralizing logic