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Open Source in Africa

Open Source in Africa

According to Github reports earlier this year, A certain number of African countries have been listed amount top contributors to open source and also users of Github. Countries like, Nigeria, Morocco, Ghana were all listed. In this talk, I'll talk about how open source is shaping the future of software development in Africa, very important communities supporting open source in Africa, and key players supporting open source in Africa. I'll also suggest better ways companies in more developed countries around the globe can support Open Source development and Software in Africa.

shedrack akintayo

October 19, 2020

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  1. 02

  2. Africa CONTINENT Africa is a continent in the world with

    various countries in it. POPULATED Africa is populated by 1.216 billion people as at 2016 TALENT Africa's major resource is talent, we have various talented designers, developers, engineers. 03
  3. OSCA is a community of creative minds driving the open

    source movement in Africa. It was created to encourage more African developers to contribute to open source projects and advocate for open source movement in Africa. Its main goal is to ensure Africans not only use software and hardware, but are creators of these technologies. OSCA—Open Source Community Africa 06 https://www.oscafrica.org/
  4. 08

  5. OSCA PROJECTS OPEN SOURCE FESTIVAL An annual open source gathering

    of OSS enthusiasts and contributors from around Africa and other parts of the world. WOMEN OF OSCA A joint effort with She Code Africa to introduce and train more women and girls into open source OSCA X OPEN COLLECTIVE BOUNTY PROGRAM A collaboration with Open Collective to introduce more people into open source by paying contributors to fix bugs on Open Collective Projects. 09 OPEN SOURCE DESIGN AFRICA This is an effort by the design team of OSCA to help designers also get started with contributing to OSS.
  6. Hi, !I’m Samson, a software developer who believes in changing

    the world. I’m an open source advocate, primarily maintaining Sugar Labs while also serving on the board of directors, and sustaining Open Source Collective as a board member. I also co-founded Open Source Community Africa, a movement that promotes and educates everything open source within Africa ". I’m currently consulting with the African Union, International Telecommunication Union, and UN Women to bring more women into technology. Samson Goddy 12 https://www.linkedin.com/in/samsongoddy https://twitter.com/Samson_Goddy https://github.com/samswag
  7. Ada Nduka Oyom is the founder of She Code Africa

    and Co-Founder of Open Source community Africa. She plays an active role in building new and integrating existing, Open Source communities in the African ecosystem as well, creating more gender diversity & advocacy in OSS via the “Women of OSCA (WOSCA)” initiative. In February 2020, she and her team organized and hosted 1000+ African developers to the largest Open Source conference for OSS developers in Africa, tagged “Open Source Festival 2020” Ada Nduka Oyom 13 https://www.linkedin.com/in/ada-nduka-oyom https://twitter.com/kolokodess https://github.com/Kolokodess
  8. Prosper Otemuyia is an Open Source Advocate, Evangelist and CTO

    at Eden Life inc. He is one of the pioneers of the open source movement in Africa. He is a regular speaker at developer events around the world. In 2016 prosper beat out top companies like facebook to trend number 2 on Github, Only Google was above him on the list of Trending Developers. Prosper Otemuyiwa 14 https://www.linkedin.com/in/prosperotemuyiwa / https://twitter.com/unicodeveloper https://github.com/unicodeveloper
  9. Abigail is a Product Designer and Open Source Design "Avocado"

    !.She has over 3 years of combined experience in technology; focusing on web and product design. Abigail loves open source and is passionate about helping people learn how to grow as open source contributors. She is a member of the Open Source Community Africa (OSCA), a community of creative minds driving the open source movement in Africa. She was a Google Code-In 2019 mentor for Anita B.org, a community that encourages the participation of all women involved in technology and open source. Abigail Makolo 15 https://www.linkedin.com/in/abigail-makolo https://twitter.com/abigail_mak https://abigailmakolo.com/
  10. Marlene is a Zimbabwean explorer, speaker and cucumber enthusiast based

    in the city of Harare. I'm an advocate for using science and technology for social good and increasing diversity in these fields. She is a director and vice-chair for the Python Software Foundation, and the chair of PyCon Africa. I'm also currently pursuing a computer science degree with the University of London. Marlene Mhangami 16 http://marlenemhangami.com/ https://twitter.com/marlene_zw
  11. Segun Adebayo is a seasoned User Interface Engineer with a

    passion for design systems, accessibility, and product design. He's the creator of Chakra UI, a popular React component library that helps you create accessible websites and apps with speed. Segun is the Design Engineering Manager at http://Tradeling.com. He also co-founded CareerLyft, an online resume builder to help job seekers in Africa create compelling resumes. Segun Adebayo 17 https://www.linkedin.com/in/thesegunadebayo https://chakra-ui.com/ https://twitter.com/thesegunadebayo
  12. Notable OSS Projects and Communities FROM AFRICA 18 ChakraUI Image

    AI Danfo.js Made-In-Nigeria Code4Africa Open Source Community Africa Material Palenight Theme The Free Software and Open Source Foundation for Africa
  13. How to Provide Better Support for OSS in Africa •

    Sponsor OSS Events. • Provide OSS learning Support. • Establish OSS Initiatives. • Provide a voice for African OSS creators and contributors. • Hire more folks from Africa. • Promote OSS from Africa. 19