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An overview of the activities of the TUDelft 3D...

An overview of the activities of the TUDelft 3D geoinformation group

Invited presentation at the HERE Technologies Geospatial Brownbag Session
(online presentation)}

Hugo Ledoux

May 31, 2024

More Decks by Hugo Ledoux

Other Decks in Research


  1. Founded in 2015 Faculty of the Built Environment & Architecture

    TU Delft, the Netherlands Brief overview
  2. 15

  3. https://3dbag.nl • Collaborations between https://3dgi.nl and us • Whole workflow

    is (will be soon!) 100% open-source • Roofer: C++ library for LoD2.2 reconstruction • Pipeline from raw data to buildings in DBMS + CityJSON
  4. Quality control of 3D city models Automatic repairing of broken

    3D city With my colleague John Zhao, we’re making an overview of the most common errors/problems, such as: 12 http://geovalidation.bk.tudelft.nl/val3dity/
  5. 28 • community standard • compliant with CityGML v3.0 •

    subset of CityGML (~90% of features) • software for full conversion CityGML <-> CityJSON • several software support CityJSON new! CityJSON v2.0
  6. 29 CityGML = 3.0GB (but 1GB of spaces/CRs/tabs!) CityJSON =

    292MB Compression of files: Zürich LoD2 buildings
  7. 31

  8. 33 • Generaties City models’ geometries and attributes in BIM

    environment • Reprojecting and translating data based on metadata and coordination referencing systems (CRS) • Available at Autodesk App Store as a free featured app CityJSON importer for Autodesk Revit
  9. [email protected] ➡ https://3d.bk.tudelft.nl more info than you probably need!

    projects, papers, code, etc 2 courses are open (book+YouTube): • terrain modelling (AHN4) • 3D modelling for the built environment Thank you