11 obj.must_be_close_to - the equivalent of assert_in_delta obj.must_be_empty - Fails unless obj.empty? obj.must_be_instance_of(klass) - Fails unless obj.class == klass obj.must_be_kind_of(klass) - Fails unless obj is of class klass or klass is one of its superclasses. obj.must_be_nil obj.must_be_same_as - tests for true object equality lambda {}.must_be_silent obj.must_be_within_delta obj.must_be_within_epsilon obj.must_equal(other) - Does a ==/eql? comparison between two objects. obj.must_include(other) obj.must_match(regex) - A regular expression match, e.g. "hello".must_match /w+/ lambda {}.must_output(stdout, [stderr..]) - The block should have certain output on stdout or stderr. Set stdout to nil just to check stderr. lambda {}.must_raise(exception) obj.must_respond_to(message) obj.must_throw(sym)