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Building "The Loop" (Introduction to Frontend D...

Building "The Loop" (Introduction to Frontend Development)

forLoop Covenant University conference

Ire Aderinokun

February 18, 2017

More Decks by Ire Aderinokun

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  1. Hello! • Ire Aderinokun • UI/UX Designer and Front- End

    Developer • Blogger at bitsofco.de • Head of Technology at Big Cabal • Google Expert in Web Technologies
  2. What We’ll Cover • Introduction to Markup and Styling •

    Introduction Frontend Frameworks • Building “The Loop”
  3. What is HTML? HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is structure

    of Web Pages. HTML elements define the content that is represented on any page.
  4. Some HTML Elements Element Description <html> Sets the page as

    an HTML page <h1>, <h2>, … <h6> Heading <p> Paragraph <footer> Footer <a> Link (anchor) <input> Text Input Field <div> General Purpose Element
  5. Some CSS Properties Element Description color Text colour font-size Text

    size background Background margin Margin position Position type border Border box-shadow Drop Shadow
  6. Join In! • Install angular-cli using npm • Clone the

    starting repository from bit.ly/theloop-fe