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Deploying Django Web Applications In Docker Con...

Deploying Django Web Applications In Docker Containers

This talk will describe how to package a Django web application as a Docker container image for use on a container orchestration platform. Starting with a common Django setup involving Nginx, Gunicorn, and Celery, we will show how to adapt the application to run inside containers.

Container orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes and DC/OS are growing increasingly popular. These systems provide many advantages, but require significant changes to how applications are packaged and deployed. Instead of running on staticly-configured webservers, applications must run in containers that are dynamically deployed to a pool of hosts.

There are further benefits to packaging applications as containers. By providing an easy-to-use and tested base image for Django applications, deployment best-practices are easily and consistently replicated. Integration testing becomes more practical, as containers can be run similarly between development and production environments.

This talk expects some familiarity with Django, as well as the basics of Docker and HTTP. There should be lessons relevant to anybody interested in using Docker for Python-based web applications.

Jamie Hewland

October 06, 2017

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  1. We moved to containers because we needed to deploy a

    lot of sites quickly ...and manually managing Python processes across many servers wasn’t scaling.
  2. Specifically, Docker containers to run under a container orchestration system.

    • What are Docker containers?* • What is container orchestration?* • How is Django typically deployed? • How do I deploy Django in a Docker container? Deploying Django web applications in Docker containers *Very roughly speaking
  3. Isolation of a process’ view of its operating environment (via

    namespaces) ⚬ Process trees ⚬ Networking ⚬ User IDs ⚬ Mounted file systems... Limitation/prioritization of resources (via cgroups) ⚬ CPU ⚬ Block I/O ⚬ Memory ⚬ Networking... What’s a (Linux) container?
  4. Docker is the most popular container technology. • Batteries included

    • Easy-to-use, lots of sensible defaults • “Copy-on-write union filesystem”: containers can start up very quickly and share a lot of image data • Images available for all the software you know & love Docker containers
  5. Docker terminology Docker- file Docker image Docker container docker build

    docker run ls Dockerfile ls *.dockerfile docker images docker ps file layers on disk running process Terms “image” and “container” often conflated
  6. Why containers? Consistent portability • A clean way to package

    software • With (almost) everything it needs to run • With a single, simple entry-point • Limit access to resources • Eliminates “but it works on my machine”
  7. Container orchestration “Container Orchestration refers to the automated arrangement, coordination,

    and management of software containers.” Container Orchestration with Kubernetes: An Overview - Adrian Chifor http://bit.ly/2takgmd
  8. Container orchestration Achieved through a variety of services: • Service

    discovery • Load balancing • Health checks • Resource management • More...
  9. controller01 controller02 controller03 worker01 worker02 worker03 worker{n} follower follower postgresql01

    replica primary rabbitmq01 mirror mirror leader Control- plane Pool of workers Stateful services
  10. Advantage 1: Deployments Don’t need to choose how/where to run

    apps worker03 controller03 leader I want to run my container. (P.S. I don’t care how.) Can do! I have the perfect worker in mind! Run this container controller03 leader Working on it! worker03
  11. Advantage 2: Failover worker01 worker03 worker02 worker04 worker01 worker03 worker02

    worker04 1. worker01 is unhealthy 2. Containers migrated off worker01 Containers get moved off unhealthy worker hosts
  12. Advantage 3: Scaling Can scale the number of running containers

    controller03 leader I thought I wanted 2, but now I want 3 instances! Can do! worker03 Run this container controller03 leader New container started! lb01 I’ll route some requests to that
  13. Advantage 4: Resource utilisation Orchestration systems can pack containers efficiently

    worker03 CPU: 0.5 RAM: 128MB CPU: 0.4 RAM: 512MB CPU: 1.0 RAM: 768MB CPU: 1.9/3.0 RAM: 1.375/2.0GB worker05 CPU: 0.5 RAM: 256MB CPU: 1.0 RAM: 512MB CPU: 1.0 RAM: 768MB CPU: 2.5/3.0 RAM: 1.5/2.0GB CPU: 1.0 RAM: 512MB
  14. • Open source web framework • Very popular • Roughly

    model-view-controller (MVC) • Featureful: Caching, i18n, middleware… • Lots of 3rd party extensions
  15. Running Django • Django applications typically served using a WSGI

    server • Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI): PEP 3333 • Two sides: “server”/“gateway” and “application”/“framework” • Server calls application once per request with data from request
  16. • Gunicorn is a WSGI server • Based on Unicorn

    (Ruby software) • Pre-fork worker model: ◦ One master process spawns one or more worker processes ◦ Master terminates workers if they take too long ◦ Workers = 2-4 x number of cores • Designed to only serve fast clients* *With its default worker implementation
  17. • Reverse proxy most often used with Gunicorn is Nginx

    • Very fast and battle-tested: “shields” our Python code from the outside • Can use it to do other useful stuff: ◦ Serve static files (CSS, JS, fonts...) ◦ Caching ◦ Compression, SSL, more...
  18. • Django under Gunicorn runs only in response to requests

    • What about long-running and/or periodic tasks? • Celery: Distributed Task Queue • Integrates with Django • But now we need a message broker
  19. Do not do this • Docker containers are not mini-VMs

    • Isolate processes, not services • Good health checks very difficult • No programs to manage multiple processes (no init system) • Container orchestration systems expect containers to be ephemeral
  20. Configuration • Don’t want to build a Docker image with

    all the config files inside it ◦ Not flexible, slow reconfiguration ◦ Secrets in Docker image • Difficult to move configuration files around with containers • Solution: Django settings module reads config from environment variables
  21. Startup (entrypoint) scripts When the container starts we need to

    do some things... • Run database migrations • Create a superuser account on first run • Set some default Gunicorn arguments • Switch to a non-root user • More… (but hopefully not)
  22. Logging Since containers are ephemeral, so are their log files

    • Log everything to stdout/stderr • Container orchestrators will collect this • Even more important that only one thing runs in a container • Bonus points: make your logs machine-readable
  23. User-uploaded files User-uploaded files in Django can be stored in

    a “media” directory • Don’t do this (containers or not) • Extra hard if you have to manage networked storage • Use django-storages, store in S3
  24. django-bootstrap image (Not to be confused with CSS Bootstrap) •

    Standardized base image for all our Django deployments • Nginx configuration optimised for Django in a container • Startup scripts for Django & Celery • Thoroughly tested with example app praekeltfoundation/docker-django-bootstrap
  25. But you’re still running more than one thing in a

    container? Django container Nginx Gunicorn
  26. Configuration secrets • We’re now putting passwords in environment variables

    • But env vars are quite easy to leak • Container orchestration platforms have tools for storing secret data securely • Dynamic credential management (Hashicorp Vault): credentials only valid as long as the container exists
  27. Metrics via nginx-lua-prometheus • Prometheus can poll container orchestrator to

    know where to scrape • Get Django-specific metrics from Nginx (e.g. all requests not to /static/) • “Free” metrics for all apps with same base image • But you should properly instrument your Django application...
  28. Containers/container orchestration can seem complicated... • Persistent storage difficult* •

    No config files* • No log files* • Can only run one thing per container* • Can’t SSH in* • Distributed system *Roughly speaking
  29. ...but they have some big advantages • Easy deployments •

    Easy scaling • Efficient resource usage • Generally increased automation • Consistently packaged apps
  30. Containers for Django A common base image can provide... •

    Tested and optimised server (Nginx) config • Encapsulate best practices for containers & container orchestration platform • Consistent platform for deploying apps • Potential for adding new features
  31. Complication 1: Persistent storage Moving data is harder than moving

    a container 1. The container needs to be moved 2. But its data needs to move with it worker01 Container Data volume worker02 Container ??? worker01 Container Data volume
  32. Complication 2: Networking Things move around and thus have weird

    addresses worker03 cake-service container I need to speak to soda-service Use soda-service .marathon.l4lb .thisdcos .directory worker03 cake-service container worker13 soda-service container iptables (or something)
  33. Complication 3: Debugging It’s hard to just “SSH into” a

    container ssh -t public01 ssh worker42 worker42 docker ps | grep cake-service 1. Find which worker the container is on 2. SSH into the worker 3. Find the container ID 4. Run Bash in the container docker exec -it 981681d291ab bash root@981681d291ab:~# curl controller01:8080/v2/apps ...