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P8105: Best Practices

Jeff Goldsmith
June 15, 2018

P8105: Best Practices

Jeff Goldsmith

June 15, 2018


  1. 2 • Language and environment for statistical computing • Based

    on the (proprietary) S language, but open source and open development What is R?
  2. 3 • Powerful • Flexible • Extendable – “base” R

    vs the collection of R packages • Active community • Free • RStudio Why is R good?
  3. 4 • Not easy to learn • Not designed for

    “modern” challenges • No central support • No central coordination of extensions / packages • No “guarantees” • Not always fast Why is R bad?
  4. 5 • One of the recognized “data science” languages (with

    good reason) • Extensions matter a lot, and we’ll use them extensively Why are we using R?
  5. 6 • Makes life much easier for useRs (not a

    typo – people who use R are sometimes referred to as useRs…) • The RStudio folks are also leading the development of a new analytic framework within R, and that work is integrated into RStudio Why are we using RStudio?
  6. 7 • Console – where commands are executed • Scripts

    – where sequences of commands are saved for reproducibility • Functions – operations performed on inputs, usually producing outputs Working in R
  7. 8 • Rstudio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) –

    It’s got everything you need to do data science in R – This IDE is one of the better reasons to use R … Working in RStudio
  8. 8 • Rstudio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) –

    It’s got everything you need to do data science in R – This IDE is one of the better reasons to use R … Working in RStudio R for Data Science
  9. 11 • Code is case sensitive • There is no

    autocorrect • Establish a variable naming convention – this_is_snake_case – this.is.period.case – thisIsLowerCamelCase – ThisIsUpperCamelCase – ThIsIsNoTaNaMiNgCoNvEnTiOn • Your names should match your regex skills – If you don’t have regex skills, your variable and file names should be as simple as possible. • Extensive comments will save you headache Code
  10. 11 • Code is case sensitive • There is no

    autocorrect • Establish a variable naming convention – this_is_snake_case – this.is.period.case – thisIsLowerCamelCase – ThisIsUpperCamelCase – ThIsIsNoTaNaMiNgCoNvEnTiOn • Your names should match your regex skills – If you don’t have regex skills, your variable and file names should be as simple as possible. • Extensive comments will save you headache Code
  11. 12 • Treat your inputs (e.g. raw data) and code

    as “real” – Your results and created by input and code, and you can always reproduce your results from these if you need to • Your code matters – It’s one of the most central ways you will communicate. Do it well. • Plan for mistakes – You will make them, and that’s fine. Write code that makes it easy to fix mistakes without breaking the rest of your analysis Some perspective on code
  12. 14 • You will need to find everything again someday.

    Make sure it’s easy to find. – Name your files reasonable things – Avoid special characters and spaces – Put everything for a project in the same place Some perspective on files
  13. 15 Being organized will frequently make your life easier •

    “Your most frequent collaborator is you from six months ago, but you don’t reply to emails”1 • Eventually, someone other than you (or even future you) will need to reproduce your results – Be ready for that. Why organization matters 1. This version of the quote comes from Karl Broman, who traced it to a tweet: http://bit.ly/motivate_git