model We are now at a point where we can submit a form, but still have errors. Now we are dealing with passwords, we need to do some work. We need a password hashing library, let’s use: Add comeonin to mix.exs file, then run mix.deps.get. We can then implement our password function like we have below
Add create to take in changeset and a repo ▸ Hash dat password We are now at a point where we can submit a form, but still have errors. Now we are dealing with passwords, we need to do some work. We need a password hashing library, let’s use: Add comeonin to mix.exs file, then run mix.deps.get. We can then implement our password function like we have below
session model ▸ Replace registration link in app with a check using the above method for if user is logged in, or if they need to Login/Register ▸ Who wants to sign in right after you create an account? Let’s clean up that last point to automatically login our users in after creation.