needs* (從需求出發) 2. Do less (精簡) 3. Design with data (資料為主來規劃) 4. Do the hard work to make it simple (讓東西變簡單,其實得花更多力氣) 5. Iterate. Then iterate again. (不斷重複精鍊) 6. Build for inclusion (為普羅大眾建置) 7. Understand context (從使用者的脈絡來設計) 8. Build digital services, not websites (連結虛實的數位化平台服務,而非網站) 9. Be consistent, not uniform (一致,但非古板) 10. Make things open: it makes things better (讓所做的事開放,會讓所有事更好)
4.Do the hard work to make it simple 5.Iterate. Then iterate again 6.Build for inclusion 7.Understand context 8.Build digital servicesnot websites 9.Be consistent, not uniform 10.Make things open: it makes things better Government Digital Service Design Principles