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Certification Study Group - Road to certificati...

Certification Study Group - Road to certification PCA 🇫🇷 - Semaine 6

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8us-hlewk8

Intervenants :
Louis Tournayre - GDG Cloud Lyon
JB Cotard - GDG Le Mans
Julien Landuré - GDG Nantes & GDE Cloud

🎓 Envie d'en savoir plus sur la plateforme GCP ? 💬 De profiter d'un accompagnement de 6 semaines vous apportant les connaissances pour tenter la certification Google Cloud Architect ? 📣 Nous vous proposons un "package" avec l'accès à une formation en ligne ainsi que 6 ateliers animés en commun par les GDGs francophones 🇫🇷

“Road to Google Cloud Certification” est un programme gratuit de 6 semaines conçu pour tous ceux et celles qui souhaitent se préparer ou renouveler une certification Google Cloud.

Vous serez guidés dans votre apprentissage par un mélange de cours en ligne (vidéos, lectures) et d'ateliers en ligne. Le plus : un groupe d'études francophone avec un slack dédié pour échanger.

Avec l'aide de ce groupe d’étude, animé par les GDG, vous ferez ce "road trip" non seulement avec des personnes qui ont déjà une (ou plusieurs) certification(s) GCP, mais aussi avec des personnes qui sont dans le même cycle d'apprentissage que vous. Un point de rencontre hebdomadaire le mardi midi sera calé pour échanger sur ce que vous avez appris et vos difficultés.

Rien de mieux pour parfaire vos connaissances et vous aider à obtenir la certification Google Cloud.

Julien Landuré

May 23, 2023

More Decks by Julien Landuré

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  1. Week 6 Professional Cloud Architect Tous les mardi de 13h

    à 13h45 Slack: Rejoignez le canal #cloud-architect-french RSVP aux events de votre GDG
  2. Tour de table GDG GDE …et vous ! 💚 Vous

    êtes 287+ inscrits ! ⚡ Beaucoup moins de monde sur Slack!
  3. Où en sommes-nous ? 1 Revue de l’apprentissage de la

    semaine 2 Passage de l’examen 4 Quizz 5 Initiatives de la communauté 3 6 Séance de questions / réponses
  4. Professional Cloud Architect Learning Journey Pre-work Week 1 Week 2

    Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Exam weeks Have real world hands on experience Review the PCA Exam Guide Review the PCA Sample Questions A FAIRE AVANT LE 18 AVRIL On-demand training: Preparing for the Professional Cloud Architect Exam Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure Hands On Lab Practice: Create and Manage Cloud Resources Skill Badge (5 hrs) A FAIRE AVANT LE 25 AVRIL On-demand training: Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services Hands On Lab Practice: Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud Skill Badge (4 hrs) A FAIRE AVANT LE 02 MAI On-demand training: Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation Hands On Lab Practice: Set Up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud Skill Badge (6 hrs) A FAIRE AVANT LE 09 MAI On-demand training: Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process Hands On Lab Practice: Automating Infrastructure on Google Cloud with Terraform Skill Badge (6 hrs) A FAIRE AVANT LE 16 MAI On-demand training: Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine Hands On Lab Practice: Deploy and Manage Cloud Environments with Google Cloud Skill Badge (8 hrs) A FAIRE AVANT LE 23 MAI On-demand training: Logging, Monitoring and Observability in Google Cloud Hands On Lab Practice: Optimize Costs for Google Kubernetes Engine Skill Badge (6 hrs) Check Readiness: PCA Sample Questions Self study (and potential exam) EXAM GUIDE REVIEW + STUDY GROUP Mardi 18 Avril EXAM GUIDE REVIEW + STUDY GROUP Mardi 25 Avril EXAM GUIDE REVIEW + STUDY GROUP Mardi 02 Mai EXAM GUIDE REVIEW + STUDY GROUP Mardi 09 Mai EXAM GUIDE REVIEW + STUDY GROUP Mardi 16 Mai EXAM GUIDE REVIEW + WRAP UP Mardi 23 Mai
  5. • Professional Cloud Architect Certification Exam Guide | Learn •

    N’apprenez pas par coeur les PDFs : ils sont disponibles pendant l’examen • Travaillez les Case Studies : Vous aurez à coup des questions dessus ! Astuces
  6. Technical evaluation EHR Healthcare Existing Environment Technical Watchpoints Proposed Product/Solution

    Customer-facing applications are web-based, and many have recently been containerized to run on a group of Kubernetes clusters. Compute • Containerized applications • Needs to run in the cloud and integrate with on-premises systems • Autoscaling, low latency • Robust logging, monitoring and alerting required Software is currently hosted in multiple colocation facilities. The lease on one of the data centers is about to expire. Storage • Currently in multiple databases including MySQL, MS SQL Server, Redis, and MongoDB Data visualization • Nonexistent or minimal Data needs • Fast on-boarding of insurance providers and their data • Data Analytics needed to predict industry and health care trends • 99.9% availability for customer-facing data systems
  7. Technical evaluation MountKirk Games Existing Environment Technical Watchpoints Proposed Product/Solution

    Existing games migrated to Google Cloud using lift-and-shift VM migrations Compute • New game backend to be Google Kubernetes Engine • Need to scale across regions • Use GPU processing to render graphics for multi-platform • Eventual migration of existing games to new platform Separate environments for development and testing Storage • New game to using a multi-region cluster for global leaderboard Data ingestion • Live metrics from game server • Game logs stored in structured files for future analysis
  8. Technical evaluation Helicopter Racing League Existing Environment Technical Watchpoints Proposed

    Product/Solution Core of their mission-critical applications runs on their current public cloud provider. Video recording and editing is performed at the race tracks, and the content is encoded and transcoded, where needed, in the cloud. Compute • Video encoding and transcoding is performed on VMs created for each job. Content is stored in an object storage service on their existing public cloud provider. Storage • Large file object storage (BLOB) Low latency streaming for large numbers of viewers Race predictions use TensorFlow on VMs Data (videos) • Large number of concurrent streaming video viewers • Ability to create “datamart”
  9. Technical Evaluation TerramEarth Existing Environment Technical Watchpoints Proposed Product/Solution •

    Multiple systems run in Google Cloud; some legacy systems still • Web frontend for dealers and customers is in Google Cloud and allows access to stock management and analytics Applications • Container-based workloads • Highly scalable • Cloud-native solutions for keys and secrets management Vehicles • 2 million vehicles x 200 to 500 MB/day Migration and Partner Access • Create abstraction layer for HTTP API Manufacturing • Sensor data is captured from two plants and sent to private data centers ◦ legacy inventory and logistics systems ◦ ◦ Private data centers have network interconnects to Google Cloud Development • Modernize CI/CD pipelines • Create self-service portal for project and resource mgmt
  10. Points importants • En ligne ou sur site • Durée

    : 2 heures • 50 questions en QCM (majoritairement un choix de réponse et quelques questions multi-réponses) • S’enregistrer ici 👇 https://webassessor.com/wa.do? page=publicHome&branding=G OOGLECLOUD
  11. Astuces • Utilisez votre expérience et ayez un recul d’Architecte

    • Lisez plusieurs fois les questions et réponses (anglais – must, should, could) • Marquez les questions difficiles pour y revenir ensuite • Dormez correctement la veille et passez la certification le matin
  12. Liens utiles en vrac 1. https://cloud.google.com/deployment-manager/docs/fundamentals 2. https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/gcp/available-or-not-that-is-th e-question-cre-life-lessons 3.

    https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/understanding-roles 4. https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/deployme nt 5. https://cloud.google.com/dataflow#all-features 6. https://cloud.google.com/vpc/docs/vpc-peering 7. https://cloud.google.com/network-connectivity/docs/interconnect/con cepts/partner-overview 8. https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/ssl 9. https://cloud.google.com/vpc/docs/firewalls#priority_order_for_firewall _rules 10. https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones/global-regional -zonal-resources#regionalresources 11. https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/ip-addresses 12. https://cloud.google.com/vpc/docs/add-remove-network-tags 13. https://cloud.google.com/solutions/filers-on-compute-engine 14. https://cloud.google.com/products/databases 15. https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/lifecycle
  13. Professional Cloud Architect Learning Journey Pre-work Week 1 Week 2

    Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Exam weeks Have real world hands on experience Review the PCA Exam Guide Review the PCA Sample Questions On-demand training: Preparing for the Professional Cloud Architect Exam Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure Hands On Lab Practice: Create and Manage Cloud Resources Skill Badge (5 hrs) On-demand training: Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services Hands On Lab Practice: Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud Skill Badge (4 hrs) On-demand training: Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation Hands On Lab Practice: Set Up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud Skill Badge (6 hrs) On-demand training: Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process Hands On Lab Practice: Automating Infrastructure on Google Cloud with Terraform Skill Badge (6 hrs) On-demand training: Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine Hands On Lab Practice: Deploy and Manage Cloud Environments with Google Cloud Skill Badge (8 hrs) On-demand training: Logging, Monitoring and Observability in Google Cloud Hands On Lab Practice: Optimize Costs for Google Kubernetes Engine Skill Badge (6 hrs) Check Readiness: PCA Sample Questions Self study (and potential exam) EXAM GUIDE REVIEW + STUDY GROUP EXAM GUIDE REVIEW + STUDY GROUP EXAM GUIDE REVIEW + STUDY GROUP EXAM GUIDE REVIEW + STUDY GROUP EXAM GUIDE REVIEW + STUDY GROUP EXAM GUIDE REVIEW + WRAP UP Complement your study with the Professional Cloud Architect book and exploring the Google Cloud Documentation 👏 BRAVO ⭐
  14. Semaine 6 et l’après • Testez-vous avec le PCA Sample

    Questions • Parcourez la doc GCP et les ateliers cloudskillsboost • ⚡ Partagez vos retours de passage de la certification dans SLACK La suite • Prenez rdv pour passer l’examen et ne pas tout oublier • Astuce : passer la certification avant vos vacances d’été ! ◦ Allez sur : webassessor.com/googlecloud Restez affuté !
  15. Q&A

  16. Thank you for tuning in! For any operational questions about

    access to Cloud Skills Boost or the Road to Google Developers Certification program contact: [email protected]