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[Kotlinconf] Architectures using Functional Pro...

[Kotlinconf] Architectures using Functional Programming concepts

Kategory brings FP to the Android world. We have been working hard on this library to provide Functional Programming data types and abstractions over Kotlin.

Take a look at this talk to know how to get the most out of it to implement an Android app architecture.

Jorge Castillo

November 02, 2017

More Decks by Jorge Castillo

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  1. ‣ FP means concern separation (declarative computations vs runtime execution),

    purity, referential transparency, push state aside… ‣ Many features are also found on FP languages. ‣ Kotlin still lacks important FP features (HKs, typeclasses…) Kotlin and Functional Programming 2
  2. kategory.io ‣ Functional datatypes and abstractions over Kotlin ‣ Inspired

    by typelevel/cats, Scalaz ‣ Open for public contribution 3
  3. Let’s use it to solve some key problems for many

    systems 4 ‣ Modeling error and success cases ‣ Asynchronous code + Threading ‣ Side Effects ‣ Dependency Injection ‣ Testing
  4. } Catch + callback to surpass thread limits Breaks referential

    transparency: Error type? } Return type cannot reflect what you get in return } public class GetHeroesUseCase { public GetHeroesUseCase(HeroesDataSource dataSource, Logger logger) { /* … */ } public void get(int page, Callback<List<SuperHero>> callback) { try { List<SuperHero> heroes = dataSource.getHeroes(page); callback.onSuccess(heroes); } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(e); callback.onError("Some error"); } } } Vanilla Java approach: Exceptions + callbacks 6
  5. We are obviously tricking here. We are ignoring async, but

    at least we have a very explicit return type. } } Wrapper type Alternative 1: Result wrapper (Error + Success) public Result(ErrorType error, SuccessType success) { this.error = error; this.success = success; } public enum Error { NETWORK_ERROR, NOT_FOUND_ERROR, UNKNOWN_ERROR } public class GetHeroesUseCase { /*...*/ public Result<Error, List<SuperHero>> get(int page) { Result<Error, List<SuperHero>> result = dataSource.getHeroes(page); if (result.isError()) { logger.log(result.getError()); } return result; } } 7
  6. Both result sides (error / success) fit on a single

    stream Threading is easily handled using Schedulers Alternative 2: RxJava public class HeroesNetworkDataSourceRx { public Single<List<SuperHero>> getHeroes() { return Single.create(emitter -> { List<SuperHero> heroes = fetchSuperHeroes(); if (everythingIsAlright()) { emitter.onSuccess(heroes); } else if (heroesNotFound()) { emitter.onError(new RxErrors.NotFoundError()); } else { emitter.onError(new RxErrors.UnknownError()); } }); } } public class GetHeroesUseCaseRx { public Single<List<SuperHero>> get() { return dataSource.getHeroes() .map(this::discardNonValidHeroes) .doOnError(logger::log); } private List<SuperHero> discardNonValidHeroes(List<SuperHero> superHeroes) { return superHeroes; } } 8
  7. Sealed hierarchy of supported domain errors } Transform outer layer

    exceptions on expected domain errors We fold() over the Either for effects depending on the side Alternative 3: Either<Error, Success> sealed class CharacterError { object AuthenticationError : CharacterError() object NotFoundError : CharacterError() object UnknownServerError : CharacterError() } /* data source impl */ fun getAllHeroes(service: HeroesService): Either<CharacterError, List<SuperHero>> = try { Right(service.getCharacters().map { SuperHero(it.id, it.name, it.thumbnailUrl, it.description) }) } catch (e: MarvelAuthApiException) { Left(AuthenticationError) } catch (e: MarvelApiException) { if (e.httpCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) { Left(NotFoundError) } else { Left(UnknownServerError) } } fun getHeroesUseCase(dataSource: HeroesDataSource, logger: Logger): Either<Error, List<SuperHero>> = dataSource.getAllHeroes().fold( { logger.log(it); Left(it) }, { Right(it) }) 9
  8. ‣ Presentation code could look like this: But still, what

    about Async + Threading?! Alternative 3: Either<Error, Success> fun getSuperHeroes(view: SuperHeroesListView, logger: Logger, dataSource: HeroesDataSource) { getHeroesUseCase(dataSource, logger).fold( { error -> drawError(error, view) }, { heroes -> drawHeroes(heroes, view) }) } private fun drawError(error: CharacterError, view: HeroesView) { when (error) { is NotFoundError -> view.showNotFoundError() is UnknownServerError -> view.showGenericError() is AuthenticationError -> view.showAuthenticationError() } } private fun drawHeroes(success: List<SuperHero>, view: SuperHeroesListView) { view.drawHeroes(success.map { RenderableHero( it.name, it.thumbnailUrl) }) } 10
  9. Alternatives ‣ Vanilla Java: ThreadPoolExecutor + exceptions + callbacks. ‣

    RxJava: Schedulers + observable + error subscription. ‣ KATEGORY: ‣ IO to wrap the IO computations and make them pure. ‣ Make the computation explicit in the return type 12
  10. IO<Either<CharacterError, List<SuperHero>>> ‣ IO wraps a computation that can return

    either a CharacterError or a List<SuperHero>, never both. /* network data source */ fun getAllHeroes(service: HeroesService, logger: Logger): IO<Either<CharacterError, List<SuperHero>>> = runInAsyncContext( f = { queryForHeroes(service) }, onError = { logger.log(it); it.toCharacterError().left() }, onSuccess = { mapHeroes(it).right() }, AC = IO.asyncContext() ) We run the task in an async context using kotlinx coroutines. It returns an IO wrapped computation. Very explicit result type 13
  11. /* Use case */ fun getHeroesUseCase(service: HeroesService, logger: Logger): IO<Either<CharacterError,

    List<SuperHero>>> = getAllHeroesDataSource(service, logger).map { it.map { discardNonValidHeroes(it) } } /* Presentation logic */ fun getSuperHeroes(view: SuperHeroesListView, service: HeroesService, logger: Logger) = getHeroesUseCase(service, logger).unsafeRunAsync { it.map { maybeHeroes -> maybeHeroes.fold( { error -> drawError(error, view) }, { success -> drawHeroes(success, view) })} } ‣ Effects are being applied here, but that’s not ideal! IO<Either<CharacterError, List<SuperHero>>> 14
  12. Problem ‣ Ideally, we would perform unsafe effects on the

    edge of the system, where our frameworks are coupled. On a system with a frontend layer, it would be the view impl. Solutions ‣ Lazy evaluation. Defer all the things! ‣ Declare the whole execution tree based on returning functions 15
  13. ‣By returning functions at all levels, you swap proactive evaluation

    with deferred execution. presenter(deps) = { deps -> useCase(deps) } useCase(deps) = { deps -> dataSource(deps) } dataSource(deps) = { deps -> deps.apiClient.getHeroes() } ‣But passing dependencies all the way down at every execution level can be painful . ‣Can’t we implicitly inject / pass them in a simple way to avoid passing them manually? 16
  14. Discovering the Reader Monad ‣Wraps a computation with type (D)

    -> A and enables composition over computations with that type. ‣D stands for the Reader “context” (dependencies) ‣Its operations implicitly pass in the context to the next execution level. ‣Think about the context as the dependencies needed to run the complete function tree. (dependency graph) 18
  15. ‣It solves both concerns: ‣ Defers computations at all levels.

    ‣ Injects dependencies by automatically passing them across the different function calls. 19 Discovering the Reader Monad
  16. Reader<D, IO<Either<CharacterError, List<SuperHero>>>> ‣ We start to die on types

    a bit here. We’ll find a solution for it! /* data source could look like this */
 fun getHeroes(): Reader<GetHeroesContext, IO<Either<CharacterError, List<SuperHero>>>> = Reader.ask<GetHeroesContext>().map({ ctx -> runInAsyncContext( f = { ctx.apiClient.getHeroes() }, onError = { it.toCharacterError().left() }, onSuccess = { it.right() }, AC = ctx.threading ) }) Explicit dependencies not needed anymore Reader.ask() lifts a Reader { D -> D } so we get access to D when mapping 20
  17. Reader<D, IO<Either<CharacterError, List<SuperHero>>>> /* use case */
 fun getHeroesUseCase() =

    fetchAllHeroes().map { io -> io.map { maybeHeroes -> maybeHeroes.map { discardNonValidHeroes(it) } } } /* presenter code */
 fun getSuperHeroes() = Reader.ask<GetHeroesContext>().flatMap( { (_, view: SuperHeroesListView) -> getHeroesUseCase().map({ io -> io.unsafeRunAsync { it.map { maybeHeroes -> maybeHeroes.fold( { error -> drawError(error, view) }, { success -> drawHeroes(view, success) }) } } }) }) Context deconstruction 21
  18. Reader<D, IO<Either<CharacterError, List<SuperHero>>>> ‣Complete computation tree deferred thanks to Reader.

    ‣ Thats a completely pure computation since effects are still not run. ‣ When the moment for performing effects comes, you can simply run it passing the context you want to use: /* we perform unsafe effects on view impl now */ override fun onResume() { /* presenter call */ getSuperHeroes().run(heroesContext) } ‣On testing scenarios, you just need to pass a different context which can be providing fake dependencies for the ones we need to mock. 22 Returns a Reader (deferred computation)
  19. How to improve the nested types “hell”? ‣Monads do not

    compose gracefully. ‣Functional developers use Monad Transformers to solve this. ‣Monad Transformers wrap monads to gift those with other monad capabilities. 23
  20. How to improve the nested types “hell”? ‣We want to

    achieve ReaderT<EitherT<IO>> ‣EitherT (Either Transformer) gives Either capabilities to IO. ‣ReaderT (Reader Transformer) gives Reader capabilities to EitherT<IO> ‣We create an alias for that composed type, for syntax: 
 typealias AsyncResult = ReaderT<EitherT<IO>> 24
  21. ‣Takes care of error handling, asynchrony, IO operations, and dependency

    injection. /* data source */
 fun <D : SuperHeroesContext> fetchAllHeroes(): AsyncResult<D, List<SuperHero>> = AsyncResult.monadError<D>().binding { val query = buildFetchHeroesQuery() val ctx = AsyncResult.ask<D>().bind() runInAsyncContext( f = { fetchHeroes(ctx, query) }, onError = { liftError<D>(it) }, onSuccess = { liftSuccess(it) }, AC = ctx.threading<D>() ).bind() } AsyncResult<D, A> bindings are part of Monad comprehensions. Code sequential async calls as if they were sync. ‣Monad bindings return an already lifted and flatMapped result to the context of the monad. 25
  22. /* use case */
 fun <D : SuperHeroesContext> getHeroesUseCase(): AsyncResult<D,

    List<CharacterDto>> = fetchAllHeroes<D>().map { discardNonValidHeroes(it) } AsyncResult<D, A> /* presenter */ fun getSuperHeroes(): AsyncResult<GetHeroesContext, Unit> = getHeroesUseCase<GetHeroesContext>() .map { heroesToRenderableModels(it) } .flatMap { drawHeroes(it) } .handleErrorWith { displayErrors(it) } /* view impl */ override fun onResume() { getSuperHeroes().unsafePerformEffects(heroesContext) } ‣Again on testing scenarios, you just need to pass a different context which can be providing fake dependencies for the ones we need to mock. 26
  23. Extra bullets ‣Two advanced FP styles can be implemented using

    Kategory. ๏ Tagless-Final ๏ Free Monads 27
  24. Tagless-Final ‣Remove concrete monad types from your code (IO, Either,

    Reader) and depend just on behaviors defined by typeclasses. ‣Run your program later on passing in the implementations you want to use for those behaviors on this execution. ‣tagless-final gradle module on sample repo + PR: github.com/JorgeCastilloPrz/KotlinAndroidFunctional/pull/2 28
  25. Free Monads ‣Separates concerns about declaring the AST (abstract syntax

    tree) based on Free<S, A> in a pure way, and interpreting it later on using an interpreter. ‣Free is used to decouple dependencies, so it also replaces the need for dependency injection. Remember this when defining the algebras. ‣free-monads gradle module + PR: github.com/ JorgeCastilloPrz/KotlinAndroidFunctional/pull/6 29
  26. Some conclusions ‣The patterns we learned today to solve DI,

    asynchrony, decoupling… etc, are shared with any other FP languages. That helps us to share all the concepts and glossary with frontend and backend devs inside the company. ‣On FP its common to fix problems once and use the same solution for further executions, programs or systems. 30
  27. Samples for every style explained ‣Four grade modules on repo

    github.com/JorgeCastilloPrz/ KotlinAndroidFunctional ๏ nested-monads (Monad Stack) ๏ monad-transformers ๏ Tagless-Final ๏ Free Monads ‣https://medium.com/@JorgeCastilloPr/ 31