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Implementation and Application of High-Performa...

Implementation and Application of High-Performance Empirical Dynamic Modeling

学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点 第15回シンポジウム での発表

Keichi Takahashi

July 06, 2023

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  1. ౦๺େֶαΠόʔαΠΤϯεηϯλʔߴڮܛஐ Gerald M. Pao, Salk Institute for Biological Studies Implementation

    and Application of High- Performance Empirical Dynamic Modeling ֶࡍେن໛৘ใج൫ڞಉར༻ɾڞಉݚڀڌ఺ ୈճγϯϙδ΢Ϝ ೥݄೔ jh220050ࠃࡍڞಉݚڀ՝୊
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 [2] Ethan Deyle and George Sugihara, “Generalized theorems for nonlinear state space reconstruction,” PLoS One, vol. 6, no.3, 2011.
  3. &%.ͷద༻ྫҨ఻ࢠൃݱྔͷ࣌ؒมԽ 3 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 180

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 (8,704 USD→1.1 USD) 'JTI@/PSNPσʔληοτͷॲཧ࣌ؒΑΓ֎ૠ [1] Wassapon Watanakeesuntorn et al., “Massively Parallel Causal Inference of Whole Brain Dynamics at Single Neuron Resolution,” 
 26th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2020), Dec. 2020. ۙ๣୳ࡧΛ(16্ʹΦϑϩʔυ͠ɼෳ਺ϊʔυɾ(16ʹରԠͨ͠$$.࣮૷Λ։ൃ<> 
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  7. ۙࣅL//୳ࡧΛద༻ͨ͠ࡍͷ࣮ߦ࣌ؒ 11 1×10-1 1×100 1×101 1×102 1×103 1×104 1×104 1×105

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  10. 5PQL୳ࡧͷ࣮ߦ࣌ؒ 15 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 1000 10000

    100000 1x106 Runtime [ms] Length of vector STL full sort STL partial sort ASL full sort LSD radix full sort MSD radix partial sort L 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 1×103 1×104 1×105 1×106 Runtime [ms] Array length (N) STL partial sort (VE) MSD radix partial sort (VE) STL full sort (Xeon) STL partial sort (Xeon) LSD radix full sort (Xeon) MSD radix partial sort (Xeon) w $ 45-ιʔτ TUETPSU ɼ$ 45-෦෼ιʔτ TUEQBSUJBM@TPSU ɼ/&$"4-ιʔτ BTM@TPSU@ ɼ-4%ج਺ιʔτ /&$ͷ044 ɼ.4%ج਺෦෼ιʔτ ಠ࣮ࣗ૷ Λൺֱ w 7FDUPS&OHJOF5ZQF#ͱ*OUFM9FPO4JMWFSͷίΞಉ࢜Λൺֱ 9FPOͰͷ 
  11. ݚڀۀ੷Ұཡ ֶज़࿦จ ࠪಡ͋Γ  • Keichi Takahashi, Kohei Ichikawa, Joseph

    Park, Gerald M. Pao, “Scalable Empirical Dynamic Modeling with Parallel Computing and Approximate k-NN Search,” IEEE Access. (in print) ࠃࡍձٞൃද ࠪಡͳ͠  • Keichi Takahashi and Gerald M. Pao, “Challenges in Scaling Empirical Dynamic Modeling,” 34th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, October 24-25, 2022. ެ։ιϑτ΢ΣΞ • kEDM: https://github.com/keichi/kEDM ͦͷଞ • Keichi Takahashi, Kohei Ichikawa and Gerald M. Pao, “Toward Scalable Empirical Dynamic Modeling,” Sustained Simulation Performance 2022, Springer Cham, 2023. (in print) 17
  12. ·ͱΊͱࠓޙͷ՝୊ w ۙࣅLۙ๣୳ࡧ͸&%.ʹ༗ޮͰ͋Γɼ3FDBMM͕௿ͯ͘΋&%.ͷ݁Ռ΁ͷӨڹগ w σʔλͷಛੑʹґଘ͢ΔՄೳੑ͕͋ΔͷͰɼ࣮σʔλΛ༻͍ͯධՁ w 7FDUPS&OHJOF্Ͱͷ5PQL୳ࡧ͸9FPOΑΓੑೳ͕௿͍ w ڑ཭ܭࢉͱ5PQL୳ࡧΛͦΕͧΕ7&ͱ$16Ͱ෼୲͢Δ w

    ۭؒॆరۂઢΛ༻͍ͨ7FDUPS&OHJOF্ͰͷۙࣅL//୳ࡧख๏<>ΛධՁ w ଟม਺ͷ4JNQMFY1SPKFDUJPOΛωοτϫʔΫ্ʹ૊Έ߹Θͤͨɼੜ੒తϞσϧ ͷߏஙͱݕূ<> 18 [1] খࣉխ࢘Β, “ۭؒॆరۂઢΛ༻͍ͨϕΫτϧϓϩηοαʹ͓͚Δkۙ๣๏ͷߴ଎Խ,” ୈ185ճHPCݚڀձ, 2022. 
 [2] Gerald M. Pao et al., “Experimentally testable whole brain manifolds that recapitulate behavior,” arXiv:2106.10627, 2021.