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IMPROVE ALL THE REPOS – exploring Microsoft’s D...

IMPROVE ALL THE REPOS – exploring Microsoft’s DevExp

Microsoft is big. Like, REALLY BIG. This means 100s of engineers working in their huge monorepos, and React Native experiences being thrown around across them... how can this even work? How do you improve, coordinate, remove frictions for so many codebases?
In this talk, we will dive a bit deeper on the technical side to present you some of the unique challenges we face at the MS scale, and introduce you to some of our custom tooling – who knows, maybe it will be helpful for you too?

Lorenzo 'kelset' Sciandra

September 02, 2021

More Decks by Lorenzo 'kelset' Sciandra

Other Decks in Programming


  1. The Microsoft galaxy • Microsoft has many monorepos • A

    monorepo is a place in which many different packages coexist, aware of each other Photo by Graham Holtshausen on Unsplash 2
  2. To navigate this cosmos, here are your astronauts Tommy Nguyen

    @tido64 (GitHub) Principal Software Engineer Photo by Graham Holtshausen on Unsplash Lorenzo Sciandra @kelset Senior Software Engineer React Native Maintainer 3
  3. How did React Native at Microsoft start? – Original exploration

    happened in Skype – After a first greenfield attempt, the next step was understanding how to integrate within existing apps – The brownfield approach organically propagated within different organizations in Microsoft 5
  4. The concept of experiences – In Microsoft, as in other

    big corps, we use React Native to create features to include in existing apps – The idea is to abstract away the complexities of handling with React Native as a tool: the developers only need to worry about writing JS experience hostapp A B 6
  5. The challenges Who keeps RN updated in each codebase? When

    do you bump RN? What if our configurations are different? What if my experience targets multiple products? How do we use OSS libraries? Photo by Graham Holtshausen on Unsplash 7
  6. The 2 main challenges #1: how can we separate the

    developer experience from the complexity of the tooling? #2: how can we reduce the burden of alignment across different monorepos? 9
  7. Solution: React Native Test App – REACT NATIVE TEST APP

    is a super compact RN app that hides the complexity of a greenfield app below the surface. – Similarly to Expo’s client, the developer only needs to worry about the JavaScript code for their experience – but you still have full control of the native code. – It supports many different RN versions, via a simple configuration change. 11
  8. “Demos speak louder than words” -Sun Tzu, or something Showing

    off RNTA 12 Find the full demo at https://github.com/tido64/rneu-demo
  9. 13

  10. RNTA how we use it BENEFITS – Fewer engineers need

    to worry about the inner works of RN (or iOS or Android or macOS or Windows), they can just use it – Easier to upgrade than a standard RN project – If there’s a custom fix or workaround that you need, you can implement it once and use it across the entire monorepo… or even the entire company Experience 1 A Experience 2 14
  11. Problem #2: align the monorepos RN v.X Package A: v1

    Package B: v2 Hermes: NO RN v.Y Package A: v1 Package B: v3 Hermes: YES RN v.Z Package A: v3 Package C: v3 Hermes: YES RN v.X Package C: v1 Package B: v1 Hermes: NO 15
  12. Solution: @rnx-kit/dep-check – DEP-CHECK is a tool that can understand

    the dependencies in a package.json and can modify it, based on a series of curated profiles. – It can even fix misconfigured package.json – the developer simply defines a local dep-check configuration, and the tool will take care of declaring the right packages, at the right version, in the right section. 16
  13. “A demo is stronger than a big bang” -Einstein, probably

    Showing off RNX-KIT dep-check 17 Find the full demo at https://github.com/tido64/rneu-demo
  14. 18

  15. dep-check how we use it BENEFITS – List of dependencies

    and versions is curated: teams can just trust it – Can be run on CI to ensure that no divergences happen – You can introduce custom profiles.. And even export them among different monorepos! * 19
  16. To recap – REACT NATIVE TEST APP to separate the

    developer experience from the complexity of the tooling – @RNX-KIT/DEP-CHECK to reduce the burden of alignment across different monorepos by relying on automation 20
  17. Concluding – These solutions are the byproduct of “lessons we

    learned the hard way”, and we are pretty sure most of you are facing some similar challenges – ...so what if our tools were OSS and you could use them? 21
  18. Thank you for listening! Lorenzo Sciandra @kelset Senior Software Engineer

    React Native Maintainer Tommy Nguyen @tido64 (GitHub) Principal Software Engineer https://github.com/microsoft/rnx-kit https://github.com/microsoft/react-native-test-app 23 React Native Europe 2021