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Cookpad の広告配信を支えるアーキテクチャ

Cookpad の広告配信を支えるアーキテクチャ

Ken Wagatsuma

October 03, 2018

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  1. 8IP Kenju Wagatsuma - Serverside Engineer - Ruby, Go, AWS

    - Recruit HD -> Bit Journey -> Cookpad - github.com/kenju - twitter.com/itiskj - itiskj.hatenablog.com
  2. 4FSWJDFT • ad4 • admin site • ads • ads

    delivery server • log architecture • Offline … fluentd/S3/Redshift • Realtime … Kinesis Streams/DynamoDB/Lambda
  3. %FMJWFSZ%FMJWFSZ1MBO { "version": 1, "site_id": 3, "product_id": 537, "product_capacity": 1,

    "campaigns": [ { "id": 18585, "goal_type": "percentage", "creatives": [ { "id": 60057, "formats": [ "category_hijack_spw_with_image" ], "targets": [ { "keywords": [ "͘Ζ·Ί", "ΫϩϚϝ" ] } ] } ], "rate_numerator": 10000, "rate_denominator": 10000 },
  4. %FMJWFSZ%FMJWFSZ1BZMPBE [ { "key": "cookpad-android-search-master", "creatives": [ [ { "id":

    111, "template": "image", "click_url": "https://...", "media": { "mime_type": "image/jpeg", "original": "https://example.com/d6663ab44a0c48a1996debc690893493.jpg?1510564210", "width": 300, "height": 250 } } ] ] }
  5. 5BSHFUJOH $SFBUJWF ʢ࠶ܝʣ $SFBUJWF5BSHFU λʔήςΟϯάϧʔϧΛද͢ந৅Ϟσϧ "SFB3VMF ΤϦΞผλʔήςΟϯά "VEJFODF3VMF ηάϝϯτผλʔήςΟϯά ,FZXPSE3VMF

    ݕࡧΩʔϫʔυผλʔήςΟϯά 3FDJQF3VMF ϨγϐผλʔήςΟϯά 4DIFEVMF3VMF ༵೔ɾ࣌ؒଳผλʔήςΟϯά
  6. EJTQMBZKT'FBUVSFT • Request to the ads delivery server • Parse

    response & build creative tags • Header Bidding wrapper • Logging for viewable impressions
  7. EJTQMBZKT-JCSBSJFT • webpack for building • babel for compile •

    eslint for static analysis • eslint-plugin-compat (<- one of maintainers #) • karma / jasmine • pupetter as an emulator • istanbul for coverage
  8. EJTQMBZKT3FRVFTU3FTQPOTF $ curl --globoff ‘https://example-ads.com/display?slots[pc-top-panel-main][capacity]=1' | jq . { "slots":

    [ { "key": "pc-top-panel-main", "creatives": [ [ { "id": 62596, "template": "image", "media": { "mime_type": "image/jpeg", "original": "https://img5-ak.cpcdn.com/ad4/19584ec3bf844581a0cfd1917cd785d8.jpg?1535448767", "width": 300, "height": 600, "center_crop": false } } ]