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Istio is a long wild river: how to navigate it ...

Raphael Fraysse
February 27, 2021

Istio is a long wild river: how to navigate it safely

Presented at IstioCon 2021: https://events.istio.io/istiocon-2021/live/
by Raphael Fraysse, Tech Lead, Networking @ Mercari, Inc.
Twitter: @la1nra
If you are interested in working on this, come help us at https://mercari.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/mercari_external/job/Roppongi/Software-Engineer--Microservices-Platform_JR-000000350!

At Mercari, we spent more than 1 and a half year trying to introduce Istio in our infrastructure, with many struggles and trial-and-errors. This session intends to summarize our learnings in this experience by explaining our progress around 2 parts:
- Stabilizing Istio
- Adopting Istio

We hope to help others Istio users in being aware of the required preparation to fully unleash the value of Istio for their needs.

Raphael Fraysse

February 27, 2021


  1. What Is Mercari? • Service start: July 2013 • OS:

    Android, iOS *Can also be accessed by web browsers • Usage fee: Free *Commission fee for sold items: 10% of the sales price • Regions/languages supported: Base specs for Japan/Japanese • Total number of listings to date: More than 2 billion *As of December 2020 Many sellers enjoy having the items they no longer need purchased and used by buyers who need them, and buyers enjoy the feeling of hunting for treasure as they search through unique and diverse items for lucky finds. In addition to buying and selling, users actively communicate through the buyer/seller chat and the “Like” feature. The Mercari app is a C2C marketplace where individuals can easily sell used items. We want to provide both buyers and sellers with a service where they can enjoy safe and secure transactions. Mercari offers a unique customer experience, with a transaction environment that uses the payments Mercari holds in escrow, and simple and affordable shipping options. 5
  2. 6 • 200+ microservices (200+ namespaces) • 100K RPS at

    peak on API Gateway • 1 main production Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster • 12k+ pods • 750+ nodes Istio at Mercari
  3. 7 Istio at Mercari Apr 2019 Started Istio PoC Sep

    2019 First release in production Feb 2021 ~25% production services ~50% development services migrated to Istio End of 2021 100% services migrated to Istio
  4. 8 Features currently used: • HTTP/2 Load-balancing • Traffic Shifting

    • mTLS Features under investigation: • Retries • Circuit breaking Istio at Mercari
  5. 10 Stabilizing Istio • Istio sidecar proxy specifications • Kubernetes

    shortcomings with sidecar containers ◦ Controlling containers lifecycle ◦ Autoscaling pods with sidecar containers • Are you prepared to handle Istio? • A full mesh is utopian, know what you need only • Guardrails for Istio
  6. 11 Istio sidecar proxy specifications Stabilizing Istio Pod App container

    Sidecar container All incoming traffic must flow through the sidecar first when entering the pod All outgoing traffic must flow through the sidecar before leaving the pod
  7. 12 What happens when the sidecar container is not ready?

    Stabilizing Istio Pod App container Sidecar container (not running) The incoming traffic is sank into the void The outgoing traffic cannot leave the pod
  8. 13 What happens when the sidecar container is not ready?

    Stabilizing Istio • 2 cases where it happens frequently: ◦ During pod creation ◦ During pod deletion • To prevent it, we need to make sure that: 1. Envoy is started before any other container in a pod 2. Envoy is stopped after any other container in a pod
  9. 14 Kubernetes shortcomings with sidecar containers Stabilizing Istio Pod A

    is the Kubernetes atomic unit Pod App container Sidecar container Pods are the atomic unit, not containers.
  10. 15 Shortcoming 1: Controlling the running order for containers Stabilizing

    Istio Kubernetes lacks good control APIs to customize the containers lifecycle in a pod. There is no official way to instruct a pod to: 1. Start the sidecar container first 2. Stop the sidecar container after the app container is stopped However, we can wrap a pod lifecycle using container lifecycle hooks to achieve our goal.
  11. 16 Workaround: Use postStart and preStop lifecycle hooks Stabilizing Istio

    1. Ensure that Envoy is started before any other container in a pod • Use a `postStart` lifecycle hook in the istio-proxy container manifest lifecycle: postStart: exec: command: - pilot-agent - wait Fortunately, it is handled automatically since Istio 1.8 by setting the `holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts` field to true in ProxyConfig under MeshConfig options: meshConfig: defaultConfig: holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts: true
  12. 17 Workaround: Use postStart and preStop lifecycle hooks Stabilizing Istio

    2. Ensure that Envoy is stopped after any other container in a pod • Use a `preStop` lifecycle hook in the istio-proxy container manifest: lifecycle: preStop: exec: command: [“/bin/sh”, “-c”, “while [ $(netstat -plunt | grep tcp | grep -v envoy | wc -l | xargs) -ne 0 ]; do sleep 1; done”] This preStop hook will wait for application connections to be drained before stopping the container.
  13. 18 Workaround: Use postStart and preStop lifecycle hooks Stabilizing Istio

    2. Ensure that Envoy is stopped after any other container in a pod • Use a `preStop` lifecycle hook in the application container manifest: lifecycle: preStop: exec: command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep 30; wget -qO- --post-data '' localhost:15000/healthcheck/fail; sleep 45; wget -qO- --post-data '' localhost:15000/healthcheck/ok;"] This preStop hook will sleep to let downstream gRPC connections terminate, drain the Envoy listeners and sleep to give enough time for draining remaining connections. The last command is to handle container restart cases.
  14. 19 Workaround: Use postStart and preStop lifecycle hooks Stabilizing Istio

    2. Ensure that Envoy is stopped after any other container in a pod • Adjust your pods terminationGracePeriodSeconds to be more than the sum of all sleeps in the preStop hooks. ➔ If the pod is terminated too early, connection draining may not complete, leading to 5xx errors Example: for sleep 30 + sleep 45 in the application container, we set terminationGracePeriodSeconds to 90 seconds.
  15. 20 Warning: These are workarounds, not solutions! Stabilizing Istio Test

    before using! These workarounds are based on the Kubernetes pod/container lifecycles and only recommended if you know what you are doing. Once Kubernetes supports the sidecar pattern in a better way, these workarounds should be deprecated.
  16. 21 Shortcoming 2: Autoscaling multi-containers pods Stabilizing Istio Kubernetes offers

    2 ways to autoscale pods: • HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA) • VerticalPodAutoscaler (VPA) Unfortunately, Kubernetes is (was) not very smart at scaling out pods with multiple containers with HPA. • Fixed in Kubernetes 1.20 by specifying a container resource as an HPA target • In the meantime, we need to add the Istio sidecar into the HPA calculation
  17. 22 Define HPA target for multi-containers pods Stabilizing Istio CPU:

    1 Memory: 100MB Pod App container Container requests
  18. 23 Define HPA target for multi-containers pods Stabilizing Istio CPU:

    1 Pod App container Container requests HPA configuration (70% CPU) metrics: - type: Resource resource: name: cpu target: type: Utilization averageUtilization: 70 Will trigger when the container is using more than 700m CPU
  19. 24 Define HPA target for multi-containers pods Stabilizing Istio CPU:

    1 Pod App container Sidecar container CPU: 100m Container requests HPA configuration (70% CPU) metrics: - type: Resource resource: name: cpu target: type: Utilization averageUtilization: 70 The HPA takes the average of all containers CPU requests values.
  20. 25 Define HPA target for multi-containers pods Stabilizing Istio CPU:

    1 Pod App container Sidecar container CPU: 100m Container resources HPA configuration (70% CPU) metrics: - type: Resource resource: name: cpu target: type: Utilization averageUtilization: 70 Will trigger when the container is using more than 770m CPU
  21. 26 Define HPA target for multi-containers pods Stabilizing Istio Two

    options: 1. Make the istio-proxy CPU very low compared to the application CPU (Between x% and y% of app CPU) to minimize the variance 2. Adjust the HPA threshold to match the original CPU absolute target (700m): Target % = Original CPU absolute target /Sum of CPU resources = 63.6%.
  22. 27 Define HPA target for multi-containers pods Stabilizing Istio Both

    options have their drawbacks, since you need to involve users in the calculation, making it a big blocker in spreading the Istio adoption… The other big problem is estimating what is the Istio sidecar container CPU usage, which we’ll talk about in the second part of the presentation.
  23. 28 Are you prepared to handle Istio? Stabilizing Istio Main

    time consumers with Istio: 1. Troubleshooting 2. Spreading adoption 3. Supporting new features
  24. 29 To succeed in Istio adoption you need to have:

    Stabilizing Istio • Dedicated resources for it (the more the better) • A good in-house knowledge of networking : Linux, Kubernetes and Envoy • Be patient and resisting the temptations from users to open features too early • Mechanisms to improve the reliability of Istio
  25. 30 Choose your fights, start small Stabilizing Istio Start with

    few simple features such as: • Injecting sidecars, HTTP/2 LoadBalancing • Traffic shifting for canaries Build confidence in the system and understanding of Istio. Then you can onboard some users, get feedback, improve, rinse and repeat.
  26. 31 A full mesh is utopian, know what you need

    only Stabilizing Istio The dream: • Service meshes usually promise full mesh observability, reachability • Plug it in, and shall the magic unleash! they said
  27. 32 A full mesh is utopian, know what you need

    only Stabilizing Istio The reality: • The control plane is burning down when pushing your thousand services updates to the hundreds of proxies running • Proxies are OOM Killed every X minutes since they cannot handle the change frequency • Proxies are heavily CPU throttling and consuming CPU without traffic • Envoy configuration files are > 100K Lines
  28. 33 A full mesh is utopian, know what you need

    only Stabilizing Istio In fact, Istio is impossible to use at any scale other than small PoCs without restricting the exposed resources to each proxy in the mesh. It is written in the official documentation, and actually, reference values are only disclosed for when namespace isolation is enabled.
  29. 34 The Sidecar CRD to save the mesh Stabilizing Istio

    The Sidecar CRD (Custom Resource Definition) allows to control the exposure of mesh configuration to a specific proxy, based on namespace or labels. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: Sidecar metadata: name: default namespace: mercari-echo-jp-dev spec: egress: - hosts: - ./* - istio-system/*
  30. 35 The Sidecar CRD to save the mesh Stabilizing Istio

    The Sidecar CRD (Custom Resource Definition) allows to control the exposure of mesh configuration to a specific proxy, based on namespace or labels. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: Sidecar metadata: name: default namespace: mercari-echo-jp-dev spec: egress: - hosts: - ./* - istio-system/* Only Istio and the local namespace configuration is pushed to namespace-local proxies: • Listeners • Clusters • Endpoints
  31. 36 The Sidecar CRD to save the mesh Stabilizing Istio

    Without sidecar CRD With sidecar CRD Istiod average CPU usage
  32. 37 The Sidecar CRD to save the mesh Stabilizing Istio

    Main drawback Services must know their dependencies, document and update them. If this wasn’t the case before, Istio may not feel welcoming to users. When a dependency is not in the allowed list of a Sidecar CRD, the service mesh features will not be available for that traffic. (Because it goes through the PassthroughCluster)
  33. 38 Some approaches to handle Sidecar CRDs Stabilizing Istio •

    Do not expose Sidecar CRD to users, use a service definition to generate Sidecar • Use protocol specific traffic sniffing (i.e. gRPC call discovery) to find out dependencies • eBPF magic to get service calls? We use the first approach currently as it is protocol-agnostic and works before live traffic.
  34. 39 Guardrails for Istio Stabilizing Istio ◦ The service mesh

    is common to all users ◦ Any change to it spreads across the whole mesh ▪ Any misconfiguration spread too, be it intentional or not Humans are error-prone, both users and operators are humans so: Errors will happen, with a large blast radius!
  35. 40 How can we mitigate errors and their impact? Stabilizing

    Istio • Leverage linters (conftest) to catch issues at CI-level, keeping a short feedback loop • Leverage admission webhooks (OPA Gatekeeper) to ◦ protect the resources ◦ check what cannot be checked at linter-level (inventory) Please check my last year presentation: “Preparing the guardrails for Istio at scale” (Slides, Video) for more details
  36. 41 Takeaways Stabilizing Istio • Kubernetes doesn’t handle sidecar containers

    well ◦ Use postStart and preStop container hooks to gracefully handle the pod lifecycle • Kubernetes doesn’t scale Istio-enabled pods well ◦ Use ContainerResource to fix HPA on the application container (From K8S 1.20) ◦ Otherwise, add the Sidecar proxy CPU usage into calculation for HPA scale target. • Exposing only a few Istio features helps with Istio adoption and stability • Use Sidecar CRDs to keep Istio healthy and find mechanisms to handle this automatically • Guardrails such as Gatekeeper OPA are crucial to ensure the long-term stability of Istio
  37. 43 Adoption challenges Adopting Istio • Moving HTTP/2 load-balancing from

    client-side to Envoy • Label selector updates for app and version labels • Istio default retry policy • Istio proxy performance and load testing • Abstracting the Istio features
  38. 44 Moving HTTP/2 load-balancing from client-side to Envoy Adopting Istio

    • We use gRPC heavily in our microservices • But Kubernetes is pretty bad at load-balancing it • So we solved it by using a client-side load-balancing library + Headless Services Headless services are to us what ClusterIP services are to common people! However, our KubeDNS was not happy at all with the SRV requests...
  39. 45 Promises of brighter days with Istio Adopting Istio •

    Then Istio came, with its awesome HTTP/2 load-balancing capabilities out-of-the-box • We tried it as-is, with existing gRPC services • Result: Weird 5XXs on upstream service pod rollout • No matter how well our services handled graceful termination, Istio would make headless services worse. Conclusion: We stopped using headless services and gradually migrated to ClusterIP services
  40. 46 The hell of migrating hundreds of services Adopting Istio

    • Services are immutable (for some good reasons) so for each service migration, we need to: ◦ Write the ClusterIP service equivalent ◦ Make sure Istio-enabled callers update their config with the ClusterIP service ◦ Keep a double standard during migration Compounding to hundreds of services, the cost is terrible so be strategic
  41. 48 Label selector updates for app and version labels Adopting

    Istio • Is there anyone in the audience who was prescient enough to use the app or version before starting Istio? • Chances are huge that you need to modify your Deployments to put these labels ◦ Because we all want fancy Traffic Shifting features! • Then you try to update, and: Error: .LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable (Since k8s 1.16)
  42. 49 Label selector updates for app and version labels Adopting

    Istio First, headless services, now labels... Who said that migrating to Istio is only about adding sidecars??
  43. 50 Label selector updates for app and version labels Adopting

    Istio Fair enough, let’s do it: 1. Create a new Deployment with new name (immutable field) with the app and version labels 2. Make sure the Service is serving both Deployments 3. Create HPAs to target the new Deployment 4. Delete old Deployment Simple, isn’t it? Now, repeat for hundreds of services! Good luck :D
  44. 51 Label selector updates for app and version labels Adopting

    Istio A more sustainable approach: • Use your CD tooling (i.e. Spinnaker) to automate this migration • Ask users to use the migration pipeline when onboarding with Istio This approach is quite similar to canary release so you gain time by investing into it
  45. 52 Istio default retry policy Adopting Istio Another good surprise

    from Istio: All HTTP requests are retried twice! The other even better surprise is: You cannot disable it or change it!
  46. 53 Istio default retry policy Adopting Istio So you’re stuck

    with adding a RetryPolicy for every single Kubernetes service served by Istio... ➔ Isn’t it loose coupling? This issue opened last year explains the problem and its fatality. Thankfully, the community is working on a solution. (Contributing is important!!!) But we didn’t have the time to wait for it so what did we do? We forked Istio!
  47. 54 Forking Istio to change the default retry policy Adopting

    Istio It’s not a big deal, actually a one-liner change in the code: - RetryOn: "connect-failure,refused-stream,unavailable,cancelled,retriable-status-codes", + RetryOn: "connect-failure”, Connect-failure is retry-safe even for non-idempotent methods as it is triggers when a server is unavailable at the TCP level. Build your Istiod image, push your tag and use it in the IstioOperator manifest.
  48. 55 Istio proxy performance and capacity Adopting Istio • Putting

    sidecars everywhere has a cost ◦ Latency ◦ Compute resources The Istio 1.9 community reference values for sidecar performance are: • Latency: +2.65 ms at p90 (no telemetry) • Compute resources: 0.35 vCPU and 40 MB memory / 1000 RPS
  49. 56 • What do we want when implementing Istio? ◦

    Added value to the business ◦ Reliable performance ◦ Reasonable cost Istio proxy performance and capacity Adopting Istio • Put in another way, know your tradeoffs: ◦ How acceptable is the performance loss for the added value? ◦ How much should we pay for the added value?
  50. 57 Istio proxy performance and capacity Adopting Istio • Each

    workload may be different, even in a same product. Some examples: ◦ Latency-sensitive workloads ◦ Long-lived batches (ML) ◦ Web platforms • How do you define a common answer to the previous questions? ◦ It’s nearly impossible ◦ At best, requires to involve each owner and brainstorm it
  51. 58 Istio proxy performance and capacity Adopting Istio Fact: If

    Istio is enabled in all pods in a cluster, for n pods, there are n sidecars • Case 1: One size fits all (need to fit the biggest workload) + Easy to set, one default value for sidecar resources - Bigger default size = bigger cost • Case 2: Adjust based on workloads + Resource cost is low - Tremendous cost in load-testing and adjusting values
  52. 59 Istio proxy performance and capacity Adopting Istio • One

    size fits all is too costly for us (and should probably be for you too) • So how can we adjust the sidecar size? ◦ VPA? Not working ◦ HPA? Not applicable ◦ Load testing application, load testing the sidecar -> seems the only way We just want a dynamic smart autoscaler for Istio sidecars!
  53. 60 Istio proxy performance and capacity Adopting Istio • When

    load-testing a service Istio sidecar, questions to ask: ◦ How many RPS without Istio? ◦ How many hops per request? ▪ Single request per call? ▪ Multiple requests per call? ▪ Calling authn/z service on each call? Depending on the answers, the application RPS measured in library may vary between 2 and n times when using Istio.
  54. 61 Istio proxy performance and capacity Adopting Istio Client Pod

    Svc A Pod Svc B Client Pod Svc A Pod Svc B Pod Svc authn/z 1 2 3 1 2 Client Pod Svc A Pod Svc B Pod Svc C Pod Svc D Pod Svc authn/z 1 2 3 4 5
  55. 62 Istio proxy performance and capacity Adopting Istio Service with

    2 requests: 10000 RPS at library level Istio RPS: 20000 RPS Service with 5 requests: 10000 RPS at library level Istio RPS: 50000 RPS
  56. 63 Istio proxy performance and capacity Adopting Istio Service with

    2 requests: 20 pods 10000 RPS at library level RPS/pod: 500 Istio RPS: 20000 RPS Istio RPS/pod: 1000 Service with 5 requests: 10 pods 10000 RPS at library level RPS/pod: 1000 Istio RPS: 50000 RPS Istio RPS/pod: 5000
  57. 64 Istio proxy performance and capacity Adopting Istio Envoy concurrency

    setting is also very important for performance. • Default -> 2 • For minimal performance impact -> Workers = vCPU (1 worker/vCPU) • Load test your workloads at different level of concurrency and resources • Account for RPS/pod when calculating the capacity and beware of HPA • Capacity differs greatly depending on both CPU resources and concurrency
  58. 65 Abstracting Istio Adopting Istio • Should you expose a

    whole new layer of YAMLs to people that are already overfed with? The answer is no. • Should you require your users to understand every single parameter in a VirtualService? The answer is also no. The main reason is probably that you are paid to improve your users productivity, not decreasing it.
  59. 66 Abstracting Istio Adopting Istio The same way as we

    build libraries and interfaces to improve productivity, we need to build proper abstractions to maximize the added value of Istio to our users: • Automating the onboarding • Making a feature fully automated and managed It improves by a lot: • The user experience for developing services • The maintainability of Istio for operators
  60. 67 How we abstract Istio Adopting Istio • We are

    using Terraform to handle the Sidecar CRD Policy and GitOps CI/CD pipeline to apply them • We are exploring Cuelang to template a simple DSL for managing various features ◦ Full Istio onboarding (lifecycles, injection…) ◦ True Managed Canary Release with Spinnaker ◦ And more coming in the future!
  61. 68 Takeaways Adopting Istio • Headless services are erratic with

    Istio, use ClusterIP services instead, plan the migration wisely • Use automation pipelines to label Deployments for traffic shifting • Istio has a risky default retry policy for non-idempotent APIs, we forked Istio to solve it temporarily • Having sidecars everywhere is a huge cost so make sure to mitigate it by proper sizing with testing • Abstracting the Istio features is the only way to spread the adoption and maximize their added value