talk about iPhone app ideas, this tends to be the least thought out part of the idea. •This usually the moment where you realize your idea isn’t as thought out as you as you believed. Saturday, March 3, 12
you can •Take advantage of the fact that people already know how to use Apple’s UI’s •Keep in mind people use apps in a short burst of time. Make accessing the most useful parts of your app quick. Saturday, March 3, 12
10 different version of a user interface. •Iterating over a design that many times causes you to realize what’s really important •You can probably get away with 3-4 designs for your app. Saturday, March 3, 12
get free marketing from Apple •Commercials •Apple Store demo devices •Special App Store page •They also hand out awards (Apple Design Award) Saturday, March 3, 12
conservatively as possible •iOS will warn you when memory usage is getting high •Free cached resources that can be rebuilt easily Saturday, March 3, 12
waiting for a environment to be updated when a new iOS version comes out •Applications may not always work in the most efficient way •Start with a larger binary size Saturday, March 3, 12
•91% of updates are approved in 7 days or less (3/6/2011) •Best not to ship with something you can “fix with an update” •Special process for emergency updates (don’t abuse it) Saturday, March 3, 12