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Et si on redémarrait l’agile ? — Agile Grenoble...

Et si on redémarrait l’agile ? — Agile Grenoble 2019

Pourquoi alors que l’agilité n’a jamais été aussi populaire, certains développeurs ne s’y retrouve plus ? Comment, ce qui devait être un mouvement d'émancipation des acteurs d'un projet, se retrouve à être vécu comme un calvaire ?
Nous chercherons à répondre à ces questions en revenant à la motivation profonde des entreprises et à pourquoi elles n'arrivent pas à se défaire de leurs (mauvaises) habitudes de management.


November 12, 2019

More Decks by Arnaud LEMAIRE

Other Decks in Programming


  1. « Apparently, this SCRUM thing is so great, you need

    a person on every team dedicated to forcing the others to do it. » @cgosimon
  2. - "Business Agile": Built Upon Sand — R.Jeffries - The

    State of Agile Software in 2018 — M.Fowler - The Tragedy of Craftsmanship — Robert C. Martin - Developers Should Abandon Agile — R.Jeffries - The Failure of Agile — Andy Hunt - Time to Kill Agile — D.Thomas - The agile hangover — S.Mancuso
  3. Before Agile 101 After Project manager Product Owner (Agile Project

    Manager) Estimates in Man/Day Tracking progress Tracking progress (But it is a nice burn-down chart) Production releases every six months. Production releases every 6 months (But we have 2 weeks sprints) Estimates in points (and convert them in man/day)
  4. Agile 101 6 months after… Tracking velocity Estimating our project

    How do we get better at Refining the backlog Creating better burn- down charts How to sync stories in Jira ?
  5. More X to solve X « We need to follow

    the SCRUM guide more strictly »
  6. Creating our burn- down charts Agile 101 6 months after…

    Tracking velocity Estimating our project How do we get better at Refining the backlog These are sym ptom s, not causes !
  7. « Most software today is very much like an Egyptian

    pyramid with millions of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural integrity, just done by brute force and thousands of slaves. » — Alan Kay We need to improve their commitment
  8. And the system is not only about the source code

    Stress people people And often their last defence has been taken away
  9. Predictability comes from technical excellence « The quality of today

    is the productivity of tomorrow » — JB. Dusseaut
  10. « So much of what we call management consists of

    making it difficult for people to work. » — Peter Drucker
  11. A = What is the cost to create X ?

    & B = How much did it cost to produce X ? The sacred Provisional budget Management 101 The destroyer of illusions The feared balance A - B > 0
  12. Scope (cost) Resources Time « Hofstadter's Law: It always takes

    longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law » Management 101
  13. Scope (cost) Resources Time « Nine women can't make a

    baby in one month. » Management 101 Hiring or making, you have to choose
  14. Management 101 Scope (cost) Resources Time The Iron Triangle Scope

    = Time x Resources The Iron Triangle is a lie !
  15. Scope (cost) Resources Time Quality You have to choose your

    next features carefully. The only thing you can flex What has the most value for the customer ?
  16. A = What is the cost to create X ?

    & B = How much did it cost to produce X ? A - B > 0 Management 101 It’s a risk hedging strategy But, does it create value for the company ?
  17. Creating our burn- down charts Agile 101 6 months after…

    Tracking velocity Estimating our project How do we get better at Refining the backlog How m uch will it cost to m ake X ? & How m uch did it cost ?
  18. « The best way to predict the future is to

    implement it. » — Alan Kay
  19. We need a new hedging strategy Making the right product

    And delivering it A non-delivered product is a risk !
  20. Time Seconds Minutes Hours Days Weeks Statements & methods Classes

    & Interface Design Architecture Features Priorities Solution IDE Pair programming Unit tests System metaphor Continuous Integration On site customer Collective ownership Acceptance testing Type system Planning game Short releases Feedback loops
  21. A = What is the cost to create X ?

    & B = How much did it cost to produce X ? What our customers need next ? & How do we put it as quickly as possible in front of them ? From Planification to Prioritisation
  22. Stop producing specifications without your dev team what goes into

    production is what the developers have understood
  23. If you are not involved in the production process, please

    don’t get involved… TDD, Pair Programming, …
  24. « Economies of scale are true in milk, not in

    software development » — @allankellynet
  25. « Two-Pizza Teams work like semi-independent entrepreneurial hothouses. Insulated from

    the greater organisation’s bureaucracy » — John Rossman
  26. « Learn to ship software at will without any risk

    of defects, and you will discover you no longer need your framework. » — Arlo Belshee