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Comfortable service experiences created with LI...

Comfortable service experiences created with LINE MINI App

Ai Shimogori
LINE Developer Product Management Team Product Manager

LINE DevDay 2020

November 27, 2020

More Decks by LINE DevDay 2020

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  1. LINE rapid growth to No.1 messenger (as of Sep. 2020)

    User 86 million (JP) DAU / MAU 85% (JP) Daily average message 4 billion 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2011.06 2011.12 2012.04 2012.07 2012.11 2013.01 100 million 50 million (as of 2019) (as of Sep. 2020)
  2. Digital Transformation (DX) Wireless society Smart city Internet of things

    (IoT) Wearable AI Big data 5G network AR VR Home connected Smart speaker OCR Face recognition Robotic process automation (RPA)
  3. Integrated experience over online/offline After Before Shopping in a physical

    shop EC Online Offline Physical shop  (2019)     
  4. Touch point after digital transformation High touch Low touch Tech

    touch   !  (2019)      1-to-1 human communication 1-to-many human communication Digital communication w/o human High frequency Less valuable opportunity
  5. LINE MINI App benefits HIGH USER COVERAGE - Enable to

    reach 86 million LINE users WIDE TOUCH POINTS - Various and close touch points around user’s life LOW DEVELOPMENT COST - LINE MINI App is web-application (HTML, CSS, Java script)
  6. Membership card + EC – PAL CLOSET   

                 üUser MoM +200% üOA friend +100k, and decreased OA block üEC sales via LINE 5 times
  7. Hair salon reservation – mille     

         üLINE MINI App is the most used reservation way ü90% of user want to use LINE MINI App continuously
  8. What we need to keep under COVID-19 For customer: Social

    Distance For shop: Business Booming
  9. Waiting list - matoca Scan QR code in physical shop

    Conform waiting list Get remind notification just before your turn Select shop on LINE MINI App Get in the line ü98% of user in the waiting list use LINE MINI App üDecreased claim from neighborhoods
  10. Waiting list - Sushiro $"! "# '$""" $"!  &##!

     $"! $#    ! !'"! #%#' ##  # #!## $"#!'$!#$!
  11. Waiting list – AISEI pharmacy Submit reservation time Remind notification

    Wait in outside QR code on flyer Access from LINE Official Account üLINE MINI App is most-used than web/native app üRepeat ratio is 80% Upload prescription
  12. Device LINE Messenger app LINE Front-end Framework (LIFF) on-LINE-ad (Home

    tab listing ad / Search result) LINE family service
  13. Device LINE Messenger app LINE Front-end Framework (LIFF) Application publishing

    platform to add on-LINE-ad on-LINE-ad (Home tab listing ad / Search result) LINE family service LIFF App
  14. QR code NFC tag OFFLINE LINE Official Account Share to

    friend HP / SNS LINE home tab COMMUNICATION ONLINE Major touch points to LINE MINI App Service messenger
  15. COMMUNICATION – Service message ü Message to confirm/respond for user’s

    action ü Prohibited to use except other purpose, likes sales promotion and event announcement ü User can’t block message
  16. EC, Waiting list Reservation CDP/DMP (LINE uid is linked) Target

    user list - UserID - Result Order system OES/POS etc Integrated with LINE Official Account API LINE Official Account Service Message LINE MINI App - Who with whom - When - Which item - Order - Cancel Send message by using user data Display ad distribution to get new user Service Message LINE MINI App Scenario how to use consumer data                
  17. LINE MINI App review process 35 Provider get LINE MINI

    App planning template from entry site Provider apply MINI App planning doc. after confirming development doc. Plan review by LINE LINE MINI App development, test by provider Test by LINE Publish on-LINE-ad Start Plan Review Plan Review App Review Release Self-development LINE MINI App SaaS Apply to LINE MINI App SaaS Order SaaS partner apply review Publish on-LINE-ad Release By LINE MINI App SaaS
  18. Roadmap Phase3 Open to all developers Phase2 Reference app creation

    by reviewing each plan Phase1 PoC with limited business domain and partners 2021.XX LINE MINI App grand open 2020.07 LINE MINI App entry start 2019.06 LINE MINI App concept announcement at LINE CONFERENCE 2019 LINE MINI App SaaS expansion
  19. Development efficiency LIFF improve development efficiency as a front-end framework

    NPM package and type script has been released in 2020 LIFF move forward to web-oriented more New features (plugin, LUI) are under internal trial. It will be open in 2021
  20. We’re looking forward your entry  !!!#   

     #  " !!!#