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Streaming I/O v2 (pgconf.eu Athens)

Thomas Munro
November 11, 2024

Streaming I/O v2 (pgconf.eu Athens)

Another talk about streaming I/O, or more specifically about direct I/O, vectored I/O and asynchronous I/O and the streaming abstraction being developed over several PostgreSQL releases to enable efficient use of them. This talk was extended and co-presented with my colleague Nazir "Bilal" Yavuz.



Thomas Munro

November 11, 2024


  1. PGConf.EU 2024 | Athens Thomas Munro & Nazir Bilal Yavuz

    Open source database hackers working at Microsoft Streaming I/O New abstractions for efficient file I/O
  2. • direct I/O vs buffered I/O • vectored I/O (also

    called scatter/gather) • asynchronous I/O vs synchronous I/O Database I/O Programming 1 2 3
  3. read, write, worksync, iowait MULTICS (’65) UNIX (’69) read, write

    POSIX (’93) aio_read, aio_write, … BSD, IRIX, … (’80s-’90s) p… = with position …v = vectored p…v = both Linux (’19) io_uring O_DIRECT Linux (’03?) libaio + kernel support IBM S/360 (’65) DEC RX11 (’71) VMS (’77) NT (’93) Contemporary systems Unix line of systems UNIX deliberately simplified: only synchronous buffered I/O All had/have various forms of asynchronous I/O interface
  4. fd = open("path", O_RDWR); read(fd, …) write(fd, …) 1 fd

    = open("path", O_RDWR | O_DIRECT); read(fd, …) write(fd, …) Kernel page cache User space buffer Disk User space buffer Disk Direct I/O DMA transfer DMA transfer CPU copies RAM Direct I/O is an optimisation (CPU, RAM) and a pessimisation (when synchronous)!
  5. Who wants direct I/O? Systems that manage their own buffer

    pool (basically, databases*) • Our user space buffer *is* a cache already, similar to kernel page cache! • I/O buffering wastes your RAM and your CPU, throughput is reduced • But… to skip the page cache effectively, we also need our own I/O combining, concurrency, read-ahead, write-behind, and to tune the buffer pool size more carefully 4k 3k 2k 1G 2G 0G TPS
  6. Vectored I/O… who needs it? Systems that manage their own

    buffer pool (basically, databases) • We want to read large contiguous chunks of a file into memory in one operation • The buffer replacement algorithm doesn’t try to find contiguous memory blocks (and shouldn’t!) • Kernel helps only with buffered I/O ssize_t pread (int filedes, void *buf, size_t nbytes, off_t offset) ssize_t preadv(int filedes, struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt, off_t offset) struct iovec { void *iov_base; size_t iov_len; }; 2
  7. Asynchronous I/O: who needs it? People using direct I/O! (and

    others…) • While executing a query, we don’t want our thread to “go to sleep” waiting for an I/O operation • Simple portable implementation is to have I/O worker threads/processes running preadv/pwritev system call • Modern (and ancient) OSes offer ways to skip the scheduling and IPC overheads of using a extra threads/processes • Infrastructure not present in PostgreSQL yet as of v17; patches exist, testing and review welcome 3
  8. “Reading” blocks of relation data A very common operation •

    PostgreSQL works in terms of 8KB blocks, traditionally calling ReadBuffer(relation identifier, block_number) to access each one • If the buffer is already in the buffer pool, it is pinned • If the buffer is not already in the buffer pool, it must be loaded from disk, possibly after evicting something else to make space • In order to build larger I/Os and start the physical I/O asynchronously, we need to find all the places that do that, and somehow convince them to participate in a new prediction and grouping system
  9. for (i = 0; i < nblocks; ++i) { buf

    = ReadBuffer(…, i); ReleaseBuffer(buf); } static BlockNumber my_blocknum_callback(void *private_data); stream = read_stream_begin_relation(…, my_blocknum_callback, &my_callback_state, …); for (i = 0; i < nblocks; ++i) { buf = read_stream_next(stream); ReleaseBuffer(buf); } read_stream_end(stream); } io_combine_limit pinned buffers are pulled out here combined blocks read in with preadv() block numbers are pulled in here
  10. static BlockNumber my_blocknum_callback(void *private_data); stream = read_stream_begin_relation(…, my_blocknum_callback, &my_callback_state, …);

    for (i = 0; i < nblocks; ++i) { buf = read_stream_next(stream); ReleaseBuffer(buf); } read_stream_end(stream); } effective_io_concurrency By issuing POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED as soon as possible and preadv() as late as possible, we get a sort of poor man’s asynchronous I/O. non-sequential block numbers hinted to kernel with posix_fadvise() preadv() deferred until absolutely necessary, so the hint as a good chance of working!
  11. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Arithmetic-driven: seq scan (v17)

    ANALYZE sampling (v17) Data-driven: bitmap heapscan (WIP) recovery (WIP) 0 1 2 3 4 5
  12. Callback of ANALYZE static BlockNumber block_sampling_read_stream_next(ReadStream *stream, void *callback_private_data ,

    void *per_buffer_data ) { BlockSamplerData *bs = callback_private_data ; return BlockSampler_HasMore(bs) ? BlockSampler_Next(bs) : InvalidBlockNumber ; } Knuth’s sampling algorithm is used to select block numbers to analyze. Block numbers are increasing not always consecutive.
  13. Callback of bitmap heap scan static BlockNumber heap_bitmap_scan_stream_read_next(ReadStream *stream ,

    void *callback_private_data, void *per_buffer_data) { TBMIterateResult *tbmres = per_buffer_data; BitmapHeapScanDesc *bscan = callback_private_data; HeapScanDesc *hscan = &bscan->rs_heap_base; for (;;) { CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS (); tbm_iterate(&hscan->rs_base.tbmiterator, tbmres); /* no more entries in the bitmap */ if (!BlockNumberIsValid(tbmres->blockno)) return InvalidBlockNumber ; if (!IsolationIsSerializable () && tbmres->blockno >= hscan->rs_nblocks) continue ; if (!(hscan->rs_base.rs_flags & SO_NEED_TUPLES ) && !tbmres->recheck && VM_ALL_VISIBLE (hscan->rs_base.rs_rd, tbmres->blockno, &bscan->rs_vmbuffer)) { Assert (tbmres->ntuples >= 0); Assert (bscan->rs_empty_tuples_pending >= 0); bscan->rs_empty_tuples_pending += tbmres->ntuples; continue ; } return tbmres->blockno; } /* not reachable */ Assert (false ); } Iterating through bitmap * https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAAKRu_ZwCwWFeL_H3ia26bP2e7HiKLWt0ZmGXPVwPO6uXq0vaA%40mail.gmail.com
  14. Deciding how far ahead to look • A stream doesn’t

    generally know if e.g. SELECT … LIMIT 1 needs more than one block, so it starts out reading just a single block and increases the look ahead distance only while that seems to be useful. • In this way we don’t pay extra overheads such as extra pins and bookkeeping unless there is some benefit to it.
  15. A B C 1 io_combine_limit K * effective_io_concurrency Tuning the

    look-ahead distance All cached Sequential I/O pattern detected: currently no point in look ahead further than io_combine_limit Random I/O pattern detected: currently fadvise used to control concurrency Distance moves up and down in response to randomness, hits and misses (V17 algorithm, subject to future Improvements for real AIO!)
  16. recvfrom(10, "Q\0\0\0002SELECT * from pgbench_accou"..., 8192, 0, NULL, NULL) pread64()

    = 8192 preadv() = 16384 preadv() = 32768 preadv() = 65536 preadv() = 131072 preadv() = 131072 preadv() = 131072 preadv() = 131072 … preadv() = 131072 preadv() = 131072 preadv() = 131072 preadv() = 131072 preadv() = 122880 recvfrom(10, 0x564b68d59b60, 8192, 0, NULL, NULL) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable) Sequential Scan - strace output Distance increases quickly up to io_combine_limit
  17. recvfrom(10, "Q\0\0\0\36ANALYZE pgbench_accounts;\0", 8192, 0, NULL, NULL) = 31 pread64(18,

    "..."..., 8192, 524288) = 8192 fadvise64(18, 548864, 8192, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) = 0 pread64(18, "..."..., 8192, 548864) = 8192 fadvise64(18, 737280, 8192, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) = 0 fadvise64(18, 950272, 8192, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) = 0 fadvise64(18, 1564672, 8192, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) = 0 pread64(18, "..."..., 8192, 737280) = 8192 fadvise64(18, 1638400, 8192, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) = 0 fadvise64(18, 1974272, 16384, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) = 0 fadvise64(18, 2097152, 8192, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) = 0 fadvise64(18, 2383872, 8192, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) = 0 pread64(18, "..."..., 8192, 950272) = 8192 fadvise64(18, 2400256, 8192, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) = 0 fadvise64(18, 2531328, 8192, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) = 0 fadvise64(18, 2654208, 8192, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) = 0 ... pread64(18, "..."..., 8192, 1564672) = 8192 fadvise64(18, 3276800, 8192, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) = 0 pread64(18, "..."..., 16384, 1974272) = 16384 fadvise64(18, 3792896, 8192, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) = 0 pread64(18, "..."..., 8192, 2097152) = 8192 Random Scans - strace output Issuing POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED early, anticipating later pread I/O combined when neighbouring blocks are sampled
  18. Some “streamification” projects Read Stream user Status Sequential Scan (heap

    AM) v17 ANALYZE (heap AM) v17 pg_prewarm v17 CREATE DATABASE (strategy = wal_log) Committed, v18 pg_visibility Committed, v18 VACUUM (heap AM) WIP autoprewarm WIP Bitmap Heap Scan WIP Recovery WIP
  19. Many more opportunities to “streamify” things • Index scans in

    core ◦ Many types of index need patches to use streams • Extension AMs ◦ Every table AM and index AM is a potential candidate for streamification ◦ In v17, extensions that start using streams will benefit from I/O combining and read-ahead advice for random access • All code that is using the stream abstraction will automatically benefit from future improvements to support true AIO in later releases • Streams should be the preferred way to access predictable sequences of relation data
  20. Research on other kinds of Read Stream • POC: Multi-relation

    read stream ◦ Developed for recovery/replication; other users are possible • POC: Automatic read stream ◦ Drop-in replacement for traditional ReadBuffer() that speculatively reads ahead with simple consecutive block heuristics, for cases that can’t be easily predicted but today benefit from kernel read-ahead • POC: Out-of-order streams: return already-cached data first • POC: Raw files, by-passing the buffer pool • Ideas: Non-I/O speed-ups may be possible with streams ◦ Even for data that is fully cached already and thus don’t need I/O, it can still be useful to look ahead: memory can be prefetched into high cache levels ◦ Future work on buffer mapping may use a tree structure, and be able to find consecutive block numbers in memory faster with fewer locks
  21. Experiment: streamifying pgvector HNSW search • Gaph traversals with trivially

    predictable block access, and also some speculative prediction opportunities • Streamifying just the easy part already gives measurable speedup and reduced variation with cold indexes (see pgsql-hackers list for patch) • Cold HNSW may not be interesting in practice… but DiskANN-like indexes (e.g. pgvectorscale) might be a good target?
  22. Writing: WIP • Initial focus was on an API for

    reading ◦ Reads happen all over the tree ◦ Important to make a suitable read abstraction available for wider use ASAP • Writing happens in fewer more centralised places: WriteStream POCs exist ◦ Checkpointer ◦ Background writer ◦ Evicting individual buffers ◦ Evicting buffers used in a BufferAccessStrategy (“ring” of reusable buffers) ◦ Raw relation writing that bypasses buffer pool
  23. https://github.com/anarazel/postgres/tree/aio-2 (note 2!) Andres Freund’s proposed AIO subsystem • Advice-based

    prefetching is replaced with background reading ◦ posix_fadvise(..., POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED), intermediate work, preadv(...) becomes: ◦ [start read], intermediate work, [wait for completion] • Mechanism used is selected with io_method setting ◦ synchronous – portable ◦ worker – portable ◦ io_uring – Linux • Other implementations are possible ◦ iocp – Windows overlapped ◦ posix_aio – FreeBSD ◦ <extension>? – useful for distributed/network storage projects?
  24. • Anything using the stream abstraction automatically starts using asynchronous

    I/O • Running I/O operations are represented as an object in shared memory • The work done so far on I/O combining and streaming was an architectural change to prepare for DIO and AIO ◦ Parellelising the streamification work ◦ Avoiding potential regressions
  25. $ git remote add andres https://github.com/anarazel/postgres.git $ git fetch andres

    aio-2 $ git checkout aio-2 $ cd build $ ninja install $ path/to/bin/initdb -D pgdata $ path/to/bin/postgres -D pgdata /path/to/bin/postgres -D pgdata ├─ postgres: io worker worker: 1 ├─ postgres: io worker worker: 0 ├─ postgres: io worker worker: 2 ├─ postgres: checkpointer ├─ postgres: background writer ├─ postgres: walwriter ├─ postgres: autovacuum launcher ├─ postgres: logical replication launcher └─ postgres: user postgres [local] idle https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/uvrtrknj4kdytuboidbhwclo4gxhswwcpgadptsjvjqcluzmah%40brqs62irg4dt Try it yourself * More recent
  26. io_method = sync • Works just like v17, no AIO,

    useful mainly for comparison/understanding • Synchronous system calls ◦ Relying on system read-ahead for sequential access ◦ Issuing read-ahead advice for random access • Performs badly with direct I/O enabled, because read-ahead (heuristic or advice-based) is not possible
  27. io_method = io_worker • I/O is offloaded to worker processes

    • Number of I/O workers is controlled by io_workers setting • Should probably be more dynamic (future work) • Process tree when io_workers = 3 68410 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: io worker worker: 0 68411 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: io worker worker: 1 68412 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: io worker worker: 2 68413 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: checkpointer 68414 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: background writer 68416 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: walwriter 68417 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: logical replication launcher
  28. Query execution process (regular backend): kill(69236, SIGURG) = 0 epoll_wait()

    = 1 kill(69236, SIGURG) = 0 epoll_wait() = 1 kill(69236, SIGURG) = 0 epoll_wait() = 1 kill(69236, SIGURG) = 0 epoll_wait() = 1 • Backend process signals worker process to start a read operations before it needs the data • In the best case the read is finished before it needs the data, but if not it waits for the I/O worker to finish pread64() = 8192 kill(69247, SIGURG) = 0 pread64() = 16384 kill(69247, SIGURG) = 0 epoll_wait() = 1 pread64() = 32768 kill(69247, SIGURG) = 0 epoll_wait() = 1 pread64() = 65536 kill(69247, SIGURG) = 0 epoll_wait() = 1 pread64() = 131072 kill(69247, SIGURG) = 0 epoll_wait() = 1 pread64() = 131072 • Worker process does the read • Then signals backend process, saying the read is finished, but only if it is waiting • If the queue of I/O requests is empty, it waits for more instructions I/O worker process: io_worker:
  29. submission queue entries completion queue entries • io_uring_enter(): initiate and/or

    wait for many operations • Start multiple operations at once by writing them into a submission queue in user space memory and then telling the kernel • Consume completion notifications, either directly from user space memory if possible, or by waiting if not io_method = io_uring
  30. io_method = io_uring recvfrom(138, "Q\0\0\0002SELECT * from pgbench_accou"..., 8192, 0,

    NULL, NULL) = 51 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 … io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 io_uring_enter(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 8) = 1 recvfrom(138, 0x55ba69263d20, 8192, 0, NULL, NULL) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
  31. Simple benchmark results Configuration: • autovacuum = off • effective_io_concurrency

    = 128 • io_combine_limit = 32 Create table: • $ pgbench -i -s 5000 $DB → 73 GB table Query: • SELECT sum(abalance) FROM pgbench_accounts;
  32. • Streams enable optimisations, current and future • Consider streamifying

    your extension or parts of PostgreSQL you are interested in, we’re happy to help if we can! • If you can’t for technical reasons, we’re very interested to know why and how we can improve the infrastructure • Try out the AIO v2 patch set