performed-by-a-user If you are authenticated as the given user, you will see your private events. Otherwise, you'll only see public events. GET /users/:username/events
unsupported. The fixed page size is 30 items. Fetching up to ten pages is supported, for a total of 300 events. Only events created within the past 90 days will be included in timelines. Events older than 90 days will not be included (even if the total number of events in the timeline is less than 300). Parallel.each(user_events, in_threads: 5) do |user_event| line = format_line(user_event) mutex.synchronize { lines << line } # ഉଞ੍ޚ end puts sort(lines) end
available commands or one specific command github-nippou list # Displays today's GitHub events formatted for Nippou github-nippou version # Displays version Options: s, [--since-date=SINCE_DATE] # Retrieves GitHub user_events since the date # Default: 20160406 u, [--until-date=UNTIL_DATE] # Retrieves GitHub user_events until the date # Default: 20160406