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Siesta Deep Dive

Mats Bryntse
June 03, 2015

Siesta Deep Dive

From SenchaCon Roadshow 2015

Mats Bryntse

June 03, 2015


  1. 1 @Bryntum Siesta Deep Dive Improve the quality of your

    Ext JS app releases with unit & UI tests
  2. Agenda 3 Siesta News Unit & UI tests •Recently added

    features •What’s new in Siesta 3.0 •Feature walkthrough •Application tests •Continuous Integration •Tips & Tricks •BDD / TDD •Using PhantomJS •Testing a view App tests & CI
  3. Recent Siesta features 5 • sandboxing now optional • async

    setup/tearDown test methods • taking screenshots • event recorder improvements & configurability
  4. 7

  5. 9 describe(‘Some spec', function (t) {
 var component; t.beforeEach(function(t) {

    component = new Ext.Component(); })
 t.it('Should test something', function (t) {
 }); beforeEach/afterEach
  6. …and more 11 • Improved memory management • Tests can

    now run in popups instead of iframes • Touch event support • Jasmine style spies
  7. A unit test • should focus on a single JS

    class (“unit”) • should not involve DOM • is pure logic, runs very fast • is perfect for pre-commit hooks 29
  8. 30 describe('A simple Model test', function (t) {

    t.it('Should do something', function (t) {
 var user = new User({ name : "Bob" });
 }); Simple BDD unit test
  9. 31 describe("A simple Model test", function (t) {

    not run", function (t) {
 t.iit("Isolate this section", function (t) {
 }); t.iit for fast test debugging
  10. Unit tests are your friend 32 • Should be your

    #1 priority • Cover your most important JS classes, code that is reused • Run often, before commit, daily, nightly. • Use TDD approach + BDD style for readability
  11. TDD basics 33 1. Make the unit test fail 2.

    Implement 3. Make the test pass 4. Refactor, Repeat
  12. 36 • UI unit test of a single UI component

    • Or application test, open index.html and test it Two main types of UI tests
  13. Application testing 43 • Aka black box testing, functional testing

    • Go to application index.html • Runs all the code of your application • Does app work or not?
  14. Challenges 44 •Database needs to be put in a known

    state •Slow •Tests can become fragile, race conditions •Errors likely harder to find
  15. 46 • Great for application tests • Records user actions:

    clicks, types, drag drop • Can be used by a non-programmer • Big timesaver Using the event recorder
  16. Monkey testing 49 • Random UI testing • Clicks, drags

    etc. in your UI • Finds unhandled exceptions • Free testing help. 0€
  17. Purpose of CI 53 • Automated builds • Nightly test

    suite execution • Finding errors early => Code quality => Motivated developers • Enables Continuous Delivery
  18. 55 • Bryntum uses TeamCity • Test suites run every

    2 hours in Chrome • Nightly for all other browsers • Reports, statistics, charts and code coverage
  19. X-browser testing 58 •Need to create Virtual Machines for each

    version of IE •Total: Chrome, Safari, FF, IE 7-11 => 5 VMs •Managing such a farm can be very time consuming
  20. 59 • Siesta integrates with both BrowserStack and Sauce Labs

    • Run tests easily in any OS and Browser combination • No need to setup your own VM farm • Read more on the Bryntum blog… Cloud to the rescue
  21. 63

  22. 68 Testing different screen sizes {
 name : 'Responsive app

    test - landscape',
 viewportWidth : 1024,
 viewportHeight : 768,
 hostPageUrl : 'executive-dashboard/',
 url : 'executive-dashboard/tests/large-size.t.js'
 name : 'Responsive app test - portrait',
 viewportWidth : 500,
 viewportHeight : 700,
 hostPageUrl : 'executive-dashboard/',
 url : 'executive-dashboard/tests/small-size.t.js'
  23. Summing up 71 • Prioritise JS unit tests • Don’t

    forget UI tests • Application & monkey tests • Continuous Integration • Tips for finding errors early