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Optimising for the BEAM

Optimising for the BEAM

Presentation from Code BEAM STO on optimising Elixir and Erlang programs.

Michał Muskała

May 31, 2018

More Decks by Michał Muskała

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  1. –Donald Knuth “We should forget about small efficiencies, say about

    97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.”
  2. deflexer :lexer do defrule ignored, do: :skip defrule punctuator, meta(token:

    token, line: line), do: {:token, {String.to_atom(token), line}} defrule reserved_word, meta(token: token, line: line), do: {:token, {String.to_atom(token), line}} defrule int_value, meta(token: token, line: line), do: {:token, {:int_value, line, String.to_integer(token)}} defrule float_value, meta(token: token, line: line), do: {:token, {:float_value, line, String.to_float(token)}} defrule string_value, meta(token: token, line: line), do: {:token, {:string_value, line, token}} defrule boolean_value, meta(token: token, line: line), do: {:token, {:boolean_value, line, String.to_atom(token)}} defrule name, meta(token: token, line: line), do: {:token, {:name, line, token}} end
  3. DECOMPILE $ erlc +to_asm foo.erl $ mix decompile Foo --to

    asm https://github.com/michalmuskala/decompile https://happi.github.io/theBeamBook/
  4. SIMPLE MATHS def test(a, b), do: a + b *

    5 {function, test, 2, 10}. {label,10}. {gc_bif,'*',{f,0},2,[{x,1},{integer,5}],{x,1}}. {gc_bif,'+',{f,0},2,[{x,0},{x,1}],{x,0}}. return.
  5. STACK ALLOCATION & TAIL RECURSION defp id(x), do: x def

    test(a, b), do: id(a) + id(b) {function, id, 1, 10}. {label,10}. return. {function, test, 2, 12}. {label,12}. {allocate,1,2}. {move,{x,1},{y,0}}. {call,1,{f,10}}. {move,{x,0},{x,1}}. {move,{y,0},{x,0}}. {move,{x,1},{y,0}}. {call,1,{f,10}}. {gc_bif,'+',{f,0},1,[{y,0},{x,0}],{x,0}}. {deallocate,1}. return.
  6. STACK ALLOCATION & TAIL RECURSION defp id(x), do: x def

    test(a, b), do: id(id(a) + id(b)) {function, test, 2, 12}. {label,12}. {allocate,1,2}. {move,{x,1},{y,0}}. {call,1,{f,10}}. {move,{x,0},{x,1}}. {move,{y,0},{x,0}}. {move,{x,1},{y,0}}. {call,1,{f,10}}. {gc_bif,'+',{f,0},1,[{y,0},{x,0}],{x,0}}. {call_last,1,{f,10},1}.
  7. LITERALS test() -> [1, 2, #{a := 5}, foo]. {function,

    test, 0, 2}. {label,2}. {move,{literal,[1,2,#{a => 5},foo]},{x,0}}. return.
  8. INTEGER MATCHING - JUMP TABLE def test(x) do case x

    do 0 -> "zero" 1 -> "one" 2 -> "two" end end {function, test, 1, 10}. {label,10}. {test,is_integer,{f,14},[{x,0}]}. {select_val,{x,0},{f,14}, {list,[{integer,0},{f,11}, {integer,1},{f,12}, {integer,2},{f,13}]}}. {label,11}. {move,{literal,<<"zero">>},{x,0}}. return. {label,12}. {move,{literal,<<"one">>},{x,0}}. return. {label,13}. {move,{literal,<<"two">>},{x,0}}. return. {label,14}. {case_end,{x,0}}.
  9. MACRO-INLINING digits = [{?0..?9, -?0}, {?A..?Z, 10 - ?A}, {?a..?z,

    10 - ?a}] for {chars, diff} <- digits, char <- chars do digit = char + diff defp count_digits_nosign(<<unquote(char), rest::binary>>, base, count) when base > unquote(digit) do count_digits_nosign(rest, base, count + 1) end end defp count_digits_nosign(<<_::binary>>, _, count), do: count
  10. DELEGATE TO BIFS def parse(binary, base) do case count_digits(binary, base)

    do 0 -> :error count -> {digits, rem} = :erlang.split_binary(binary, count) {:erlang.binary_to_integer(digits, base), rem} end end
  11. REUSE DATA IF NOT MODIFIED def delete(keywords, key) when is_list(keywords)

    and is_atom(key) do :lists.filter(fn {k, _} -> k != key end, keywords) end def delete(keywords, key) when is_list(keywords) and is_atom(key) do case :lists.keymember(key, 1, keywords) do true -> delete_key(keywords, key) _ -> keywords end end defp delete_key([{key, _} | tail], key), do: delete_key(tail, key) defp delete_key([{_, _} = pair | tail], key), do: [pair | delete_key(tail, key)] defp delete_key([], _key), do: []
  12. def html_escape_to_iodata(data) when is_binary(data), do: to_iodata(data, 0, data, []) escapes

    = [{?<, "&lt;"}, {?>, "&gt;"}, {?&, "&amp;"}, {?\", "&quot;"}, {?\', "&#39;"}] for {match, insert} <- escapes do defp to_iodata(<<unquote(match), rest::bits>>, skip, original, acc) do to_iodata(rest, skip + 1, original, [acc | unquote(insert)]) end end defp to_iodata(<<_char, rest::bits>>, skip, original, acc), do: to_iodata(rest, skip, original, acc, 1) defp to_iodata(<<>>, _skip, _original, acc), do: acc for {match, insert} <- escapes do defp to_iodata(<<unquote(match), rest::bits>>, skip, original, acc, len) do part = binary_part(original, skip, len) to_iodata(rest, skip + len + 1, original, [acc, part | unquote(insert)]) end end defp to_iodata(<<_c, rest::bits>>, skip, orig, acc, len), do: to_iodata(rest, skip, orig, acc, len + 1) defp to_iodata(<<>>, 0, orig, _acc, _len), do: original defp to_iodata(<<>>, s, original, acc, len), do:[acc | binary_part(original, skip, len)]
  13. PREFER BIFS TO FUNCTIONS • :binary.part to binary_part • :maps.get

    to pattern matching to map_get • :maps.put to syntax