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Software Architecture Tool Belt: Design Pattern...

Nico Rehwaldt
January 07, 2020

Software Architecture Tool Belt: Design Patterns and Code Smells

A talk about design patterns and code smells.

Nico Rehwaldt

January 07, 2020


  1. Context: Build for Understandability We spend most of our time

    reading (and understanding) software, not writing it. We better build towards understandability, too. 2
  2. Context: Why do humans build software? Building software is hard

    (still requires humans to do so) There is no silver bullet, software can work in so many ways Goal: Aim for the good enough and keep it 3
  3. Design Pattern: What is it? In software engineering, a software

    design pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. — Wikipedia 5
  4. Design Pattern: What is it? Defines roles and responsibilities in

    cross component communication pattern as well as the result being achieved / problem being solved. 6
  5. Design Pattern: Why should I care? A common knowledge and

    visibility of design patterns in the code base promotes understandability. Example: Say we use the observer pattern here and the recipient immediately understands the problem being solved. 7
  6. Design Pattern: Resources Refactoring Guru Wikipedia: Software design pattern Book:

    Gang of Four - Elements of Reusable Object- Oriented Software 8
  7. Code Smell: What is it? In computer programming, a code

    smell is any characteristic in the source code of a program that possibly indicates a deeper problem. Determining what is and is not a code smell is subjective, and varies by language, developer, and development methodology. — Wikipedia 9
  8. Code Smell: Why should I care? Gives your feeling Something

    smells like here a name. You still need to evaluate the impact and deal with it yourself. 10