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Cassandra Python Driver: Benchmarking concurren...

Cassandra Python Driver: Benchmarking concurrency for the NYT ⨍aбrik Platform

Systems architect Michael Laing explains how how Apache Cassandra is used with Python in the NY Times ⨍aбrik messaging platform. This talk was presented at Cassandra Day New York in June 2014. Here's the video.

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  1. A  Global  Mesh  with  a  Memory   Message-­‐based:  WebSocket,  AMQP,

     SockJS   If  in  doubt:   •  Resend   •  Reconnect   •  Reread   Idempotent:   •  Replicating   •  Racy   •  Resolving   Classes  of  service:   •  Gold:  replicate/race   •  Silver:  prioritize   •  Bronze:  queueable   Millions  of  users  
  2. Message:  an  event  with  data   CREATE TABLE source_data (

    hash_key int, -- real ones are more complex message_id timeuuid, body blob, -- whatever metadata text, -- JSON PRIMARY KEY (hash_key, message_id) );
  3. Client Rabbit Cassandra Concurrent   Degree  =  3    

    (using  the   Libev  event   Loop)     Asynchronous:   CQL  Native  only  
  4. Client Rabbit Cassandra More  Concurrency     Can  also  try:

      •  DC  Aware   •  Token  Aware   •  Subprocessing    
  5. Build  one   def build_message(self): message = { "message_id": str(uuid.uuid1()),

    "hash_key": randint(0, self._hash_key_range), # int(e ** 8) "app_id": self._app_id, "timestamp": datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z', "content_type": "application/binary", "body": os.urandom(randint(1, self._body_range)) # int(e ** 9) }
  6. Kick-­‐off   def push_message(self): if self._submitted_count.next() < self._message_count: message =

    self.build_message() self.submit_query(message) def push_initial_data(self): self._start_time = time() try: with self._lock: for i in range( 0, min(CONCURRENCY, self._message_count) ): self.push_message()
  7. Put  it  in  the  pipeline   def submit_query(self, message): body

    = message.pop('body') substitution_args = ( json.dumps(message, **JSON_DUMPS_ARGS), body, message['hash_key'], uuid.UUID(message['message_id']) ) future = self._cql_session.execute_async( self._query, substitution_args ) future.add_callback(self.push_or_finish) future.add_errback(self.note_error)
  8. Maintain  concurrency  or  <inish   def push_or_finish(self, _): try: if

    ( self._unfinished and self._confirmed_count.next() < self._message_count ): with self._lock: self.push_message() else: self.finish()
  9. Push  some  messages   usage: bm_push.py [-h] [-c [CQL_HOST [CQL_HOST

    ...]]] [-d LOCAL_DC] [--remote-dc-hosts REMOTE_DC_HOSTS] [-p PREFETCH_COUNT] [-w WORKER_COUNT] [-a] [-t] [-n {ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, SERIAL, LOCAL_SERIAL, LOCAL_ONE}] [-r] [-j] [-l {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,NOTSET}] Push messages from a RabbitMQ queue into a Cassandra table.
  10. Push  messages  many  times   usage: run_push.py [-h] [-c [CQL_HOST

    [CQL_HOST ...]]] [-i ITERATIONS] [-d LOCAL_DC] [-w [worker_count [worker_count ...]]] [-p [prefetch_count [prefetch_count ...]]] [-n [level [level ...]]] [-a] [-t] [-m MESSAGE_EXPONENT] [-b BODY_EXPONENT] [-l {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,NOTSET}] Run multiple test cases based upon the product of worker_counts, prefetch_counts, and consistency_levels. Each test case may be run with up to 4 variations reflecting the use or not of the dc_aware and token_aware policies. The results are output to stdout as a JSON object.