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ONOS presentation

ONOS Project
February 25, 2015

ONOS presentation

ONOS presentation @ ONF Market Education meeting

ONOS Project

February 25, 2015

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  1. Introducing ONOS and its Service Provider use cases Prajakta Joshi

    Director, Products @ ON.Lab ONF Market Education meeting- Feb 25th, 2015
  2. Unprecedented Traffic Growth Orders of magnitude increase in users, devices,

    apps Video, Mobile traffic exploding CAPEX continues to rise “DATA” ERA “VOICE” ERA TRAFFIC OPERATOR COST REVENUES * Graph Source - Accenture Analysis NEW SERVICES EXPLOSIVE  GROWTH   IP Video: 79% of all IP traffic in 2018 AT&T spends $20 Billion per year on CAPEX Service Provider Networks 2016 traffic = triple of 2011 More mobile devices than people Time Growth
  3. 200-500 routers, 5-10K ports 20-100K routers, 10K-100 Million ports SIZING

    THE SERVICE PROVIDER NETWORK WAN core backbone 10-50K routers, 2-3 Million ports Metro Network Cellular Access Network 10-50K devices, 100K-1 Million ports Wired Access/Aggregation Network Tens of millions of fixed, hundreds of millions of wireless end points Five nines availability (or a rethink cloud- style), high performance, low latency Ease/agility of service creation Phased migration of networks, support for white boxes THE  CHALLENGE  -­‐  1  
  4. SDN Network Operating System Apps Apps   Global Network View

    / State Global  Network  View  /  State   high throughput | low latency | consistency | high availability High  Throughput:      ~500K-­‐1M  paths  setups  /   second      ~3-­‐6M  network  state  ops  /   second     High  Volume:   ~500GB-­‐1TB  of  network  state   data       Difficult  challenge!   CHALLENGE-­‐1  in  NUMBERS  

        Control  Apps   Mgmt  Apps   Config  Apps   Value  in  apps     and  services   Value  in  network  and     device  innovaXon     Value  in     commercial-­‐grade   soluXons   Strategic  but  difficult     to  moneXze   THE  CHALLENGE  -­‐  2   Who  builds     this  pla[orm?   Merchant  Silicon   Loader   OS   Agent                        SDN  Network  OperaXng  System  
  6. ONOS Mission ! To produce the Open Source SDN Network

    Operating System that enables Service Providers to build real Software Defined Networks
  7. Guru  Parulkar   ExecuXve  Director,  ON.Lab,   ExecuXve  Director  ONRC

      ConsulXng  Professor,  Stanford     Nick  McKeown   KP,  Mayfield,  Sequoia   Professor,  Stanford   Larry  Peterson   Robert  Kahn  Professor     Princeton  (Emeritus)   Sco7  Shenker   Professor,  UC  Berkeley   Chief  ScienXst,  ICSI     ON.Lab “The  Open  Networking  Lab  was  founded  as  a  501  (c)  (3)   non-­‐profit  to  pursue  our  vision  of  what  Soeware  Defined   Networking  could  be  for  the  public  good.”      
  8. Thomas  Vachuska   20+  Years  at  HP   HP  Controller

     Architect   Chief  Architect,  ONOS   Madan  Jampani   10+  Years  at  Amazon   Distributed  Systems  Architect   Brian  O’Connor   Stanford  Grad  from  SDN  Group   Intent  Framework   Ali  Al-­‐Shabibi   CERN,  Stanford     VirtualizaXon,  Southbound   Bill  Snow   25+  years     Cisco,  Bay,  IBM,  Startups   VP  of  Engineering   Prajakta  Joshi 14+  years  in  industry   Brocade,  Foundry,  Cisco   Director  of  Products/Community   ON.Lab Leadership Team
  9. A Small Strong Team with Diverse Experience OpXcal   C++,

     Java,  Python   VirtualizaXon,  Debugging   Distributed  Systems,  Hadoop,  NoSQL   OpenFlow,  Mininet,  OVX,  Controllers   Networking,  RouXng,  OperaXng  Systems   High  Availability,  Scaling,  Security   Product  Management,  Test   Open  Source   UI  
  10. “Avocet” released on Dec 5th, 2014 Welcome to open source

    ONOS! ~1000 code downloads in one month after release…

  12. ONOS- Distributed NOS NB – Application Intent Framework Southbound Core

    API Protocols Adapters Apps Protocols Adapters Protocols Adapters Protocols Adapters ONOS Instance 1 ONOS Instance 2 ONOS Instance 3 ONOS Instance N Distributed Core (performance, scale-out, availability, state management, notifications)
  13. APPLICATION INTENT FRAMEWORK Distributed  Core     Southbound   “Provision

     10G  path  from   Datacenter  1  to  Datacenter2   opXmized  for  cost”   Intents  translated  and     Compiled  into    specific   instrucXons  for  network     Devices.   ApplicaXon  Intent  Framework:     APIs,  Policy  Enforcement,  Conflict  resoluXon     Distributed Core Southbound Core API OpenFlow NETCONF Southbound Interface Flexible  and  intuiXve  northbound   abstracXon  and  interface  for  user  or   app  to  define  what  it  needs  without   worrying  about  how.  

  15. Core  Packet-­‐OpXcal   Metro  Packet-­‐OpXcal   Wired   Access  

    Wireless   Access   Access   Central  Office   Built  like  a     Data  Center   Network Interface ! Network Interface ! Enterprise   Access   Wireless   Access   Wired   Access   Wireless   Access   Wired   Access   Wireless   Access   Enterprise     Access   Wireless   Access   Network Interface ! Network Interface ! Network Interface ! Network Interface ! POP   Built  like  a     Data  Center   Network Interface ! Network Interface ! Network Interface ! Network Interface ! Service  Provider  Network  of  the  Future  
  16. Optical circuit re-routed BW   Calendaring       1.

    Centralized Control of packet and optical 2. Multilayer optimization based on availability, economics and policies Datacenter 1 Packet Network Optical Network Control  Apps   Mgmt  Apps   Config  Apps   ONOS Datacenter 2 MULTILAYER SDN CONTROL
  17. SEAMLESS PEERING - SDN-IP ... ONOS Cluster •  BGP speaker

    HA •  ONOS/SDN-IP HA •  External BGP router/ connection HA •  external networks across SDN island SDN-IP enables communication between: •  SDN network and external IP networks ONOS ONOS ONOS SDN-IP SDN-IP SDN-IP
  18. OpenFlow  1.3   RouXng,   Recovery,   Label  imposiXon  

    Requests   SR  Labels  imposed  by   controller   OSR  FIB  built  by  controller   RouXng  Service   Requests   Discovery   Service   Forwarding   Service   ONOS Segment  RouXng   * Developed in collaboration with ONF
  19. NFV = OPEX Savings? FIREWALL   VM   CGNAT  

    VM   URL  FILTERING   VM     FIREWALL   CGNAT     URL  FILTERING          NFV   Before  NFV:   Service  Providers  were  managing  devices   With  NFV:    Service  Providers  are  managing  servers!

    VM Service 1 Service2 VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM Service 3 Service2 Service 1 VMs          Services  
  21. OLT   Commodity  servers  +  NFaaS  =    CAPEX  and

     OPEX  savings   Packet  SW  +  ROADM   Centralized  Control  &  Management  Plane  –  ONOS  +  OVX  +  XOS      PGW              XCODE            NLA            CDN                BNG              CDN                CG-­‐NAT                  Firewall   VPN                  WanEx                DSA            IDS     Mobile Customers Residential Customers Enterprise Customers Network  FuncXons  as  a  Service  (NFaaS)  

      SDN SOLUTIONS SHOWCASE’15   POC/TRIAL/ SOLN   Packet  OpXcal   Core   ON.Lab,  AT&T,   Fujitsu,  Ciena   OpXcal  gear  from   vendors,  TL1  plugin   ON.Lab,  AT&T,  Ciena,   Fujitsu   AT&T,  More   Needed   SDN-­‐IP   WAN   ON.Lab,  Internet2   No   ON.Lab,  Internet2,   Brocade,  Juniper   Internet2   Segment  RouXng   WAN   ON.Lab,  ONF,   Dell   1.3  Switches  with   TTPs   ON.Lab,  ONF,  Dell   China  Mobile   NFaaS  (needs  partnership,  how  to   bring  it/ONOS  into  OPNFV?)   NFV/Central   Office   ON.Lab,  ATT,   Huawei,  NEC   Yes-­‐  various   ON.Lab,  NEC   TBD   Access-­‐  vCPE  (under  definiXon)   Access   TBD   TBD   -­‐   Under  definiXon   Config/Mgmt  (under  definiXon)   OSS/BSS   TBD   TBD   -­‐   Under  definiXon   Mobility  (under  definiXon)   Wireless     TBD   TBD   -­‐   Under  definiXon   MulXcast   Video  Backhaul   ON.Lab,  DIRECTV   DIRECTV  Test  Lab   -­‐   DIRECTV   IP-­‐RAN   Backhaul   Huawei   No   ON.Lab,  Huawei   Huawei   Packet  opXcal:  ONOS  +  ODENOS   Core   NTT,  NEC   No   NTT,  NEC   NEC   Packet  opXcal:  Huawei  +  Telefonica   Core   Huawei,  Telefonica   No   Huawei,  Telefonica   Huawei  
  23. 2014/15   Blackbird  release   Cardinal  Release   August  Release

      November  release   Nov   Sep   Aug   Jul   Jun   May   Mar   Feb   Jan’15   Dec’14   Apr   Oct   ONOS  Releases   •  3 Month Cadence, Train based •  Named after birds in alphabetical order (Avocet, Blackbird…) •  Community release planning event at the start of the release cycle •  Everything tracked in JIRA (jira.onosproject.org) •  Agile development at ON.Lab + freedom to choose whatever process works for you UPCOMING ONOS RELEASES
  24. 1 2 3 STABILITY     +  NEW  AREAS  

    PERFORMANCE,   CORE  PLATFORM     USE  CASES/DEPLOYMENTS   Geographically  distributed  ONOS  cluster(s)   MulX-­‐tenancy   Openstack  IntegraXon   IPv6  support   Security   Mobility     ONOS  Focus  2015