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WebAssembly con Rust

August 15, 2018

WebAssembly con Rust

Primeros pasos para crear proyectos de WebAssembly con Rust


August 15, 2018


  1. WebAssembly Rust + toolchain + rustup + rustc + cargo

    + wasm-pack + cargo-generate + npm + webpack
  2. phonnz • 500 Startups • Elixir | Rust • Argoterio

    • Todos puedan llevar corriendo su primer proyecto de Rust wasm!
  3. RUST • Seguridad • Performance • Memoria • Compiler •

    Abstractions • C - Performance • Typescript - Correctness • Rust - Both! • Pattern matching • WASM
  4. wasm Rust vs others Rust • Performance. • Size. 1.6KB

    • Security Others • JS has issues (sorry not sorry). • Go ~2MB but… with depencies 10M • Memory
  5. JS / Rust JS • Tipos dinámicos • Pausas del

    Garbage collector • Condiciones de carrera Rust • Low-level control • Desempeño confiable • Sin runtime / minimal runtime • wasm parcial • npm webpack Greenkeeper • Performance • PREDICTABLE PERFORMANCE
  6. https://rustwasm.github.io Step 2 cargo install cargo-generate Step 3 npm install

    npm@latest -g Step 4 cargo generate --git https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pa ck-template Step 5 wasm-pack build Step 1 Setup Rust 1.3