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Geoff Gerrietts - Diving into the Wreck: a post...

Geoff Gerrietts - Diving into the Wreck: a postmortem look at real-world performance

As a young engineer interested in performance, much of the advice I saw on performance management focused on algorithms and rules of thumb. It’s good advice, but it doesn’t address the most common problems. This talk will cover a handful of the most common performance problems I’ve encountered in my career. We will talk about how to recognize them, what causes them, and how to resolve them.


PyCon 2016

May 29, 2016

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  1. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts Development Manager @AppNeta 16 years of Python

    Rehabilitated Poet Geoff Gerrietts Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts @ggerrietts • Geoff Gerrietts • Development Manager at AppNeta • Pythonista for 16 years; developer for ~20 • Manager, devops, programmer, webmaster, technical writer • Before that I studied English • I like to make not-really-joking jokes about how writing poetry and programming are similar.
  2. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts First having read the book of myths,

    and loaded the camera, and checked the edge of the knife-blade, I put on the body-armor of black rubber the absurd flippers the grave and awkward mask. — Adrienne Rich, “Diving into the Wreck” • Title from a poem • Adrienne Rich • Metaphor of salvage diving • Reflection, analysis • The profound weight of the waters of time • Shining beams of light into tattered evidence
  3. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts Performant Incantations and Rules of Thumb •

    When we talk about performance, conversations often start with folk wisdom
  4. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts Concatenate & Minify Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts •

    Like, concatenate and minify your Javascript and CSS files.
  5. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts Serve Assets Separately Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts •

    And don’t serve assets through your application, arrange to publish them separately. • Maybe use a CDN.
  6. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts Hardware is Cheap, People are Expensive Geoff

    Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Throw money at the problem • Not just true in the web world
  7. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts “”.join([“abc”, “def”, “ghi”]) not “abc” + “def”

    + “ghi” Source: https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSpeed/PerformanceTips • Python specific performance hacks • Join lists rather than concatenate • Which may be dated advice?
  8. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts def spam(eggs, randrange=random.randrange): while True: yield eggs[randrange(len(eggs))]

    Source: https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSpeed/PerformanceTips • Bind local names to prevent lookups, especially in tight loops
  9. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts None of this is wrong. • All

    good advice, and we should all be aware of what we’re doing.
  10. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts None of this is wrong. But it

    rarely addresses the real issue. • But it’s all targeted at solving very specific problems • And most problems aren’t those problems • Dave Grothe story
  11. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts nginx gunicorn Flask nginx gunicorn Flask Postgres

    web.wreck.tlys.us aux.wreck.tlys.us db.wreck.tlys.us • This is the architecture that I used for all the sample code in this talk • It’s a fairly typical architecture, though there are lots of variations • (Walk through) • When we talk about performance, we talk about latency • At a high level, the latency we care about is how long it takes from our request, to seeing the response • If that takes 100ms (which is not bad), that 100ms accrues as the request traverses the architecture and becomes a response
  12. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • L1 cache reference: 1ns • Branch

    mispredict: 3ns • Mutex lock/unlock: 17ns • Main memory reference: 100ns • SSD random read: 16,000ns (16µs) • Read 1M bytes from SSD: 123,000ns (123µs) • Round-trip in data center: 500,000ns (500µs) • Read 1M bytes from disk: 1Mns (1ms) • Disk seek: 3Mns (3ms) • Round-trip, CA to Amsterdam: 150Mns (150ms) Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts Source: http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~rcs/research/interactive_latency.html • A key tool in our kit is knowing where latency comes from. • This is our razor, the thing we use to guide our suspicions. • The “Jeff Dean” numbers, really originate out of Berkeley. • They have an interactive graph where you can see the numbers change over time, shout out to the speed of light
  13. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • L1 cache reference: 1ns • Branch

    mispredict: 3ns • Mutex lock/unlock: 17ns • Main memory reference: 100ns • SSD random read: 16,000ns (16µs) • Read 1M bytes from SSD: 123,000ns (123µs) • Round-trip in data center: 500,000ns (500µs) • Read 1M bytes from disk: 1Mns (1ms) • Disk seek: 3Mns (3ms) • Round-trip, CA to Amsterdam: 150Mns (150ms) Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts Source: http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~rcs/research/interactive_latency.html • Python scribbles all over that yellow area • But that’s also where most of the optimization guidelines help • For some applications, those kind of optimizations help a lot. • Not for most applications though, particularly not in the web domain.
  14. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts CPU < RAM <

    SSD < LAN < HDD < WAN • Roughly, CPU is faster than memory is faster than SSD is faster than LAN is faster than disk is faster than Internet. • Knowing the magnitude on each of those less-thans matters a lot (sometimes 4, sometimes 100) • But still: disk & network incur high latency
  15. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts Monitoring is Everything. • One last thing.

    • Last year’s talk, won’t rehash • I’ll be showing a lot of TraceView, because TraceView • Lots of good choices • If you can’t measure it, you can’t know what’s wrong
  16. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts SPOILER ALERT • Usually the database •

    Network + disk • Single bottleneck for all requests • Victorian mystery novel, the butler would be named Postgres
  17. So Let’s Dive • So we have reviewed the book

    of myths. • Checked our knife and camera • Let’s get wet.
  18. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Or if you’re really doing this

    by hand, like this • These aren’t actionable. • You have to identify the problem you want to fix
  19. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • I like to use freq x

    duration, which also might be called cumulative time or total time • Captures really slow outliers • Also captures relatively fast stuff that’s being run a lot • Freq and duration separately can be useful
  20. The Shipwreck-in-a-Bottle Collection • For our dives today, I have

    selected a handful of wrecks • These are not the exact shipwrecks whose gunwales I leaped from as they sank • But rather dioramas that I have built
  21. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • This is a bad response time.

    • Now, averages can be deceiving. • But they’re not right now
  22. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • So we know this endpoint is

    slow. • Which part is slow? • If you have a tool that will split things out by layer, you can look at that.
  23. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Since the database is our main

    suspect, we can also use a slow query log
  24. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • The slow query log shows us

    that one of our queries is taking more than 14 seconds. • Both of these indicators point to a problem with queries
  25. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • OK so here’s the code. •

    Kind of hard to see maybe, but can you see where it’s bad?
  26. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Even a LIKE on an unindexed

    field • This query is exaggeratedly bad • But typical incarnations will do one or more of these things • Maybe 1 second instead of 14. • Can fix these with a better query
  27. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • So 4.2 is better than our

    14s average in the previous example • But it’s not good, especially for stuff that’s this policy-light
  28. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • First thing that jumps out is

    holy crap that’s a lot of queries, two orders of magnitude
  29. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • If we look at a profile

    or a graph of a transaction • A lot of red
  30. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • OK so here’s the code for

    this one. • See the problem? • No? • Where are all those queries coming from?
  31. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Right there. • SQLAlchemy does lazy

    traversal of relationships. • Django too. • So the Rolls and Players are being queried separately — once for each game! • Can maybe fix this by “eagerly joining” relationships • Or maybe reconsider the scalability of the design • Another variation on this problem: same query, many times in single transaction
  32. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Sometimes looking at a heatmap helps

    show how averages are being skewed by outliers • Here everything’s pretty tightly grouped though • One hint: after the break, the cluster is a lot looser
  33. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Top is a detailed view into

    a fast trace • Bottom is a detailed view into a slow trace • Could do with profiling instead, have done that • Nginx olive, wsgi cyan, sqlalchemy red
  34. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Basically the same except a couple

    sqlalchemy queries taking longer • 18.11 for first, 53.53 for second — more than 2x time • So, probably the database. Surprised?
  35. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Cloudwatch CPU on DB for same

    period. • 20% CPU usage pre-spike • 100% at spike
  36. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Now, there’s nothing to see in

    the code, but I thought I’d show it. • Pretty straightforward • Nothing looks too suspicious, nothing looks like it should change based on time
  37. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • So let’s go see what’s going

    on in the DB • Now, our webserver is • So who’s • Won’t necessarily be identifiable by IP -- might need to hunt by query instead • Sometimes you look at nginx logs instead
  38. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Here’s the code. It might look

    familiar. • Once it started up, it beat the snot out of the DB
  39. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • So, this is a wild-looking graph

    • More peaks and valleys than the Rockies
  40. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • This olive area is nginx. •

    If you believe this graph, requests are spending ~30s in nginx!
  41. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Here’s a similar graph from a

    different test run. • Totally different characteristics! • Only similarity is the weird spike in nginx
  42. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Here’s a clue: error rate. •

    This graph matches our first test run: request rate falls off, but errors go away.
  43. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • The second test run • Errors

    throughout • One notable gap where nginx spiked
  44. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Okay enough drama • Top graph

    is from our first test. • Middle graph and bottom are from our second test. • Both reveal a shifting memory profile • Memory topping out a couple times
  45. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • If we look in the server

    log • OOM killer has been killing processes • Segfaults have been killing processes • OMG!
  46. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts • Here’s the code. • What’s wrong

    with what it does? • It seems ok? • But what happens when you pass in a large count?
  47. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts Memory fragmentation • Grossly oversimplifying, Python manages

    memory in various pools • I’ve drawn the same pool at three different points in its lifecycle. • At first it’s of modest size • Then grows to accommodate new objects • Then those objects are collected • But the pool is not shrunk.
  48. Geoff Gerrietts @ggerrietts http://web.wreck.tlys.us/grenade/8 ⟶ 1.1% (46M) http://web.wreck.tlys.us/grenade/64 ⟶ 2.6%

    (105M) http://web.wreck.tlys.us/grenade/128 ⟶ 3.8% (152M) http://web.wreck.tlys.us/grenade/256 ⟶ 6.1% (247M) http://web.wreck.tlys.us/grenade/512 ⟶12.1% (488M) • Watching this on top is pretty interesting • Each request gobbles up a bunch of RAM • Then settles at the new level • 10 workers, 4GB main memory