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Comparing Javascript Frameworks

Comparing Javascript Frameworks

Over the last couple of years, JavaScript has become on the of the most popular programming languages. As a result, there has been a large number of JavaScript frameworks and libraries that have been created. I will walk you through a simple todo application using Angular, React and Vue.

Jennifer Bland

February 23, 2018

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  1. 3 answer at end of presentation Three Truths One Lie

    I asked Prince Charles for his autograph at a UGA football game I attended Prince Phillips birthday party at Edinburgh Castle I attended Easter mass at Windsor Castle with Queen Elizabeth I attended St Johns College Oxford University with Prince Andrew
  2. ANGULAR 10 • IniVally released in October 2010 as AngularJS

    • Angular 2 was released in May 2016 • New versions are updated every 6 months (May & October) • It is a framework • Supported and maintained by Google
  3. ANGULAR Functionality 12 • Component based architecture • Two way

    data binding • Dependency InjecVon • Services and DirecVves • Angular CLI
  4. ANGULAR PROS 13 • Component based architecture • Unit-test friendly

    • Maintainability • Typescript • Plaaorm agnosVc philosophy • Google LTS • Provides complete MVC • Angular CLI
  5. ANGULAR CONS 14 • Animosity in community from AngularJS to

    Angular • Complex • Steep learning curve • Slower DOM interacVon
  6. ANGULAR USED BY 15 • Google • Forbes • weather.com

    • healthcare.gov • PayPal • Nike • HBO • General Motors • Sony
  7. REACT 18 • IniVally released in March 2013 • New

    versions are updated annually • It is a library • Supported and maintained by Facebook
  8. REACT 19 • Provides just the V in MVC •

    AgnosVc to your data layer • Implements a Virtual DOM • Uses JSX
  9. REACT PROS 21 • Zero ConfiguraVon • Virtual DOM •

    Components • One way data binding
  10. REACT CONS 22 • Lack of tests • Have to

    use other products to create full applicaVon • MulVple ways of creaVng React applicaVon • Have to use React NaVve for hybrid mobile applicaVons • Poor documentaVon • No templates
  11. REACT USED BY 23 • Facebook • AirBnb • Uber

    • NetFlix • TwiNer • Pinterest • Stripe • Walmart
  12. VUE

  13. VUE 26 • IniVally released in February 2014 • New

    versions are updated whenever • It is a framework • Not backed by a major company
  14. VUE 27 • Provides just the V in MVC •

    AgnosVc to your data layer • Implements a Virtual DOM • Uses JSX
  15. VUE PROS 29 • Ease of understanding and development •

    Small size - fast • Simple integraVon • Great documentaVon • Templates
  16. GUIDELINES 34 • Learning Curve • Framework vs Library •

    Scaling • Mobile needed? • Stability • Community support
  17. 36 answer at end of presentation Three Truths One Lie

    I asked Prince Charles for his autograph at a UGA football game I attended Prince Phillips birthday party at Edinburgh Castle I attended Easter mass at Windsor Castle with Queen Elizabeth I attended St Johns College Oxford University with Prince Andrew