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Kickass Development Environments with Docker (B...

Kickass Development Environments with Docker (BrightonPHP, May, 2017)

Docker, the hottest technology around at the moment. It swept the Ops world by storm in 2014, became mainstream in 2015, and now it’s set to dominate the developer world, in 2016.

Docker is a tool that allows you to package your application up into a single-runnable distributable binary - akin to the phar, but in Hulk mode. Docker allows you, a developer, to specify the exact environment your application needs to run, across development; test; staging; and production.

In this talk I will cover the creation of this utopian distributable and show you how to can compose your entire production infrastructure locally with only a small YAML file and without installing a single thing.

Lets say hello, to Docker.

David McKay

May 15, 2017

More Decks by David McKay

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  1. @rawkode Organiser of Things: ◍ ScotlandPHP ◍ Docker Glasgow ◍

    DevOps Glasgow ◍ MongoDB Glasgow ◍ PairProg Glasgow Consultant: ◍ PHP / Go / Elixir ◍ Docker / CI / CD ◍ DevOps / SaltStack ◍ Event-Driven Systems ◍ CQRS / ES
  2. Docker & Moby Moby ◍ containerd ◍ RunC ◍ Libnetwork

    ◍ Compose ◍ Notary ◍ All the Kits Docker, Inc. ◍ Docker CE ◍ Docker EE
  3. My Development Environment Circa 2000 $ tree awesome-million-pound-project └── src

    ├── game.php ├── game.php.bk-david ├── game.php.bk-deano ├── main.php ├── main.php.maybe-fixed ├── main.php.bk-1999-12-02 ├── main.php.bk-1999-12-02.2 ├── player.php ├── player.php.orig └── .swp.player.php
  4. My Development Production Environment Circa 2000 $ tree awesome-million-pound-project └──

    src ├── game.php ├── game.php.bk-david ├── game.php.bk-deano ├── main.php ├── main.php.maybe-fixed ├── main.php.bk-1999-12-02 ├── main.php.bk-1999-12-02.2 ├── player.php ├── player.php.orig └── .swp.player.php
  5. “ Docker allows you to package an application with all

    of its dependencies into a standardized unit for software development.
  6. Docker ◍ Image Builder ◍ Virtualisation ◍ Image Delivery ◍

    Orchestration (Dev) ➔ docker build ➔ docker run ➔ docker push / pull ➔ docker-compose
  7. (Simplified) Dockerfile for PHP FROM ubuntu:17.04 RUN apt install -y

    php-cli COPY hello.php /code WORKDIR /code ENTRYPOINT [“php”] CMD [“-v”]
  8. (Simplified) Dockerfile for PHP FROM ubuntu:17.04 RUN apt install -y

    php-cli COPY hello.php /code WORKDIR /code ENTRYPOINT [“php”] CMD [“-v”]
  9. (Simplified) Dockerfile for PHP FROM ubuntu:17.04 RUN apt install -y

    php-cli COPY hello.php /code WORKDIR /code ENTRYPOINT [“php”] CMD [“-v”]
  10. (Simplified) Dockerfile for PHP FROM ubuntu:17.04 RUN apt install -y

    php-cli COPY hello.php /code WORKDIR /code ENTRYPOINT [“php”] CMD [“-v”]
  11. (Simplified) Dockerfile for PHP FROM ubuntu:17.04 RUN apt install -y

    php-cli COPY hello.php /code WORKDIR /code ENTRYPOINT [“php”] CMD [“-v”]
  12. ENTRYPOINT and CMD Explained in 17 seconds ... CMD [“echo”,

    “Hello”] in a Dockerfile docker run my-image == $ Hello
  13. ENTRYPOINT and CMD Explained in 13 seconds ... CMD [“echo”,

    “Hello”] in a Dockerfile docker run my-image echo Goodbye == $ Goodbye
  14. ENTRYPOINT and CMD Explained in 10 seconds ... ENTRYPOINT [“echo”]

    CMD [“Hello”] in a Dockerfile docker run my-image == $ Hello
  15. ENTRYPOINT and CMD Explained in 7 seconds ... ENTRYPOINT [“echo”]

    CMD [“Hello”] in a Dockerfile docker run --entrypoint=”echo” my-image Woop! == $ Woop!
  16. ENTRYPOINT and CMD Explained in 4 seconds ... ENTRYPOINT [“echo”]

    CMD [“Hello”] in a Dockerfile docker run --entrypoint=”echo” my-image == $
  17. Docker ◍ Image Builder ◍ Virtualisation ◍ Image Delivery ◍

    Orchestration (Dev) ➔ docker build ➔ docker run ➔ docker push / pull ➔ docker-compose
  18. Docker ◍ Image Builder ◍ Virtualisation ◍ Image Delivery ◍

    Orchestration (Dev) ➔ docker build ➔ docker run ➔ docker push / pull ➔ docker-compose
  19. docker-compose.yml version: “2.1” services: php: image: php:7 … database: image:

    mariadb:latest environment: MYSQL_USERNAME: rawkode MYSQL_PASSWORD: *******
  20. docker-compose.yml version: “2.1” services: php: image: php:7 … database: image:

    mariadb:latest environment: MYSQL_USERNAME: rawkode MYSQL_PASSWORD: *******
  21. docker-compose.yml version: “2.1” services: php: image: php:7 healthcheck: test: nc

    -z localhost 80 depends_on: database: condition: service_healthy
  22. Docker ◍ Image Builder ◍ Virtualisation ◍ Image Delivery ◍

    Orchestration (Dev) ➔ docker build ➔ docker run ➔ docker push / pull ➔ docker-compose
  23. Tips: Mindful of Network Collisions Every new docker-compose file is,

    potentially, a new docker network / bridge on your host. Eventually, you’ll get a collision docker-compose down
  24. Tips: Alpine Linux Unless you need Ubuntu / Fedora, use

    Alpine Linux Ubuntu -- 130MB Alpine -- 3.99MB
  25. Tips: Keep a Single Dockerfile Using ONBUILD, you can usually

    keep your project to a single Dockerfile ONBUILD COPY . /code echo “FROM base” > Dockerfile
  26. Tips: Routine Build of Base Images There’s no build cascading,

    ensure you have nightly / weekly / regular triggers on images that aren’t modified often
  27. Docker ◍ Image Builder ◍ Virtualisation ◍ Image Delivery ◍

    Orchestration (Dev) ◍ Log Collection ◍ Resource Management ◍ Orchestration (Prod) ◍ Secret Management ➔ docker build ➔ docker run ➔ docker push / pull ➔ Docker-compose ➔ docker run ➔ docker run ➔ docker swarm ➔ docker secret