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Talk about the Pomodoro Technique presented at Agile Warsaw meeting.

Robert Wijas

January 24, 2011

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  1. BAD GUYS Procrastination! Have to vs. want to! Fear of

    failure or criticism! Perfectionism! Push, not pull! Complex tasks! Interruptions
  2. GOOD GUY FRANCESCO CIRILLO It all started in late 80s!

    Defined in 1992! Problem: low productivity, wasting time! “Can you study - really study - for 10 minutes?”
  3. RULES Pomodoro cannot be interrupted! Pomodoro cannot be split up

    - it’s atomic! You're NOT allowed to keep on working "just for a few more minutes"! Every 4 pomodoros take to long break! If a Pomodoro Begins, It Has to Ring
  4. YOU NEED A BREAK You forget about the wholeness while

    in the flow! The brain needs time to stabilize memories, see patterns, make conclusions! It's not good idea to engage in activities that call for any significant mental effort
  5. INTERNAL INTERRUPTIONS Make interruptions clearly visible! Mark with apostrophe! Record

    the task! Back to work It's a different mind that reads over those items at the end of a Pomodoro, or a set of four.

    IS URGENT IS SELDOM IMPORTANT.“! EISENHOWER Next pomodoro! Re-schedule! If it's REALLY urgent than void the pomodoro - after handling interruption take a break and start another
  7. ESTIMATION Estimate tasks in pomodoros! Available pomodoros! Mark unplanned task

    - you can assess your ability to identify the number and type of activities! ! Find and combine similar small activities to ADD UP to one pomdoro! If it takes more than 5-7 pomodoros BREAK IT DOWN
  8. POMODORO GOALS Remove anxiety for duration! Enhance focus and concentration!

    Decrease interruptions! Awarness of your decisions! Constant motivation! Determination to achive your goals! Refine the estimation process ! Improve your work process! Regulate complexity
  9. LENGTH & STRUCTURE 20-45min! 30 (25+5) works best ! !

    BEGIN (3-5 min), briefly repeat! DO! END (3-5 min), review
  10. POMODORO SOUND Conditioned reflex! "It's ticking and I'm working and

    everything's fine"! others know you're working - thay learn to RESPECT THE POMODORO
  11. POMODORO EFFECTS ON PERSEPTION OF TIME The distinction between free

    time and work time is clear! You feel the mid-way point of pomodoro, you feel the last 5 minutes, sense of fatigue
  12. WARNINGS Too long breaks - more than 5 minutes may

    break the rhythm! Ring anxiety - people not used to self-discipline or oriented toward achieving results! DO NOT USE POMODORO FOR YOUR FREE TIME
  13. TEAM Working with others - team-member-to-team- member questions as external

    interruptions! Tracking meetings! Pomodoro synchronization! Pair work rythm
  14. POMODORO & AGILE Adaptive! Inverting the dependency(pomodoro - sprint)! Regulating

    complexity! Iteration! Observation and feedback, review and continious improvement! Sustainable pace

    able to keep ourselves concentrated without a timer ticketing on our desk?”! “What should I reply to my customer who is calling me, possibly from the other side of the ocean? That I am in the middle of my pomodoro and I can't break it? Oh, please.”! “So please, bring back your timer to your kitchen and start working in a more professional and effective way.”
  16. The Pomodoro Technique™! Download the Pomodoro Technique Book free in

    pdf! Pomodoro Technique Illustrated | Staffan Noteberg's critically acclaimed book