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How to become a T-shaped talent as software dev...

Sammy Lin
December 04, 2020

How to become a T-shaped talent as software developer

2020-12-04 How to become a T-shaped talent as software developer @ AWS Dev Day 2020

Sammy Lin

December 04, 2020


  1. © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All

    rights reserved. T A I P E I 1 2 . 0 4 . 2 0
  2. C I T Y N A M E How to

    become a T-shaped talent as software developer Sammy Li n Engineering Directo r 17LIVE Inc. Kevin Lin , Territory B D AWS 1 2 . 0 4 . 2 0
  3. C I T Y N A M E How to

    become a T-shaped talent’s as software developer Sammy Li n Engineering Directo r 17LIVE Inc. Kevin Lin , Territory B D AWS 1 2 . 0 4 . 2 0 What make team is importment?
  4. Sammy Lin • 17LIVE Engineering Directo r • Hobbie s

    • Cookin g • Film editin g • DI Y • Experience s • Translated books • Sellin g • A dad. Have two child.
  5. Sammy Lin • 17LIVE Engineering Directo r • Hobbie s

    • Cookin g • Film editin g • DI Y • Experience s • Translated books • Sellin g • A dad. Have two child.
  6. Sammy Lin • 17LIVE Engineering Directo r • Hobbie s

    • Cookin g • Film editin g • DI Y • Experience s • Translated books • Sellin g • A dad. Have two child. • Certification s • 會計丙級 • ⾦⼯丙級 • AWS
  7. The idea of T-shaped skills was first mentioned by David

    Gues t in a 1991 article discussing the future of computer jobs.
  8. © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All

    rights reserved. “They have a principal skill that describes the vertical leg of the T — they’re mechanical engineers or industrial designers. But they are so empathetic that they can branch out into other skills, such as anthropology, and do them as well.” Tim Brow n Chair of IDEO
  9. © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All

    rights reserved. The benefits which own T-shaped for personal.
  10. The personal benefits of T-shaped talent Easy to collaborating with

    others. Image refer to: https://www.wrike.com/blog/expert-tips-to-get-your-team-to-collaborate-effectively/
  11. The personal benefits of T-shaped talent You stay interested. Image

    refer to: https://patch.com/new-hampshire/hampton-northhampton/how-playing-legos-help-kids-learn
  12. The personal benefits of T-shaped talent You experience the satisfaction

    of depth. Image refer to: https://www.netigate.net/articles/human-resources/how-the-employee-satisfaction-index-esi-works-and-how-to-use-it/
  13. The personal benefits of T-shaped talent become more creative Image

    refer to: https://en.rockcontent.com/blog/creative-thinking-skills/
  14. The personal benefits of T-shaped talent Easy to get a

    job Image refer to: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/77086/9-new-skills-could-make-you-more-attractive-employers
  15. The personal benefits of T-shaped talent • You’re better at

    collaborating with others . • You stay interested . • You experience the satisfaction of depth.   • You become more creative . • You’re more attractive to employers.
  16. T-shaped people means we can do more with the same

    number of people (or do the same with less people).
  17. 17LIVE engineering real case • SRE • Change ownership(Databases and

    vender window ) • Q A • shift feature teams
  18. © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All

    rights reserved. The benefits which own T-shaped talents for the team
  19. The benefits which own T-shaped talents for the team •

    Efficient discussio n • Two heads are better than on e • Speed up hand ove r • Eliminate unnecessary legacie s • Creative development • Communication positivel y • Easy to backu p • Shiftable
  20. © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All

    rights reserved. How to become a T-shaped talent
  21. How to become a T-shaped talent • As individua l

    • Seek a coach not bos s • Attempt to take tasks you not good at • Explore new domain s • Find yourself through getting certifications
  22. How to become a T-shaped talent • As Manager •

    Build a T-shaped tea m • Modify your interview proces s • Understand your team’s bottleneck s • Create more opportunitie s • 適時安排不適任的⼈做不適的事
  23. © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All

    rights reserved. Thinking about what can you benefit your jobs or life 
 when you combine branch skill.
  24. © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All

    rights reserved. Thinking about what can you benefit your jobs or life 
 when you combine branch skill.
  25. © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All

    rights reserved. Thinking about what can you benefit your jobs or life 
 when you combine branch skill.
  26. Thank you! © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its

    affiliates. All rights reserved. Sammy Li n [email protected]