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MoominValley S2 ep12 - Little My and the Fisherman

MoominValley S2 ep12 - Little My and the Fisherman

Storyboard from the episode: "The Sea Horses", season 2 of Moominvalley by Gutsy Animations

The Moomin family have been staying on an island for a while, Moominpappa having taken the responsability of an abandoned lighthouse.
Little My has made friend with a lonely and strange Fisherman living in a shed on the other side of the island.
A big storm is closing in, the fisherman is getting ready for the blast.

Sarah Dhorne

July 26, 2024


  1. Scene 010 Duration 00:20 Panel 010 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Trouble’s coming!

    I told you! MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 1/200
  2. Scene 010 Duration 00:20 Panel 020 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Trouble’s coming!

    I told you! MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 2/200
  3. Scene 010 Duration 00:20 Panel 030 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Trouble’s coming!

    I told you! MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 3/200
  4. Scene 010 Duration 00:20 Panel 040 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Trouble’s coming!

    I told you! MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 4/200
  5. Scene 040 Duration 01:01 Panel 020 Duration 00:05 Little My_

    So why not get yourself somewhere a bit safer? MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 13/200
  6. Scene 040 Duration 01:01 Panel 030 Duration 00:05 Little My_

    So why not get yourself somewhere a bit safer? MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 14/200
  7. Scene 040 Duration 01:01 Panel 040 Duration 00:05 Little My_

    So why not get yourself somewhere a bit safer? MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 15/200
  8. Scene 040 Duration 01:01 Panel 050 Duration 00:05 Little My_

    So why not get yourself somewhere a bit safer? MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 16/200
  9. Scene 050 Duration 00:20 Panel 010 Duration 00:05 Little My_

    So why not get yourself somewhere a bit safer? MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 17/200
  10. Scene 050 Duration 00:20 Panel 020 Duration 00:05 Little My_

    So why not get yourself somewhere a bit safer? MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 18/200
  11. Scene 060 Duration 01:16 Panel 020 Duration 00:05 Little My_One

    strong-willed wave and this old crate will end up in the sea MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 22/200
  12. Scene 060 Duration 01:16 Panel 030 Duration 00:05 Little My_One

    strong-willed wave and this old crate will end up in the sea MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 23/200
  13. Scene 060 Duration 01:16 Panel 040 Duration 00:05 Little My_One

    strong-willed wave and this old crate will end up in the sea MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 24/200
  14. Scene 060 Duration 01:16 Panel 050 Duration 00:05 Little My_One

    strong-willed wave and this old crate will end up in the sea MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 25/200
  15. Scene 060 Duration 01:16 Panel 060 Duration 00:05 Little My_One

    strong-willed wave and this old crate will end up in the sea MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 26/200
  16. Scene 070 Duration 02:12 Panel 060 Duration 00:05 Little My_

    and you along with it! MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 34/200
  17. Scene 070 Duration 02:12 Panel 090 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Codswallop. I’m

    perfectly safe here. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 37/200
  18. Scene 070 Duration 02:12 Panel 100 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Codswallop. I’m

    perfectly safe here. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 38/200
  19. Scene 070 Duration 02:12 Panel 110 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Codswallop. I’m

    perfectly safe here. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 39/200
  20. Scene 070 Duration 02:12 Panel 120 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Codswallop. I’m

    perfectly safe here. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 40/200
  21. Scene 080 Duration 01:01 Panel 010 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Codswallop. I’m

    perfectly safe here. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 41/200
  22. Scene 080 Duration 01:01 Panel 020 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Codswallop. I’m

    perfectly safe here. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 42/200
  23. Scene 090 Duration 01:16 Panel 060 Duration 00:05 Fisherman _See!

    MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 51/200
  24. Scene 140 Duration 01:01 Panel 010 Duration 00:05 Little My_Waaaaa

    MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 75/200
  25. Scene 140 Duration 01:01 Panel 020 Duration 00:05 Little My_Waaaaa

    MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 76/200
  26. Scene 150 Duration 01:21 Panel 030 Duration 00:05 Little My_Right!

    MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 82/200
  27. Scene 210 Duration 00:20 Panel 040 Duration 00:05 Little My_You

    told me you'd never been in the lighthouse. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 105/200
  28. Scene 220 Duration 01:11 Panel 040 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Strike the

    mainsail! MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 109/200
  29. Scene 220 Duration 01:11 Panel 050 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Strike the

    mainsail! MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 110/200
  30. Scene 220 Duration 01:11 Panel 060 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Strike the

    mainsail! MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 111/200
  31. Scene 250 Duration 01:11 Panel 030 Duration 00:05 Little My_Where's

    the lighthouse keeper? MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 124/200
  32. Scene 250 Duration 01:11 Panel 040 Duration 00:05 Little My_Where's

    the lighthouse keeper? MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 125/200
  33. Scene 250 Duration 01:11 Panel 050 Duration 00:05 Little My_Where's

    the lighthouse keeper? MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 126/200
  34. Scene 260 Duration 01:06 Panel 040 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Panic stations!

    <ALARM BELL RINGING> MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 132/200
  35. Scene 260 Duration 01:06 Panel 050 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Panic stations!

    <ALARM BELL RINGING> MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 133/200
  36. Scene 260 Duration 01:06 Panel 060 Duration 00:05 <ALARM BELL

    RINGING> MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 134/200
  37. Scene 270 Duration 00:20 Panel 040 Duration 00:05 Little My_What

    did you do to him? MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 138/200
  38. Scene 300 Duration 01:16 Panel 020 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_Okay. Okay

    little mermaid. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 144/200
  39. Scene 300 Duration 01:16 Panel 030 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_You want

    to know the truth. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 145/200
  40. Scene 300 Duration 01:16 Panel 040 Duration 00:05 Ficherman_I'll tell

    you... MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 146/200
  41. Scene 300 Duration 01:16 Panel 050 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_I got

    rid of him! MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 147/200
  42. Scene 320 Duration 01:16 Panel 070 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_It's no

    use. You can't get out. It's locked. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 162/200
  43. Scene 320 Duration 01:16 Panel 080 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_It's no

    use. You can't get out. It's locked. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 163/200
  44. Scene 330 Duration 00:15 Panel 010 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_It's no

    use. You can't get out. It's locked. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 164/200
  45. Scene 330 Duration 00:15 Panel 020 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_It's no

    use. You can't get out. It's locked. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 165/200
  46. Scene 330 Duration 00:15 Panel 030 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_It's no

    use. You can't get out. It's locked. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 166/200
  47. Scene 380 Duration 03:03 Panel 080 Duration 00:05 Fisherman_It was

    the only way I could survive. MoominValley S2 ep2012 c170to190 Page 193/200