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Navigating ecommerce migrations - Emma Russell ...

Navigating ecommerce migrations - Emma Russell - SearchNorwich 17

In this talk from SearchNorwich 17, Emma Russell explains what the different types of migrations are and when you might encounter them.

This talk also includes examples of some migration horror stories and a framework to follow for SEO when doing a domain name migration.

About Emma Russell:
Emma spent over a decade working in SEO, both in-house and with agencies, before founding Oxford Comma, an SEO agency creating bespoke strategies for e-commerce companies. She has worked with companies including Sure Deodorant, House of Fraser and Mitsubishi.

Day to day, Emma works closely with other members of the team to ensure all our clients reach their full growth potential, and oversees all areas of Oxford Comma.


August 29, 2024

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  1. EEAT Emma Russell fact file 🚀 Morally grey Dr in

    Godzilla: King of Monsters 🚀 Brilliant but rebellious maverick 🚀 Environmental activist 🚀 Releases Godzilla’s nemesis, King Ghidorah
  2. EEAT Emma Russell fact file 🚀 Founder of Oxford Comma

    Digital 🚀 E-commerce SEO 🚀 In my spare time I knit 🚀 Seen some migration horrors
  3. There are many different types of migration Domain name migration

    Platform migration Hosting migration Redesign
  4. What is a domain name migration? Moving from one name

    of a website to another For example: https://herfreesoul.com to https://freesoul.com
  5. Why are domain name migrations done? ➔ A company is

    bought by another and renamed ➔ A company wants to tweak their target audience ➔ A company wants to reframe their branding
  6. What are some common pitfalls? ➔ Redirects aren’t added properly

    and Google or other search engines can’t find your new content ➔ You’ve built up authority under one name, which is then difficult to transfer to a new name
  7. What is a platform migration? Moving from one tech stack

    to another For example Moving from Squarespace to Shopify
  8. Why move platforms? ➔ You’ve outgrown your platform and have

    new requirements that your platform can’t meet ➔ You have requirements you didn’t realise you had and need a platform that meets those requirements
  9. What are some common pitfalls? Your new platform still doesn’t

    have everything you need Your new platform relies heavily on client-side JS and Google isn’t putting in the resources to render it
  10. What is a hosting migration? Moving from one host/server to

    another For example: Moving from GoDaddy to 20i
  11. Why change hosting? ➔ Some servers won’t guarantee enough uptime

    for your needs or prove unreliable (*cough, GoDaddy, *cough) ➔ As you grow you might need something more scalable ➔ You might want more control over your servers
  12. What are some common pitfalls? ➔ Choosing GoDaddy as your

    hosting provider ➔ Understand the full server setup e.g. are you using something like Cloudflare? ➔ Are there speed implications? ➔ ALWAYS UNDERSTAND IF THERE’S GOING TO BE DOWNTIME
  13. What is a redesign? Changing the look and feel, including

    potentially, the taxonomy of your site For example Getting a branding refresh
  14. What are some common pitfalls? ➔ In the process of

    redesigning, sometimes companies decide to remove sections of the site that actually drive a lot of traffic ➔ You can say “if you’re happy to sign off an X% decrease, then it’s fine” - get this in writing
  15. Common misconceptions 1. Migrations are just about getting your redirects

    right 2. You’ll always lose traffic in a migration a. Migrations always drop 15% of traffic 3. A migration is always a really long project 4. A migration can be done over a weekend
  16. Step 1: Understand what’s changing By understanding what’s changing you

    can understand what you need to set out in your requirements
  17. Step 2: Understand if this is a chance to make

    improvements Maintaining what you have Going after growth
  18. Step 3: Assess what’s working well and benchmark You need

    to benchmark traffic and everything that’s getting you that level of traffic
  19. Step 3: Assess what’s working well and benchmark As SEOs

    and marketers you need to drive what to keep or what to remove. You should have sign off.
  20. Step 6: Solutioning and cutover tasks Other than testing, you

    may have things you need to do, such as submitting XML Sitemaps to GSC etc.
  21. Step 7: Testing Tell them in advance what the high

    priority issues are and how you’ll communicate them
  22. Step 7: Testing Test against your requirements for staging and

    live. Nothing should be a surprise on live.